Friday, July 2, 2010

ah .. summer

how i miss school .. i really actually miss school
not thw ork but my friends ... i miss all of u

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sorry if this is a little late, but i didn't know that this was even a topic so i'm doing it on the last day. I can't think of one time in my life where i have surrendered, or given up. Honestly I am the type of person who never gives up if I really want something and I hope i will always be like that. If you give up on everything and surrender when the road gets tough then you will never go anywhere and when you follow through on things and work hard, then you will gain something at some point in your life. The people who work hard to accomplish their dreams are the people who never gave up and worked hard to make a living for themselves and got somewhere no matter what got in the way. Staying strong builds character, and makes life worth living.

Monday, June 14, 2010

final blog (read comment. again.)

The blog continues?

I have a huge headahce and have been pulling out all of the stops for school the last month or so and man, am I exhausted? Yes I am. Honest to God, I have no idea how I did on the Caesar test. I just am glad it is all over. Yes, yes ma'am.

I am now doing this, then am going to finish my chemistry review. I already finished my project 8 for Photo and am just... finishing lots of things now. I'd rather be sleeping. But I'm not.

Looking back on the year, I did alright. I don't really remember how I felt in the early part of the year. I think I was ok. I was busy. The last half up until a month ago was great and now, well life just sucks but hey... That's how the cookie crumbles.

I have become so hungry for a 4.0 this term. I want it SO bad. It's kind of manic. I hope I will. I really, really do.

I really need to stretch. Looking forward, I'm excited for the summer. It isn't organized at all but by the end of the week, that will be all figured out. Trust me. Or else I'll just be super stressed and that isn't happening. Right now though, I'm just gonna breathe because... my five minutes are up.

It's been fun, see y'all in Vegas.


this is the last blog i will do for this class and i'm not going to lie, it feels kind of good. for this last year i feel like it was a good one. i will admit my grades did slip a little and i could have done better than the grades i have. this year had a lot of memories that went along with it, and i won't forget most of them. for the next year coming, i want to improve my grades and make some more good memories. i wish that i can get a succesful job and earn some money of my own.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Need "\b" key!!!

Look back:

    I think that the highlight of this school year, in Mr. HAT's class and in general, would be the time we spent on poetry, and the time spent on F-451. The class I learned the most in, would, however, be Chemistry. This is mainly due to the fact that I started out with almost no knowledge of the subject. Now I have a high enough grade in that class that even if I got a complete zero on the final my grade would still be over 100%.
    Aside from academics I have found some people sane enough (or insane enough as the case may be) to hang out with at school, and I have successfully made my first and second computer games using SDL and C++.

Look forward:

    I am certainly not looking forward to the next school year, but I hope to enjoy the next English class and school without Mr. Williams' class. I will probably spend lunch period in Mr. HAT's room still, but depending on whether or not annoying guitar playing kids are in there I may spend them in the library.
    I am hoping for another great summer this year. The summer before last summer was the best one I can remember, and although I don't think this one will come very close to it I have high expectations for it. I plan on spending time with my dad working on projects. We have plans for aluminum casting, making hybrid bicycles, running engines on propane, and more...

looking up:

    For a wish in which I could not change the world or (I presume) the country without deserving to crawl in a hole and die, I would probably wish for a resolution to conflicts within my family and the solving of our larger problems.


Starting now...

Well since the backspace key doews not come out I will need to content myself with simply avoiding it . It is hard for mye to wrap my mind around the consept that this is to be our last blog post. Typing a post on the ist bllog for the last time is just ;;... odd. Wow. I didn't realist how much I really use the backspace key. At least I am tnot typing this on my little laptop. It is really rather hard not to press mulptiple keys at the same time on it. Annoyingly it is rater hard to do anything on it right now. If accidenly left it unplugged an running so it efventually ran out of powwer and died on me. Normally this would not be a bickgg () arrg I need a backspace key!) big problem but when I came ca backe to it and ru turned it on I didn't plug it it in be4cause it I didn't realise what had a happened. It died befor It ieven started up. This corrubpe \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ( \b is the C++ charicter for the key backspace. Is that cheating to use it?) This corrupted part of my OS so it will not shut tow down properly. Guess I need to install Linux ... again.

Well that is the end of the five minutes. Have a great summer!

LAST BLOG!!!! :)

This is exciting. I don't have to write on here any more lol because I always forget.
Anyways looking back I probably wouldn't take back anything. Im not someone who really wants to take back anything, cause I really believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

Future... I'm definately going to an out of state college, I want out of OR. I cant wait to leave! Also I decided I think im going to become a Civil Engineer and go into Cathotic Protective Specialist.

Now I write for five mins...
Let's see... um my parents are down stairs watching TV and its freaking annoying, I want them to go up stairs.
I went to Klamath Falls this weekend and helped my brother pack all his crap and clean his whole house and move back home.. which I dont really want him back home but what ev.
I got to see all the girls I know down there, we hung out and went to dinner and had a blast together Saturday night.
I also started talking to an old friend again..which I dont know if its a good or bad thing. I saw him this weekend and it was kinda weird but now were we'll see what happens.
I want to watch greys anatomy!
I want coffee... yum :)
I dont want to be doing this write now. I need to be studying for my FINALS tomorrow, which I really hope im going to do okay on...espically my english one....

YES times up! bye blog