Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lying and the i feel

Lying and telling the truth... hmm...

I think that lying is not good at all but yet I still have done it. Telling the truth is genna get you farther in life then lying.

I think that if you tell the truth but not the whole truth then, its not lying but its not telling the truth, your just telling a story with lots of parts left out. Telling the truth is a good way to feel better I think.

I am the type of person who likes to tell some one what I really think. So lying to me isn't really an option. To others lying is the only way they can tell someone what they have heard or how they really feel. For others the truth is the best.

So I honestly think it depends on the person who is talking, what there personalities are, and the other thing I feel like it depends on is who you are telling it to. I would never suggest to tell a lie to your parents.


  1. Why is telling the truth going to get you farther in life than lying? In general, I mean.

  2. Well, if you tell the truth then you can get that burden or whatever it is off of your shoulders. Yeah things may not always go to well, but at least you didn't have to lie about it and then down the road they (the person(s) find out about it and then you get in even more trouble. And by telling the truth you will get on with life instead of lying about it then finding out about it down the road. That's why I think you get farther in life by telling the truth then lying.


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