Friday, July 2, 2010

ah .. summer

how i miss school .. i really actually miss school
not thw ork but my friends ... i miss all of u

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sorry if this is a little late, but i didn't know that this was even a topic so i'm doing it on the last day. I can't think of one time in my life where i have surrendered, or given up. Honestly I am the type of person who never gives up if I really want something and I hope i will always be like that. If you give up on everything and surrender when the road gets tough then you will never go anywhere and when you follow through on things and work hard, then you will gain something at some point in your life. The people who work hard to accomplish their dreams are the people who never gave up and worked hard to make a living for themselves and got somewhere no matter what got in the way. Staying strong builds character, and makes life worth living.

Monday, June 14, 2010

final blog (read comment. again.)

The blog continues?

I have a huge headahce and have been pulling out all of the stops for school the last month or so and man, am I exhausted? Yes I am. Honest to God, I have no idea how I did on the Caesar test. I just am glad it is all over. Yes, yes ma'am.

I am now doing this, then am going to finish my chemistry review. I already finished my project 8 for Photo and am just... finishing lots of things now. I'd rather be sleeping. But I'm not.

Looking back on the year, I did alright. I don't really remember how I felt in the early part of the year. I think I was ok. I was busy. The last half up until a month ago was great and now, well life just sucks but hey... That's how the cookie crumbles.

I have become so hungry for a 4.0 this term. I want it SO bad. It's kind of manic. I hope I will. I really, really do.

I really need to stretch. Looking forward, I'm excited for the summer. It isn't organized at all but by the end of the week, that will be all figured out. Trust me. Or else I'll just be super stressed and that isn't happening. Right now though, I'm just gonna breathe because... my five minutes are up.

It's been fun, see y'all in Vegas.


this is the last blog i will do for this class and i'm not going to lie, it feels kind of good. for this last year i feel like it was a good one. i will admit my grades did slip a little and i could have done better than the grades i have. this year had a lot of memories that went along with it, and i won't forget most of them. for the next year coming, i want to improve my grades and make some more good memories. i wish that i can get a succesful job and earn some money of my own.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Need "\b" key!!!

Look back:

    I think that the highlight of this school year, in Mr. HAT's class and in general, would be the time we spent on poetry, and the time spent on F-451. The class I learned the most in, would, however, be Chemistry. This is mainly due to the fact that I started out with almost no knowledge of the subject. Now I have a high enough grade in that class that even if I got a complete zero on the final my grade would still be over 100%.
    Aside from academics I have found some people sane enough (or insane enough as the case may be) to hang out with at school, and I have successfully made my first and second computer games using SDL and C++.

Look forward:

    I am certainly not looking forward to the next school year, but I hope to enjoy the next English class and school without Mr. Williams' class. I will probably spend lunch period in Mr. HAT's room still, but depending on whether or not annoying guitar playing kids are in there I may spend them in the library.
    I am hoping for another great summer this year. The summer before last summer was the best one I can remember, and although I don't think this one will come very close to it I have high expectations for it. I plan on spending time with my dad working on projects. We have plans for aluminum casting, making hybrid bicycles, running engines on propane, and more...

looking up:

    For a wish in which I could not change the world or (I presume) the country without deserving to crawl in a hole and die, I would probably wish for a resolution to conflicts within my family and the solving of our larger problems.


Starting now...

Well since the backspace key doews not come out I will need to content myself with simply avoiding it . It is hard for mye to wrap my mind around the consept that this is to be our last blog post. Typing a post on the ist bllog for the last time is just ;;... odd. Wow. I didn't realist how much I really use the backspace key. At least I am tnot typing this on my little laptop. It is really rather hard not to press mulptiple keys at the same time on it. Annoyingly it is rater hard to do anything on it right now. If accidenly left it unplugged an running so it efventually ran out of powwer and died on me. Normally this would not be a bickgg () arrg I need a backspace key!) big problem but when I came ca backe to it and ru turned it on I didn't plug it it in be4cause it I didn't realise what had a happened. It died befor It ieven started up. This corrubpe \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ( \b is the C++ charicter for the key backspace. Is that cheating to use it?) This corrupted part of my OS so it will not shut tow down properly. Guess I need to install Linux ... again.

Well that is the end of the five minutes. Have a great summer!

LAST BLOG!!!! :)

This is exciting. I don't have to write on here any more lol because I always forget.
Anyways looking back I probably wouldn't take back anything. Im not someone who really wants to take back anything, cause I really believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

Future... I'm definately going to an out of state college, I want out of OR. I cant wait to leave! Also I decided I think im going to become a Civil Engineer and go into Cathotic Protective Specialist.

Now I write for five mins...
Let's see... um my parents are down stairs watching TV and its freaking annoying, I want them to go up stairs.
I went to Klamath Falls this weekend and helped my brother pack all his crap and clean his whole house and move back home.. which I dont really want him back home but what ev.
I got to see all the girls I know down there, we hung out and went to dinner and had a blast together Saturday night.
I also started talking to an old friend again..which I dont know if its a good or bad thing. I saw him this weekend and it was kinda weird but now were we'll see what happens.
I want to watch greys anatomy!
I want coffee... yum :)
I dont want to be doing this write now. I need to be studying for my FINALS tomorrow, which I really hope im going to do okay on...espically my english one....

YES times up! bye blog

Mission statement lil late...

I didn't really know what we were suppose to do for this...but I found this quote and I really liked it. I want to live by this.. :)

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth -- and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up -- that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."

And we were suppose to have ideas for topics lol but its obviouslt too late.. sorry
but some good ideas would be... the scariest time of there life. the seddest time of there life or maybe the most memerable thing from when you were little..

Last Blog...sadness

Looking back over the year I think one of my major accomplishments; which by the way wasn't a good one, was letting myself go as a good student. Its the only thing besides finally having a good boyfriend I succeeded in this year. Which is actually really depressing. (The bad student part). Straight A's to multiple C's = not good. I blame my sudden lack of caring that I despise, and the switch from block schedule to seven period days, and also procrastination. Nothing really stood out to me this year, everything sorta blurred, I can't believe its almost over. The only blog besides the current that I can remember is the music blog, because I went through to almost everyone else's choice of music and listened to the songs and artists for about 4 hours.
Next year I'm hoping I wont literally kill myself with all the extra things besides school I'll have to do. Dance team takes a lot of after school time, in addition to a job, ad trying to keep as many visiting hours as possible available for the boyfriend and no time for homework! YAY! I'm hoping procrastination will just become non existent next year and I will master time management so I don't die.
My wish is that everything will turn out well and be ok, for everyone and not just myself.
5 min.
Well first of all no editing and whatever crosses your mind seems crazy to do with highschoolers but i havnt seen anything to crazy yet and now Im absolutle mad because Mr. Humphrey's blog got doont stop beleiving by journey stuck in my head. I also can't help the fact hat i was laughing abou the fact that when he said he has something to say and types it clean that there are a whole bunch of ramndom letters in random places and although im not doing much better and its a no editing section then i guess thats ok but its still funny. I still cant beleive that the year is al ost over and there are only two more days of school and then the summmer where my dad willbe leaving and stranding my mom and i here at the house for six weeks and my boyfriend is also leaving for a month in claifornia and i have dance ccamop in a month and i dont know what to do this summer to keep myself occupied besides a job at burgerville or whoever hires me :(. I dont remember when i started typing/

turn and face the strange

i remember meeting a lot of new friends this year that i wouldn't expect to have
i remember getting my car ( which now my brother gets)
i remember writing again
i remember cussing a girl out in soccer cuz she called me a f***ing b**ch when she was the one tripping
i remember being really timid about talking to large groups of people (still am)
i regret not studying for certain tests in chemistry and i regret not doing my math homework until the day before it was due
i wish... that guys would think smartly and not be tools

im gonna miss this blog :(

topic 16 late

i think a good last topic would be our plans for the summer

i dont quite get the whole mission statement thingy .. so ill just sstate some stuff about me

i plan to major in finance or design and minor in the other one left and public speaking
i want to travel
im very nice
i play soccer
and i take french class

late topic 15

to surrender when you can still fight makes you a coward. Not trying till the very last moment makes you weak. You have to always stay strong. It is never okay to give up... you always have yo try your very hardest to make it in life. When the guy from ceasar asks the people to kill him hes being very coward like .. hes givin up hope.. in my opinion he is a weak stupid coward nperson

The Last Blog Topic!

