Friday, September 18, 2009

hmm ...

Let me think, so, I have to ask some question.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

What did all of you think of our first pep. assembly?

Personally me i thought it was rather lame sauce because there wasn't really enough time and they didn't even announce who came in 2nd, 3rd or 4th place.

Plus us sophomores need to get some more spirit.

Oh by the way Mr. Humphrey you oh me 15 cents.


  1. I got a note from my mom and skipped >:D Well, I have really sensitive ears -.-

  2. I liked the first pep assembly, it was funny. I think they should've announced who won second third and fourth, but they didnt and life will go on. So its ok.

  3. It was completely bogus! We are at school to learn not to get all gitty and cheer for a very pointless thing. I think that should be the last pep assembly ever!

  4. It kind of seemed pointless. I really did not understand it. I mean it is nice to congradulate and recognize our teams, but we do not need a 45 minute or however long assembly for it. I expect them to be better though they had some fun ones last year.

  5. Screw pep assemblys. I went to Jamba Juice.

  6. Pep assemblies = headaches and embarassment. i dont like them. Wish we had more School Spirit though. Then if everyone participated it might be more enjoyable. This year seems very chaotic too. Come on leadership! get organized! idk.....

  7. I oppose pep assemblies, because I oppose school spirit. I think you should be proud of your accomplishments, and you should be proud of your teammates' accomplishments, and you should always honor those who do particularly well at something -- but supporting a group/person/team just for the sake of supporting them always seems hollow to me. I feel the same way about nationalism and any other fervently held loyalty that comes only from chance association, rather than choice and shared values. I also think pep assemblies take too much time, honor sports too much and academic achievements not enough -- not nearly enough -- and can sometimes be in very poor taste.

    Amanda, do you want that in money or points?

  8. Umm... it was boring and stupid, and i honestly cant recall anything from it. My short term memory must have lost a few THOUSAND from all the YELLING and SCREAMING that went on...

  9. Lets see i listened to some good music and my butt really hurt from sitting on a hard wooden bench thats about all i remember so not bad.

  10. Wasn't the first one the cross country one? Where I was forced to participate and had to drink horridly thick chocolate milk (then I had to go on a 3 mile run stomach hurt so badly!) and then I was dropped... yeah I wasn't much impressed by that assembly

  11. I am sorry that you got dropped on at the assembly, and the horribly thick chocolate milk.

  12. My thoughts are the same as the one I expressed in my response to topic #4.
    I do not think that sophomores need more spirit. I only stand up to appease the students around me.

  13. I think our first assembly was okay, because as a freshmen it was really cool to me. This time I felt a little bored.

  14. It was so unnotable (sorry, I know that's spelled wrong but spell check doesn't even know what I'm trying to spell haha) that I honestly don't remember any of it.

  15. i thought it was pretty good. :)

  16. I honestly dont remember....

  17. I skipped it.

    (Mr Humphrey, the sentence above is a lie)

  18. Hmm...I can't remember if I went to that or not...because personally I think all pep assemblies are lame.

  19. I wasn't all that thrilled about it, I think we could have done something to have more fun but whatever, we can bring it next time.

  20. Meh. just like every other pep assembly, ill sit there and yell, but i don't really care :/ so w/evz.

  21. I love pep assemblies and Im very into school activities and functions. Thats me. Im outgoing and get kinda of crazy!

  22. I think the assemblies are going fine.
    We've been doing fine as a sophomore class and I'm optimistic towards them.

  23. mr humphrey i want that in points


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