For starters I can't change anything that happened this school year, and I don't have any regrets. I guess I have accomplished not ripping my hair out during the sport I play, while managing school. Honestly I can't think of any accomplishments right now, because my brain is fried from all the school work shoved into my brain. Next year I'm hoping to maintain good grades still with the more challenging classes. I'm not super excited about next school year, right now, I'm pretty much giddy about summer. I hope the weather stays nice for at least two weeks!
Five minutes, starting at 9:40
Well this morning I ate an english muffin, and drank a glass of chocolate milk, looked outside and saw the lovely sun. Too bad we still have a day and a half left of school! Gah! I want to be out of that building already! This year I noticed that my friends and I really joked about llamas, sort of what we did in middle school. Why do I think llamas are so funny? Blah, brain dead for a second! I went to a graduation party yesterday and was there for seven hours! At least the cake was delicious, who would pass on the cream cheese frosting? I will be very upset if the weather goes back to rain tomorrow... sigh, why even bother with Oregon. I heard that movie Prince of Persia was really good, but I still will not see it. Reminds me of the time when my family forced me to try watching Polar Express. I lasted about five minutes, because something about that movie just makes me want to go take a nap. My bus driver keeps writing how many days there are until school is back in session.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Final Topic

Looking back: Well, I actually had a lot of fun this year. i wish i would have tried harder in math, but what can you do now? All of the assemblies stand out and dissecting a frog.

The future: I hope next year I enjoy my classes and try my hardest. I hope to make new friends and stay connected with the ones I have now as well.

Oh magical genie: I wish...I wish that everyone will be safe this summer and not have a repeat of losing someone close like last summer.

Time to twirl: rising up back on the street, did my time took my chances. went the distance now i'm back i=on my feet. just a man and his will to survive. so many times it happens too fast, you change your passion for glory. don't lose your grip on your dreams of the past, you must fight just to keep them alive... i'm forgetting the words to tiis song now. it's really hard tnot to delete all of this. it's bugging me a loyt right now. i really wish i had a genie right now, that would be so cool. i would definitaly wish for more wishes though. so i would kinda cheat.
oh, i want burgerville so bad right now. i might just have to go get some once this fiv minutes is up.

i burnt today, for the first time in like three years. just the back of mylegs , and it doesn't hurt, so that's a plus. i'll be tan tomorrow! woot. five minutes is!


Looking back on this year I see that I didn't really accomplish much. This year wasn't nearly as fun as most of the others, and it just makes me miss being younger and having so much more fun and less work! The beginning of the year was okay, I spent a bunch of time with my two best friends making lots of really crazy memories. But after a big fight with my best friend in the world, I now only have one best friend, and it's been less fun since then, but we're planning on making this summer one of the best to make up for the sucky year.
Next year my friend is going to go to Scappoose high school, so I've made a goal for myself to get out of my shell a little more and try to meet new people. I also want to work on getting better on the piano, and I'm pretty psyched that we are going to be juniors!

I wish...that I could have a big grand piano in my bedroom. I know...I'm a dork, but I love the piano. Even though a grand piano would take up my whole room and I would have to get rid of my bed...

Okay, talk for five minutes...I had my recital today! Probably why I've been talking so much about piano's in this blog. I really sucked, but my friends and family said they didn't notice, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. I put a bunch of pictures on my wall! That was a weird thing to say but I just thought of it because they are right next to my face, and I didn't know what else to say...anyway, Sarah drew them and they make me laugh.
It's pretty weird that my best friends name is Sarah because my oldest sister's name is Sarah too! Which is also weird because in high school my sister Alexis had friends named Emily and Sarah, and I'm pretty sure my sister Sarah had a friend named Emily in high school too. I think it's pretty crazy. Or not really I suppose, since Emily and Sarah are very popular names.
That bugs me. I hate that my name is so popular! I don't necessarily want a weird name, but maybe something that is at least a little different, so I don't have to turn my head every time my name is called! Which is a lot at our school because we have a lot of Emily's.
I was ironing a shirt earlier and a spider was on it! I was so scared! That's something about me that everyone should know, I am DEATHLY afraid of bugs. All kinds! Moths are the worst, but they all scare me. I have a serious phobia, and it's not a good idea to tease me about it...just saying. TIMES UP!

See you all next year =]

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bring On Summer!!

English Class:
I've enjoyed the talented people in our class very much this year. I like Humphrey's interaction with us in the class room rather than sitting at his desk like he could be. It is nice and created a good atmosphere.
School As A Whole:
The years are flying by!! Thank goodness! I am ready to be out of here. I actually did enjoy the year, though I can not wait for it to be over, I know once Summer hits I will be ready to come back for Junior (and my final) year. WOOT WOOT!
Outside Of School:
Outside of school I feel like friendships can come and go and this year they really have... but some are forever and I thank those people for being in my life. The year has gone quick and for me, has meant family reuniting and new additions that I couldn't see my life without.
Next Year:
I hope next year isn't too hard but isn't simply easy. I want realistic challenges and good people surrounding me. My hope is to get through school, graduate, meet new people, and explore college. I'm more than excited for the upcoming adventures.
Five Minute Freestyle:
Here is my quick thank you to everyone who has made this year a great one. I hope you all have great Summers and come back next year to make it another experience we will carry forever. I'm going to miss seeing many of you and plan to keep in touch over summer. I can't wait for the sun to come out I'm feeling very depressed about our weather. Why does Oregon have to be so bipolar? I mean really... pick a temperature and stay that way for awhile. I don't like this 60-70 degree rainy crap. I mean come on!! Where is the love?
I want to go to the beach, swim, play volleyball, see friends, hang out, get my license, ride quads, go camping and probably just a lot more than I can think of at the moment. What happened to being little and having no responsibility and spending every summer day with your friends and ever summer night under the stars? If only things stayed that way. Responsibility comes with both good and bad, don't get me wrong, but there are times when I could really use a little more freedom and a little less chains.
I can't wait for my first summer sunburn. That is always such a kick-off for me. I know when I am a little pink, that the sun is finally doing it's summer job. I think the first REAL Summer moment I get, the one that gives me the overwhelming feeling of a year's work rewarded; It's seeing the first Hummingbird. It's so symbolic to me. I saw mine the other day, I wish you to find yours.
Farewell Blog,
Beccah Rene' Kapelos

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last blog

Well, i really enjoyed this class. Much more...chill than most of my classes. I liked the content of the class as well. Caesar being my favorite though. Looking forward I'm hoping for classes similar to this one. I really, really wish Schmor didn't retire, but I'm glad for him. I was looking forward to having him as a teacher but, what can ya do.
For the genie wish, mine is very simple. Bring back the block schedule! Haha, wouldn't that be swell?

5 minutes straight:
well the time is seven twenty three now and i am just starting this so that means that at seven twenty eight then i can be done with this so thats pretty cool. I'm also on facebook and getting IM's which i can't check becasue i can typing so this sucks and i totally failed on because but whatever i can't backspace.... geez one minute already okay i better step this up if i wanna get more in. I'm typing rather slow right now i ususally type way faster but my hands are greasy and now my keyboard is all greasy because of this piza thats all greasy. It's delicious but man sunshine has some grease, not as bad dominoes which the grease is literally dripping off the pizza which is soooo disgusting. My mom collects the grease from hamburger it's pretty weird but i wouldn't know because i'm not a cook. oh geez two minutes already umm i want to take a bite of this pizza but i can't its just looking at me. it's soooo good omg. geez, tomorrow's the last day of the week. I'm excited meaing we only have 3 more days of school weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. hahaha this is so cool, i like this blog way more than the other ones just saying my fingers are actually workin pretty hard here except they arn't cuz im not typing that fast. zach is behind me yelling at me everytime i move my hadn away from the keyboard it's pretty weird so yeah. he keeps saying "dont backspace" but it's habit and i'm trying not to althought iv'e done it once or twice already ugh. i have a feeling i have some mjaor run on sentences UGH i backspaced my apologies. this pizza is soo good stop making me type Mr.H i want to eat it. He keeps tellimng me not to stop i keep stopping. he said i'm really st arting to piss him off lol okay well i have 2 more minutes so i guess i have to think about something. Well football is going to be interesting this eyar due to the fact that we're in a different deivision now and it's gonna be pretty cool. well not division but leageu. OMG i want to backspace so bad but i cant. this is the problem with typing quicker is i make way more mistakces and i hate it because then i sound rediulous. 4 minutes now 1 more minute to go then i can eat this delicious pizz tthat is sitting in front of me. i have more IMs on facebook i nede to finish this other wise people will start to yell at me. DONE.

Mission Statement

My mission statement:

Don't ever let hatred become a friend.

I think that this is pretty blunt, when you begin to hate someone or something so much that it pulls focus from everything else, it can make you pretty bitter. It's not healthy and forces so much attention to be put into it that it becomes your only friend. You might even hate that you have such a strong hate toward something, but that makes it closest to you than anything else. I've been very bitter in the past because of things like this and I've learned from it and grown from it. It has helped me to realize that people will always be people and there will always be things I don't like. Who cares? Keep the respect and take ego out of it. Suddenly the world is a better place.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Never back down (really late)

I dont think you should ever back down as long as you have something worth fighting for. If its something stupid like "yes you did!" "no i didnt!" then yeah go ahead and back down cause its not worth anything. But if its something you really believe is worth it then i say never back down fight to the end!

Last blog :D:D:D:D:D:D=D

Well i think this year i have become alot more open and outgoing then i was in the past. I used to be super shy but im not as shy anymore :) Next year i dont want to change really anything except hopefully less homework which i know wont happen. My wish would be that next year i can start talking to the Air Force recruiter and that i can get accepted into the Air Force Academy after i graduate high school. Thats pretty much it for my last blog its kinda lame but oh well :):):) 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wow, this year has sure gone by fast.
Looking back now my most memorable moment in the class would be Amanda Katz saying random things then Humphrey, "This is my boot." Those were always good days and funny. I would change the fact that this year went by too fast. If I could I would slow it down a little. Just to have a little more time to take everything in and not feel rushed at some of the assignments that were due for all my classes.
Looking to the future i would want my high school years to go smooth, not all the drama some people get into and have plenty of friends. I want to finish high school knowing i tried my best, and did everything to my best of ability.
Genie wish would be that the girls soccer team actually got some decent coaches who knew what they were doing. Not ones who make you do things that dont even relate to soccer.

Thee Final Blog! Yes!... But Too Bad :-(

Lookin back on this Last Year
-Well i have to admit this was a REALLY good year, even if my grades weren't. But overall this year was one of my favorite years of schoo and i will miss this class. :'-( (but hopefully i get Tinkle next year)
Lookin to the Future
-These next few years of high school, i hope to help the soccer team reach State and also the football team. i hope to get a scholarship for a sport ( probable Football :( too bad)and go to TCU (Texas Christian University) or OOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Fight, Fight, Fight!
Genie Wish
-To own a life size actual Transformer (ya have to admit that would be B.A.)
5 min of typing
-on your marks get set go! oh wait i already started, darn well this clock that im watch ing is not moving so i dont thinkk its working cause that would bo extremly bad and i wont know when to stop in the name of love before you break my heart, typing and that wouldnt be cool. late last nght this morning an empty truck full of bricks was flying through the air, run over a dead cat and killed it. my dad told me that and we dont know the full thing witch isnt coool cause i really wnt to know the whole thing. anyway i dont know what to type but We're men, we're men in tights, tight tights. (we should watch Robin Hood men in Tights instead of, The Tragity of Julius Ceasar. im glad he died :) sorry Bird) well that fun
-Well since this is the last blog I will also say one of my favorite Quotes
- From "Independence Day" 'In the words of my generation, uuuuupppp yooooouuurrrsss!!!!!!
- have a goood summer!

late mission statement

i dont really know HOW to write one, so i will just write some goal of mine in life. i want to live my life the Right way, not cheat myself into any postion of power (Cassius) that it might hurt or hinder someone more worthy than me. Also I need to forgive and forget more thn hold onto grudges.
(it was close enough Mr. H.)
Im not sure what I've accomplished. This year wasn't a very good year for me. I would change the amount of effort I put into my classes. And there are to many memories that stand out.

I will make certain changes in my studies. Im hoping to have Physics next year, as well as APUSH(I like history, sometimes).

I wish for more confidence and a way to deal with nervousness.

Time for five minutes of typing. Im on a keyboard im not used to and so i think im going to type slower than usual on this keyboard... that sucks, I wanted to see if i could type more than MR. Humphrey did... I held the shift button to long. Oh well. Im thinking about a 20$ gift card i got for Wal-mart and then about this movie, and was thinking about a gift for someone, but im not sure. who knows? Running is fun. I wish I was at Cross Country instead of writing this on the blog. Don't get me wrong, this is cool and all, but running is more fun. I plan to do lots of different things this summer. That was a lie. I try not to lie. I also try to always tell a version of the truth(cause sometimes you just cant tell the truth). I hate writers block. Or whatever they call it. I get it, and then I don't know what to write about for this. I've written this after reading Humphreys five minute post. so Journey has made me think of journey's like journeys to a different world with...... you get the drift(i hope). I was just playing a game, and I named a character Rand Al'Thor because I have no good names, ever. Im not a very creative person. Sometimes my friends(well mostly one) tell me that I can sing... but im not so sure... ill just have to expand on that. Thats 5 minutes.

The Final Countdown

Okay well where do I start? When I look back on this year, the thing that stands out most to me is the changes that have happened between my circle of friends. Some have left, and some have joined in. I still am not completely happy with some of my relationships....but I don't ever expect to be, I think it's an unattainable thing. I have realized that I generally hate change. I want people to stay the be consistent and be there when you need them, no matter what. Not change their mind because they find something bigger and better than you. I also want people to realize that I still love them, and even though some things have changed. I still am there if they need me.

When I look forward, I am not quite sure what I see. I know that I want to hopefully do well in school next year, mostly for my parents, and not so much for me. I also want to keep the friends close that I have now. I don't want them to simply drift off. Other than that, I don't know what I am looking for. I am looking to be safe and happy. Whatever else is added to the mix is okay with me

If I had one wish from a genie.....hmm. Well I know exactly what I would wish for, but I don't think I am going to tell you. However I can tell you something else I would wish for that is extremely important. I wish that the people I hold dear to me stay dear to me, until I grow old.

Now for five minutes of writing.

Well look at me I don't really know what to say! I wonder if Sarah got her laptop fixed. So I think it is totally awesome how Shrek endorses healthy eating, yet they are HUGE supporters of McDonald's and candy. I mean really. I think if I were them I would have a better game plan than that. So I am sitting here watching the news which is weird, because I feel like only old people watch the news, yet here I am sitting, watching a news story on that missing boy. I really hope they find him. Though I don't think they well. They usually don't in these situations. Okay what else. I cannot wait for school to be over I am so excited to be able to relax. Which I will do, but not much because my stupid family is forcing me to get a job. And I just happen to not be okay with that considering I already worked all of last summer. But whatever. I really love Noel. Ugh. Stream of consciousness writing is the devil sometimes. That reminds me of lighthouses....why? I don't know. Well I finished some of my finals today and I am really happy about it. Only a few more left! Then I will be free!

Alright. There you go. I admit I cheated. You really think I am going to tell you EVERYTHING that went through my mind? That would be interesting....

Anyway, I told you most of it ;)

Goodbye blog. I never really became too good of friends with you, but I will miss you just the same.

Last topic

I look back at this year and the only thing I can really remember about it is that during most of it I was really, really tired all of the time, It's not that I don't get the same amount of sleep I usually do, It's just that this year has been very tiring. Not much stands out and the only thing I would change is me getting more sleep.
Next year I'm looking forward to being section leader the trumpet section and seeing a friend I haven't seen in a while. I hope to change my eating, exercising, and homework habits next year.
My genie wish is getting into a good college.
And twwwwwwirrrrrrllll!!!!!
Well, all I'm going to talk about is how Im mainly excited for the summer to come and go so marching band season will come and I can use the little power I have to mess with my section, because as we all know, power corrupts. I know It's going to happen to me and I revel in it, because if I was a leader of a country, I'd totally be a dictator. Because making people do what you want because you told them to do it is fun. Especially when there is absolutely no reason to tell them that. Those are the most fun orders.
Anyways, Im really tired and my five minutes are almost up even though I haven't said much but I give you an adieu and I'm going to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Night.

Go to Google and in the search bar...

enter in "the zeb" and the first suggestion on the suggestion list will be "the zebra ponders" =)

Last Blog ")

I Would change paying attention more to the class and my home work. Memories that stand out is when Mr. H reads in different vocies it makes me laugh and how sarah still wont forgive black and laurn and racheals beautiful art work. Next year is going to be exciting for me cause were finally going to be juniors and off the blechers.

5 minutes of everything.

Let the records show that I am starting at 7:33. I am soooo HAPPPPPPYYYYY that this is our last blog! No more nagging feeling of forgetting the last post. I am even MORE excited about the fact that school is almost over! I just want out of this hell hole. Looking back on this year there is so much that happened. Good and bad and extremely boring. Let me tell you, if I ever have to sit through another year or even week of chemistry I am going to bash my ears in and cut my hands off so that it will be nearly impossible for me to write any dumb equations and therefore forcing me to never have to do it. I guess you could say that I hate chemistry. ANyways, I really just want these next few days to get over. This summer is going to be great. I'm going to California for a month. Oh yah and lauren is getting an exchange student so that'll be funny. Although I am really depressed about the fact that all my senior friends are leaving and chances are I won't see a good number of them ever again. Thank God for facebook. And I can happpily say that I will be excited for school next year (I can't believe I am even thinking of this) because all my classes are gonna be easy. AND I'M NOT TAKING MATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOHHOOOOOO!! and it is now 7:40 which means I went 2 minutes over 5 minutes. Does this mean extra credit?? hhaha

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

LAST BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay here it goes!!! 5 minutes of writing with no editing!!!
Looking back: I think this year went well. I learned a lot. And made many sweet and bitter memories as time ticked on. I enjoyed this class. I defiantly had the parts of it that I enjoyed and other parts and I kinda slept through. I really liked poetry, even of it seemed to drag on towards the end of the unit. I find myself thinking more deeply about poems now. I somewhat enjoyed Fahrenheit 451, I didn't get all of it, and missed parts so it didn't flow all to smoothly. Secret life of bee's was by far my FAVORITE!!!! i understood and was able to follow along best with it. The vocab quizzes we alright, could have studied more. This whole Caesar thing I'm so lost i don't think there is any hope for me and that final, sadly. hmmmm... this blog? Great when i liked the topics and actually remembered this "the zebra Ponders..." existed. haha. But yeah. I'll never for Mr. Humphrey and the impact he's made on all his students, for better or for worse=P for me, it's for the better. You are very admirable!!! <- Directed to you Mr. Humphrey haha.

Anyways, the future: I want to graduate high school honored. I want to go to college and major in fine arts and become a well known artist as well as an author, so I better take writing stuff too lol. i want to write and illustrate my books as a side job while I teach as a grade school teacher. Then later I want to get married to someone amazing and perfect in every way and have a family. Then raise that family, while still writing and painting, then later go back to teaching. Then when I'm old i want to TRAVEL!!!! i want to travel in college and around that time too. but chya... that's the idea.

OKAY. Now to look up..... I always wish on 11:11 and I have PROOF of them coming true or my crazy genie wish would be that they would be real, but I know they are already...soooooo my wish is that.........hmmmmm............ hmmmmmmmmmm.............................
.......hmmmmmmmmmmmm........................... Im not quite sure..... how about I wish that senior year will come fast and sweetly. okay that's going to happen no matter what, scratch that. I wish that I can find some crazy way to purchase or win and or some how get a car by December like my parents want me to. Sooner if better!!!! Okay candles are blown, or lamp has been rubbed or star has twinkled or 11:11 changed to 11:12. PLEASE come true=D okay, thanks for everything this year Humphrey and period 5 LA10H class! What a year!!!!

Rachel Edwards (btw this lasted more like 20 minutes of writing lol)

Mission Statement

Mission Statement for Mothers
(even though I'm not a mom and i don't plan to be for AT LEAST 7 or more years this is what I think I'll be when I "grow up")

Mothers will be there for their children's needs in anyways they can. They will be there when they are infants, nurturing them to grow. They will keep them fed healthy and strong. Support them in their dreams. Teach them the things they need to know to face the world and be a good person. Teach them to work hard. Teach their daughters how to be a good mom. Play and learn from the innocence of their own children. Be an example. Raise our future generation, for the next generation will run the world. Teach them skills they will need. Support them how ever they can, but most of all love them, for nothing is greater that love.

Next Blog topic idea: What are some memories you made this year as sophomores? Funny? sad? Happy? good? bad? Unforgettable? wish you could forget? embarrassing? Tell a story of something that happened this year.

Final Blog. too bad its not about running :) not really. im not that lame maybe :) but you cant be lame when you love running :)

Well when i think over the past year there are two memories that really stands out in my mind. the first one was the xc district championships. we went into that race hoping to possibily get second place and make it to the state competition. but we ended up winning the championship all together. the night after the race i can truthfuly say was one of the best nights of my life. pure and total happyness. Too bad stuff like that dont stick around eh? the second thing is something that i dont wish to talk about as its still a huge thing going on in my life and its pretty much torturing me :)

Grrr. even thinking about this right now makes me angry. as some people know, i broke my back and have not been able to run and cant run until it is healed. iv fractured one of my lombar vertabre and cant do anything but rest and let it heal. i had a plan to train myself for the next xc season over this summer but now im going to get a late start and its going to be way more difficult. but i still plan on being the district champion this year by placing first at the district meet. its a large feat, yet very possibily obtainable. ok. im done writting about this. im starting to get very pissed off.

yes the genie one :) that was my suggestion :) anyway i would wish that the people i truely love and care about would live long and happy lives even if i didnt. and that they would realize the inner beauty within them and that they have made a difference to this earth in thier own unique way. OR that i owned my own "bat cave" which id call "the byrd cage" HAHA very punny eh? haha wow thats pretty awesome. see cuz i used punny instead of funny but the byrd cage was both a pun and funny but by using punny i made it a double pun? i know youll probly think thats pretty lame. but i thought it was punny. lol ok, im done.

ok. 5 minutes. this might turn out bad. but who cares
so what if you slamed on the park as the wolfman ate the moon and the astronats couyld fly but not as far as mars and when the tigers, tiger fifh, and tiger lilies all decended from the throne would julieus caesar end up in the dead sea because he died? but if the homo eructus had wings could he fly to see his mother imn hongkong and does jakie chan live somewhere like that. but what if bats didnt live in the cave that the thingsd do and i lived in ity and i wish my cave was bigger that a glass of orange juice a day keeps the docter at topal bay which you must pay in order to stay and lay on this day and if oyou would die on christmas eve id call you steve and idk why im rhyming but thats whats poping into my head with lemon heads which are nboyt vewey sour and i was wondering if the pizza had reached its optimal temputrature before the jets in the carburator squirted fuel into the intake manifold ionizing the mixture for optimal combustiong after which is exausted and measured throiugh the oxygen sensors which sends a voltage signal to the ecm which shot the deer and hung it in the yard so the kids with the sticks could get thier candy:)
5 word
what the heck was that???????
well i think you all can call me insane after that. it sounds like one of those bing comercials on drugs from the D.I. but i digress.
so anyway you can all call me a friek. But so is Michaela. Weve got a klub. ;)
well im off to not run :)
hope yalls have a good summer :))))))
oh and btw one more thing i have to include. my one thing to remember in order to achieve sucess. remember this
"do a good job and dont suck :)"
oh and according to will lawrence and alex lull, my motivation for life is to " do it for the drugs in the D.I." and if you cant figure out what D.I. is than you fail and should go cry. and if any of you actually do this comment cuz ill laugh at you :)
well farewell.
and since humphrey did it, ill end with a quote i really like and think is true.

Doing what you like is freedom.
liking what you do is happiness.
follow your dreams and you will have both.


Mission Statement Blog and Final Blog

Mission Statement Blog:
Although I'm really annoyed of coming up with these every year for sports, I guess they're more important since i'm actually getting graded on one.

I'll strive to make the world a better place, and work hard at whatever I shall do from day to day. To never give up on my dreams, and to gain knowledge and friendships along the way. To spread friendship and love to any person I can, and to listen to my surroundings and the people around me and to make a positive difference in everyone's life around mine. To be unique, and stand out out of the crowd in a way no one has done before. I will strive to be a good role model, and always do the best that I can on every situation that comes across me.

Hopefully that is a fair enough mission statement for myself. I think it explains my goals and dreams within it. As for an idea for the last blog, well it's already posted since this is the day this blog is due, so I guess my opinion wont really matter now, but if I could choose one blog topic to write about it would be an activity that the seniors did in their english class that I found interesting. You're supposed to be assigned to someone in the class and write a letter to each other, saying your POSITIVE opinions on them and what you truely see them as. Although this may be kind of an awkward thing, I thought it would be kind of fun to do, and I really hope I get to do it my senior year. Just a thought.

Last Blog Ever: Write 5 minutes about

Okay 5 minutes starting now without stopping or revising, which may mean that this blog may make no sense. I have accomplished a lot this year, in my opinion. Although it may not seem it, I got my GPA up to almost a 4.0 this year, and I still strive to get it to that point throughout high school. I think I really underestimated education last year and I wish I could go back and change that. I know you're not supposed to regret things, but then how would we learn? Anyways, although I've overall done well in school this year and I'm really proud of my accomplishments, I still think that there are some things I could have done better, such as maybe moving away from Chad throughout the whole year in English. I haven't stated my opinions on barely anything this year, and I guess that has a little to do with self esteem and thinking that maybe nobody will agree with my opinion so I stay quiet. I apologize if that has given me a "stuck up" image, because that's not at all what I was intending to be. I feel like this year has been good, and I am so happy with the outcome. I have really enjoyed this class, and I really liked all the things that I learned about. Well my 5 minutes is up, and I guess it is goodbye forever to this blog site!

Lauren :)

Mr. H's Response

Backward: The past year?  There's a lot to say.  I will come back to it at another time, before next Tuesday.  Main thing: this class, teaching Honors, will stand out to me.  I am proud that I didn't once lose my temper and scream at any of my classes; I will change the way I handle my students next year.  I will probably be changing some curriculum too, but I can't think about that now.  I'm proud of what I have done in my regular life, though I've spent a little too much time on Facebook.

Forward: I'm looking forward to having Juniors again (Though only one class, and not Honors.), and not teaching only Sophomores.  I'm hopeful that my students will be at least as good as the good ones this year, and better than the bad ones.   I intend not to allow my former students to repeat the class with me, because that really didn't work out this past year.  I'm hopeful that our new principal will do a good job.  I fear the budget crud will get worse.  I'm going to finish my book this summer.

Upward: If I could make any wish, I would wish for a million dollars.  My wife and I deserve to live as we want to live, rather than as society forces us to.

This isn;t entirely fair because I started thinking about this at school, and I kept thinking Don't stop! Dont stop! and that makde me think of Journey, and so for the last half hour IO've been singing "Don't stop believing" in my head, over and over again, since I only know a couple of lines.  I have found that those are the songs that get stuck in my head the worst, those ones that hacve catchy hooks and that I ojnly know a few lyrics from, because they don't ever resolve and reach the ending, so they keep cycling around and aroun d because I don;t know the ending.  This is why I tend to try to listen to my favorite songs over and over until I know them by heart, because then I can justs ing them and not worry about them getting stukc going {"I'm just a smalltown boy . . . living in the " I don't even know the rest of the lyrics.  Screw it.  I don't actually want to talk about Journey, ebcaue this is not what I think of as a good band.  I think the singer had an excellent voice, and I wish I could sing that well, but otherwise they were njoth8ihg but a cheap 80's schlockfest and who wants that?  Dogs are barking outside my house right now; makes me think of the comic Brian Regan who talks about barking dogs as saying "HEY!HEY!HETY!HEY! opver and over again, because really, what have dogs got to saty?  Well, if you ask my wife and I, our dog has quite a lot to say, because we talk for him.  Tghat's right, we talk for our dog.  It's fun.  I used to do it with my stuffed animals, too.  Thart's right, I had stuffed animals.  I still sdo/  Want  to make somethihng of it:?  Y3eah, I did't think sio.  MAn, this not editing part is hard; Ikeep teictching that's twitching over towards the delete/backspace key, since I am(obviously) not a very clean typiost.  I can type pretty fast, though, and the greqt part is, when I have something IO definitely, clearly, strongly want to say, I not only type a mile a minute, I type clean.  It is one of the reasons I like argunig on line so much, because that's when it is most likely to happen: when I get in the zone in an argument.  I really hope that you all learned something this year.  I hope this hasn;'t just been a waste of time.  I won't necessarily feel guilty, because not everybody can learn all tghe time, and lord knows I dind;t klearn a whole lot from my high school english teachers, but still.  I don't want you to reassure me, I;mn not fishing for compliments, I just wanted to say that: I hope you learned this year in this class.  That's five minutes, but I'm not going to end with "Peacve outm," even though that's what I thought of.

May the best of your past be the worst of your future, and may the road ever rise up to meet your steps.


In honor of The Simpsons, whose day tomorrow is (June 9! Mark your calendar! Celebrate by watching 42 episodes of the Simpsons!), we will begin with a quote from Kang and Kodos:

"We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

Look back on the last year -- in this class, on this blog, in school as a whole, and outside of school as well. What do you feel you have accomplished? What memories stand out? What would you change, if you could?

Now that you have looked back, look forward: what are you hoping for next year? What are you giddy with anticipation about? What changes, if any, will you make?

Now that you have looked back, look upwards: Make a genie wish. (Magic lamp, genie, only one wish here. No wishing for more wishes, no wishing for world peace.)

And now twirl! Write for five minutes without stopping. Don't edit, don't delete, don't stop. Anything that comes to mind.

Mission statement

For the blog I think it should be something fun. Something that we can all laugh about. Now for my mission statement...

When I grow up I want to travel the world. I want to work with people, but I don't want to work for people because I'm not very good at following orders. My goal in life is to travel to different countries and help people that really need it. And through everything, I never want to lose sight of my beliefs.

I hope that works, I don't really know what we were supposed to do.

Chad's Mission Statement.

First off I think that next weeks blog should be about how excited we all are to get the hell out of this school year and how even more excited we are to have fun this summer and sleep. Anyways, on to my mission statement.

I believe in having a strong purpose in life. Getting something done, no matter how big or well known, to help others and yourself. I have the goal to spread love and humor wherever I go, making friends and never forgetting them along the way. I believe everyone is creative and i want to be able to help them bring that side of them out.

I don't know if I did this right but there it was, and here i go.

mission statement (read comment)

Monday, June 7, 2010

My mission statement/Topic

The topic for next week should be something about how the blog worked out. A way to see if Humphrey should use it again next year?

The mission statement- Kind of cleche, but whatever.
Live life to never miss an oppurtunity to better yourself.

IF... you can go through high school with out losing your mind

Blog topic suggestion:

 Should people be more like Brutus and try and be a Stoic? Is complete lack of emotions even possible?

Mission statement:

When I tried to come up with my own mission statement a poem kept coming up in my mind. No matter how hard I tried I could not find really anything much to add to it. Even if you don't care much for poems you should look it over. It is perhaps my favorite poem. Here it is. It is by Rudyard Kipling and is called If.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Sorry I didn't come up with an original mission statement, but I just thought that this poem was incredibly better than I could have done trying to make a mission statement for myself.

As a side note I really must say that one part of Disney's mission statement really scares me: "Nurturing and promulgation of 'wholesome American values'" If some of the things which I have seen made by Disney are "wholesome American values" then... help!...

My mission

first i think the last topic for the blog should either be something funny or just kind of stupid in a sense, or we can go out with a bang and have a topic that's completely controversial, and get some arguments going. that might be a bad idea but oh well.

for me, i strive to be better than the average fat lazy american, who relies on technology to get them through the day, and can't do a damn thing for themself. i want to "grow up" to be different and not live the average dead end american life. i want to go out there and adventure and see things for myself, not through a computer screen. i want to keep this planet and not destroy it with completely unnecessary items. i don't know if that's a mission statement but it's what i have for ya.

giving up a little late

sometimes when i think of not giving up and always fighting for yourself i also think of just being stubborn. simply being stubborn can be mistaken for being courages and never giving in. i don't like to give up, i like being right, but in instances i can be the better man and admit i am wrong, and to just give up.

Mission Statement

My mission statement is to confront the people I dislike most for why I do not like them.

My mission statement?

I don't completely understand what a mission statement is so I'll just state my life goals.
I plan to be a doctor because I honestly just like the way the human body works and I might as well help people as much as I can. I also want to be regarded well by most of the people I know throughout my life.

As for next weeks blog topic, I think we should talk about time. Just what we think about the concept of time in general.

Humphrey's Mission Statement

I will see everyone around me welcome knowledge and reject ignorance.
(This means I will no longer be a teacher.  I am tired of fighting a battle I cannot win, while everyone else fights against me.)
I will seek truth.  I will seek beauty.  I will experience it for itself, in itself, of itself. 
From this truth, and this beauty, I will create art.
With my art, I will make my family safe.
With my heart and mind and self, I will be happy.  I will see my family happy.
I will die alone.

I will read 365 books in one year (They will probably be short books.), for then I will be able to allow myself to stop counting.  I will write an entire novel in one year, to show myself I can and to give my fans a shorter wait.  I will publish in different genres, in different styles, because I am a talented writer and not simply a producer of genre schlock.  I will be welcomed as a speaker, so that I can use all of my communicative skills.  I will win awards, because I am sometimes the best there is.  I will sing in a band, because it will be fun, and I will conquer video games, and then go out the same day and buy new ones, because fun is as important as accomplishment and survival.  I will grow my own food, because it is the right thing to do and it is deliciouser.  I will coin a new term that other people will use frequently (And it will be better than deliciouser) because I love my language.  I will purge myself of corn, for it is my enemy.  I will stop hating people, because it hurts me more than it hurts all of you.  But I will not stop hating the qualities that make me hate people now, for they, like corn, are my enemies, and I will never surrender.

I will never give up.


I want to be a respected and distinguished engineer.
I will design buildings as if my own children were to live in them.
I will design buildings for places that haven't yet been developed. The ocean for example.
I will design every building and or tool/machinery as earth friendly as possible.
I want to provide for all of my family.
I want to provide necessities for those whom are within my power to help. Such as building well in Africa for those without water.
I want to make the world a better place. Even if that world only consists of my neighborhood.

My Main mission in life is to help people. Weather it be listening to them or helping them recover from an addiction. I want to die knowing that I will at least be missed and remembered. I want my children to have everything they need. However, I will not spoil them, or at least I will try not to.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My missions

Blog topic...I don't remember if we've already done a similar topic or not, but what do you wish the world was more like, or how do you wish the world we live in was.

My missions: To always be as much myself as possible except when I'm not. To make it through high school and meet my graduating goals. To work on time management skills and divide my time well, and set good priorities. To make the people I care about know they are cared about. To be as much nice to everybody as I can bear.To get a job. To move out of my house. To somehow find more confidence. To be the best dancer i can be for myself and the team. To be the best girlfriend I can be. To someday move up to the country and have a ranch/farm have kids and a good job. To have an Australian Shepard named Rinjee.

topic and mission statement

Well for our topic I think we should write about something that we are glad happend this school year. As for my mission statement, I have no idea what it would be. I think I'm just going to write what my goal is and my mission will be to get to that goal.... I want to get to the point that my initial reaction to people is something charitable. I want to be less quick to judge and more quick to forgive, and that includes myself.
I like Chris Bergs Idea of typing for 5 minutes straight, whatever pops into your head, type.

Mission Statement:

I will run a 4:20 1500 meter race
I will go to Thescon at least once
I will always try to do good by my family and friends whenever I can
I will be conscientious of people around me
I will try to convert to at least one religion, once
I will audition at least once for an acting role on stage
I will try to be more open-minded about music and books when reading or listening

Ze topic

Well, for the last topic I guess we could say what our favorite quote is and why. Mainly because I like quotes.

For the mission thing mine would be: When I'm older I will be a doctor helping people because it's something I enjoy doing. My key values are following through with the goals I have for my life. My goals are going to college, becoming a doctor, and living a good life.

Mission and Topic

I hope to go on in life, keeping who I am in mind and what's important. I want to travel, and learn more about how the world works, but at the same time not leave behind the people I love now. Because that is something that has always been important to me. I hope to be able to express myself in the job I choose, being able to create something I can add to the world. If that isn't possible, I don't think I'll be happy. I want to enjoy things passionatly like I do now, and I want to open up my mind to new things, but at the same time, don't go to far. Keep my feet on the ground.

I think next week's topic should be: What are your thoughts of teenagers having jobs?

Mission Statement

I want to be an inspiration to others, and to help cancer patients by being a radiation therapist. Another desired future would be to travel around the world while taking photos and being a journalist for magazine such as National Geographic. I want to leave Oregon for awhile, and maybe live in Taos, New Mexico or San Diego, California. I want to explore, meet new people, and listen to what they have to say.
I value my life, and the people who add enjoyment in my life. I value how I was born into a caring and open minded family. I'm committed to helping my family without having to be asked.
My goals exist on not marrying at a young age, or getting caught up in raising a family. I want to be independent, successful through college, and living on my own in a small house surrounded by palm trees, and other trees for privacy. I want to keep in touch with my close high school friends, and family. I want to mature, yet still have a goofy side, have a career, and walk on the earth as a healthy, open minded human being.

A Mission Statement.

Next weeks topic: What have you learned this year, in and out of school?

Mission Statement:
I want to be able to incorporate my passions into my adult life. I want to go to school and grow in theater and dance. As a fantasy occupation, I'd like to bring performing arts to children who don't have the access in their community. I may just become a teacher. I want to be someplace quiet in my older years, someplace happening as I am young, and someplace with the ones I love at all times.

I am commited to not settling, having purpose, and to never say a life lie. A business lie is much different though.
I value in myself to grow and experience my own life before I join with another and/or create another. I also value that I never lose sight of who I am, while with another person. I find independence brave and dependence of the healthy sort, even braver.

My lifelong goals include traveling to many places and discovering many things. I want to be able to do a decent calypso someday and maybe even get my middle splits. I'd like to enjoy many relationships and be lucky enough to have close friends. In the end of it all, I want to die quietly on a rainy spring day while surrounded by the people who are closest to my heart. Through my entire life, I want to be ruled by my soul.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mission I'm-Possible

yes i know that the title is cheesy but i like it and its my post so I'm keeping it like that.

live in a secluded or remote place. have a great Dane with its ears cropped. and be a graduate of some college somewhere somehow. and degree. cut my dang hair. become taller than my sister Sam.

and something about violence for our next blog topic. not creepyh but like movies or books thats all.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Topic/ Mission

Next week's topic should be What exciting stories do you have about Mr. Humphreys class?

My mission statement would be

  • Life is ugly, awful places not to have a best friend.

topic 15

So I think the question should be the same as Dariens, funny memories in Humphreys class! Genius idea Darien.

My mission statement is:

Be unique in any way possible, stick out dont blend in.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

topic# 15 I know where I will wear this dagger then...

The start of this blog topic coincided with the addition of some strange murals to the walls of the Commons. One of them had a painting of Yoda on it and a quote from him which read, "Do or do not there is not try." Ironically, not far away there was a painting of someone trying to lasso the moon. The caption on that one read, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars."
    We have many sayings on this topic: "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day." "Whatever you do, do with all of your might." "It is better to yield to a greater power than to resist stubbornly and be destroyed." "Set your sails with the wind." ...
 These all sound like reasonable sayings, but they contradict each other so much. I personally think that they are all true but only in limited circumstances. For example AEsop's saying: "What ever you do, do with all of your might." would often be true for consequential matters, but for trivial things like whether the sun rises in the east or not if someone is so stupid as to believe that it doesn't then it is a waist of one's time to try and persuade them otherwise.

Personally I am most stubborn not in arguments with other people, but in the solving of puzzles. I will sit for hours in front of my computer looking for the one lone bug in my program which causes sporadic detection of keys. It may not even greatly effect game play, but I will look for it either until I find that I forgot a semicolon or an extra equals sign or until it is so late and I so tired or hungry that I decide that any more looking will be futile. When the latter happens I usually come back latter to find that it was a very stupid error. Letting a problem be and coming back to it later is often a very successful way of finding a way to solve it; I should probably try and do that more often.

Running. thats my mission.

Blog Question: "What would you do if you found a magical lamp and a genie gave you three wishes?" ( and by the way, no lame crappy "world peace" answers or infinite wishes. cuz thats a fail. and if thats what you would write then you should want to go die in a hole.)

My mission statement
( and surprise surprise, its mostly to do with running. who woulda thought eh?)

I will at all times, preform with all my heart while competing in a running compition.

i will through practice, better myself and become a faster runner at all times except for when such things as injuries arise.

i will never give up and will always push myself to my physical limits to be better than every other runner.

i will support my teamates.

the team as a whole is always more important than myself.

i will always treat my fellow competitors with honor and respect even when they do not treat me as such.

i will always defend my teamates, as they are like brothers and sisters.

i will always treat the enviornment with respect by not littering and cleaning up any garbage i find.

i will always be the best student i can be and put all my effort into my school work.

i will always support and be there for the people i care about, even if they dont care the same about me.

i will always help a freind in need.

i will never ever ever live close to a city or town unless i absolutely have no choice in the matter.

well there it is. pretty lame probably. but oh well. these are just the first things that poped into my head. but yeah. pretty much all this says is im an insanely dedicated runner, i respect others, i support the people i care about, and i hate cities and towns. yup. thats me.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

!42! Topic #16: Mission Statement and Blog Topic

A two-parter this time. You have to put something down for both parts, though you are welcome to focus on one and keep the other small/short/light.

Part the First: Last Blog

Quick question: next week's blog will be our very last blog in this class. What would you like the topic to be?

Part the Second: Mission Statement

This is the mission statement for the St. Helens School District. It is worded as a series of beliefs -- well, sort of. It starts that way, then they throw in a couple of statements that seem more like promises or definite goals; then back to the beliefs. Then it ends with another self-affirming descriptive sentence. Okay, this one isn't very well written. Here it is anyway.

St. Helens School District

Our Mission

Our Beliefs

We believe all individuals will be SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE.

We believe students with a mastery of core subjects will be successful in the ever-changing world.

We believe students are lifelong learners with critical and creative thinking skills.

A wise stewardship of resources must provide 21st Century educational and technological facilities.

District resources will be aligned to the advancement of K-12 programs.

We believe the community actively participates in defining high expectations for students, education and well-being.

We believe that safe, nurturing and inclusive school environments provide opportunities to expand world views by promoting good citizenship, fostering tolerance and broadening the mind to new ideas.

We believe students shall be challenged to learn at their full potential through rigorous instruction while providing tiered levels of support.

We believe it is our role to help students discover their strengths and talents and encourage creativity and individualistic approaches for the success of every student

We believe in engaging students in the learning process by addressing individual needs and learning styles, recognizing that each student can learn and learn well.

We believe that learning must be relevant to real life situations, utilizing technology as it adds value to the learning process.

We believe it is critical to communicate to all stakeholders the importance of student achievement.

We embrace human diversity seeking to recruit and retain culturally rich and diverse perspectives.

Here's a better one:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

A mission statement is supposed to communicate, to yourself and others, exactly what you intend to do, and why. According to Wikipedia,

Mission statements often contain the following:

Purpose and aim of the organization
The organization's primary stakeholders: clients, stockholders, congregation, etc.
Responsibilities of the organization toward these stakeholders
Products and services offered

According to Hill, the mission statement consists of: 1. a statement containing the reason for using your product 2. a statement of some desired future state (vision) 3. a statement of the key values the organization is committed to 4. a statement of major goals

So: leave out #1 there, since you don't have a product (Unless you are a creator, in which case you might). Give me the other three: a statement of some desired future state (What you want to be, and who you want to be, and where you want to be, when you "grow up"), a statement of the key values you are committed to, and a statement of your major goals -- specifically what you want to accomplish. Try to dress it up all pretty, if you can. Here is a brief how-to guide for business mission statements, though the examples are a little too brief. I like this one, personally: Starbucks Mission Statement.

Mine (which I will try to compose properly soon) would include some of the following. There will come a day when I am a full-time writer of novels and essays, when I set my own hours and answer to nobody but myself and my vast legions of fans. I will live on a large, isolated property fairly close to some civilized city, most likely outside the United States. I will still be married to my wife, and we will have many pets, including dogs, cats, birds, and goats. I will have an awe-inspiring library, and my house will have secret passages and hidden rooms. My key values include compassion for my fellow human beings, and contempt for their ignorance and stupidity. I believe art is what sets humanity above other animals, and it is the only thing that does so -- which makes it the highest calling. In all other things, we should act first with love: in art, we must first act for the truth, and for beauty. My goals include winning awards, becoming a bestseller, writing an epic fantasy series, breaking genre lines, and never selling out. I want to found scholarships and fellowships and support education, particularly for artists. I want to inspire people to speak out, and to create art of their own.

Please write some kind of mission statement for yourself by next Tuesday, June 8.

Never Give Up, Never Surrender.

Hahaha okay I'm sorry but I love the movie Galaxy Quest and it makes me laugh that we are doing this blog because it reminds me of it.

Anyways. I think that it is best that we never give up or surrender or back down to anything or anyone. We all have the individual strength to push ourselves past obstacles that may stand in our way, even if we don't realize it at first. I feel like if everyone tried to live like this then each of us would be a lot more accomplished and fulfilled. But at the same time I guess there could be situations where giving up or surrendering would be the smartest decisions but it is up to the individual to decide those moments.

Now I am going to go home and watch Galaxy Quest.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Giving up.

I used to hate giving up, and still do. When in a fight with parents and I know I have the better point whether they agree or not I don't give up. But there are times when you need to give up and give in. Especially in a relationship, if you want the relationship to work you have to understand forgive and give up your side of the argument sometimes. Giving up on that person...never ok.

Giving up

I never give up. Even though I know I have lost, and there is no way I can win, I still don't give up. When you give up, you admit that you lost. And me, I never admit that I lose.

Never!... well sometimes

i believe in never giving up in any situation, unless you know that there is no hope at all. like in WWII the germans had to give up because they knew that they had no chance of winning the war. if you have the slightest chance of winning, then tou shouldn't give up, you should keep going without stopping. If you have hope keep going, if not then don't.

Giving up!?!?!

Thats hard. Giving up for me is probably the hardest for me actually. Its everything in up on school, giving up on family, giving up on friends, giving up on work, giving up on sports. Its so hard for me to give up on any of these things. People who give up in school and dont care about school, honestly those people drive me crazy! How could you give up, thats your life their giving up. You cant give up on your education, thats whats going to get you places, thats what is going to determine your life and how you are going to spend it. Giving up on family, lots of my family members have given up on their family and its so hard to see that happen. I have always been a person to never give up on someone, it doesnt matter how bad they messed up, I love them and I don't want to give up on them. I have felt that at times some of my family gives up on me and its the worst feeling... I don't want people to give up on me. I want to be strong and want people to know that I wont give up on them, so they shouldn't give up on me. At moments I feel like I have let down someone so much they will give up on me and I will never be able to show them I haven't given up on them and I try my hardest everyday. And friends, some people probably see me as someone who gives up easily, but I don't, I will do anything for my friends. I will never give up on the people I love and care about even if they have given up on me, because I know some of them have already. Giving up work...I mean I try and work as hard as I can, I have a crazy life and I know I need to help and work more but I know when I have my career I will never give up on that work and I will always work as hard as I can and do my best work. Giving up on sports, this year has been hard and I want to give up one of my sports becasue I worked hard and didn't get anywhere, I hate working and still ending up in the same place or worse. When I work hard I want to go somewhere and this year I didn't in my sport. It was hard but I don't think Im going to give up. I love it and I want to try again next year. Also I know Im not a very strong athlete but I will always have a good attitude and work hard at my sports because thats what I like to do. This was way too freaking long. I didn't mean to type this much. sorry Well all I can say is im not really a person that gives up on anything....except for when i have to or im forced to give it up.

Never Give up

One thing my Dad has taught me is to never give up. I remember when I was in 2nd grade and had to do one of those spotlights so the class can get to know me or whatever. For my hero I put my Dad and that quote from him. SO, in many cases, I say no, don't give up. But I also see situations where its best to do so. And maybe because giving up has a bad reputation I reword it to something more..... respectable. haha. Such as back down or walking away...okay maybe respectable is the wrong word. It's the same thing as giving up but with a different motive. Like when your fighting pointlessly with someone, if you "give up" it's not bad, just ending the argument. If it is a life threatening situation then NO don't give up. Fight to the end. If your working out or learning a new skill don't give up. So I guess my answer would be if the motives are for good, don't give up, if they are pointless... then it doesn't matter. And shouldn't count as much.

Give itup.

Giving up? I believe a person should give up once all hope is gone. When there is no longer a reason or a flicker of hope that what you want or need is reachable, then is the time to walk away.

I don't believe that a person should forever fight. If you truly believe in something, then you can probably find the reason to back down and let what is, be.

I think conserving a bit for "the next fight," makes sense if it's a fight that is seperate from the previous fight; just with similar qualities so that is why the conserved energy works.

Quick surrender includes things like silly fights or physical challenges. Things that should require more work before surrender include marital problems, lifelong dreams, and other tasks that take time.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Giving up

For me... I usually don't give up. I only give up on things that i think are pointless or the effect of me giving up won't be astronomical. But like i said, i don't usually give up because, well, i just don't.

I'm giving up..

If you had asked me this question a year or even six months ago i would have told you that giving up is never the answer. Now however i would say that honestlty now i give up over most things because it makes other people happy and i dont have to deal with yet another argument..

Giving Up

I think that we shouldnt give up cause your bored of it. I think that people should strive for the best and when an obsticle gets in the way dont give up but find a way around it and work throu it. Dont just give up cause then when we get to be living on our own you might think oh work is to hard or something and just give up.

To be or not to be

Giving up is different for each person, for me, I give up when the time is right. If something has really got me down and I know I could succeed better at something else, why not do it? I don't like taking a ton of time to sulk or use all my energy where it is wasted. I believe in passion and doing things that make you happy. I believe in hard work and doing your best. I believe in fixing things or making them work for you, but I also believe sometimes, that is all unrealistic. I wait until I know my energy is not worth it, or time, or that I just don't have the drive or passion anymore. Then I have no problem walking away with a new goal in mind. I don't let it get me down or feel defeated, I feel happy that I tried and excited to start something new. I don't understand why some people think "giving up" can be a bad thing, unless they give up on trying anything at all. It opens new doors and allows new experiences to come into our lives. Giving up isn't always the answer, but it is always an option.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I give up

I don't have any set rules for giving up. I just keep going till I feel like it's just not worth it anymore. And it's different for every situation.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Giving up

All through your life people are telling you don't give up, try your best, be all you can be. I don't mean to sound pessimistic or anything, but I'm tired of it. If you want to give up, GIVE UP!!! Make your own choices, and you'll suffer your own consequences. That's how it is. If you keep going, then great for you. If you give up, then great for you too. Personally, I give up a lot. I give up with relationships, I give up with school, I give up with myself, yet I still love my life, and the people I know. So giving up is sometimes a necessary evil. You just need to be ready to face the consequences that arise from it. This is not to say never try, as a rule, trying your best should be the first option, but really. It isn't wrong to quit once in a while. And I am tired of society telling me that it is.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I officially DO NOT like shakespeare! UGH

When we think of great men who went down in history who do we think of? One name that comes to mind is William Shakespeare, he was a great poet and play write, as many realize he was also a very clever man.
Shakespeare did not as many people believe write his plays in old English, he wrote them in almost his own language, often hard to understand and very in depth many of the hidden insults arnt what you would expect them to be for example;
“Thou wanton shrill-gorged snipe!”
Meaning; You are rude and lascivious, you have a irritating voice, and you are annoying.
“Your villainy goes against my weak stomach, and therefore I must cast it up”
Meaning; You make me sick.
Or probably my all time favorite
“More validity, more honorable state, more courtship lives in the carrion flies.”
Meaning; You have less worth, dignity and manners then a maggot.
Along with the insults most of what Shakespeare wrote can be confusing and hard to follow something as simple as
“The gray-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night”
(Said by Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet.) can be translated into something that doesn’t sound much the same like; The smiling morning is replacing the frowning night.
As I said before Shakespeare was a very clever man and for all we know he could have all these hidden meanings in all his plays could really add up to be a great plot for taking over the world that no one has figured out. ( That’s my guess at least.)
1) “Barbs form the Barb” Shakespearean Insults with modern day translations.
Author: Michael Viner and Stefan Rudnick
Copy write 2000
2) No fear Shakespeare!
Date and time: march 20th 2009
3) The biography of William Shakespeare.
Date and time: 5/26/2010 11:34:21 PM

giving up

Little things like arguments with your friends, and competitions such as sports, just aren't that important. Sometimes it's better just to give up, rather than to lose something more important. Like if you are having an argument with your friend, sometimes it's better to let it go, and let them win the argument so that you don't lose a friend.

However, there are things that you should never back down on. Like beliefs about religion, or morals, or whatever else. Even if people think that you are weird, or crazy for having certain beliefs, you should never back down on what you think is right. Like the fact that I'm a Christian, and I refuse to be ashamed of it, or my friend who is a vegan because she doesn't like what people do to animals. Even though sometimes people will give her funny looks when she tells them, I know that she won't change her mind about it because it is something she feels very strongly about, and that will not change.

Research paper

I did my research paper on what is the summary of Hamlet.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is advised by the sentinels of the royal castle of Kronborg, at Elsinore, that an apparition strongly resembling his dead father had appeared on the battlements. Hamlet therefore resolves to encounter the spirit and learn from it, if possible, the true cause of his father's taking-off, about which the Prince has had many suspicions. He meets the Ghost
at its next nightly visitation, and in an interview with it his worst fears are confirmed. The late King's brother Claudius, who has ascended the throne and wedded the widowed Queen, had poisoned the King while he slept. Hamlet is enjoined to secrecy and revenge, and the Ghost vanishes. Hamlet's followers are sworn to say nothing of the occurrence.

Because of the news and of the dread task to which he is commissioned, Hamlet is seized with a species of madness, perhaps largely feigned, whereby he may cloak his designs. He writes incoherent and passionate letters to his lady-love, Ophelia, daughter of Polonius, a court dignitary. At this juncture a company of strolling players arrives at the castle and at Hamlet's suggestion a certain play is given before the King and Queen and members of the court.

The play deals with the murder of a Venetian duke, whose wife afterwards weds the murderer. The story closely resembles the circumstances of the King of Denmark's demise. During the play Hamlet is intent not upon the players but upon the countenance and actions of his uncle. The latter, as if struck with a realising sense of his own crime, as Hamlet suspected, hurriedly leaves. Hamlet no longer doubts the truth of the Ghost's communications, and turns with energy to seek the vengeance which he has sworn to execute.

The queen mother is also much disturbed by the purport of the play, and sends for Hamlet in order to upbraid him. Hamlet answers reproach with reproach, and leaves his mother overwhelmed with shame and self-convicted. But for the opportune arrival of the dead King's spirit, Hamlet might have adopted even more violent measures. Ophelia's father, Polonius, who is spying upon this interview, is slain by Hamlet, who mistakes him for the King.

Hamlet's banishment is decided upon. Two former school comrades of his are entrusted with a commission to leave him in England, where sealed orders are to bring about the Prince's death. But by a combination of plot and accident the execution is visited instead upon the heads of the two accomplices. Hamlet returns to Denmark. There he is greeted by a strange spectacle—the funeral of a young girl, honored by the presence of the King, Queen, and persons of the court. Hamlet has in fact arrived home just at the time of Ophelia's interment. That unfortunate maiden, through incessant brooding over the madness of her lover, the untimely end of her father, and the continued absence of her brother, Laertes, had become insane. For some days she had wandered about the court singing and strewing flowers, then had strayed to the banks of a stream and been drowned.

When Hamlet discovers that it is Ophelia's funeral, he is beside himself with grief. He leaps into the grave and angrily contests with Laertes, who also has just returned, the place of chief mourner. Laertes in turn desires to kill Hamlet, for he regards the Prince as the cause of all the woes that have fallen upon his house.

Seeing the animosity of Laertes, King Claudius thinks he may make use of it to work Hamlet's undoing. He secretly advises Laertes to engage Hamlet in a fencing-match—supposedly friendly. Laertes' foil, however, is to be naked and envenomed. Hamlet, unsuspecting, consents to a trial of skill before the court. The King prepares a poisoned drink for Hamlet, if perchance he shall escape the tipped foil. Laertes and Hamlet fence. After a touch or two for Hamlet, the Queen, to do him honour, toasts him, unwittingly, with the poisoned cup. Laertes wounds Hamlet. In the scuffle they change rapiers, and Hamlet in turn wounds Laertes with the latter's treacherous blade. The Queen dies from the drug while Laertes falls, but before he dies he confesses his guilty design and craves pardon of the Prince. Hamlet turns upon the King with his own dying strength and stabs the usurping monarch to the heart.

Giving up is not always the answer!

You should have to never give up on something your fight for if it really truly matters to you. Fighting is kind of what most poeple are good at and you dont see them just give up and if they do its not going away that fight will one day or another will be brought back up. For example cheating you can fight till your blue in the face but when the fighting stops its stays with you and when another fight starts cheating is brought back up. When you for sure know your wrong about something and you keep fighting thats when you should give up and stop waisting your time. To me i would not give up on the cheating fight or have something stop me from living my life the way i want to.

Topic 15

I think we should give on the little things everyday problems, like where to eat or how to dress. But if you really feel strongly towards something and actually know why you feel that way, you should fight hard for people to see your point. But sometimes that thought gets taken too seriously and we get wars. Which is a bummer.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tactical Surrender

In many situation, you shouldn't back down, because perseverance is the best way to survive. But when the odds are entirely against you and you enemy thinks he knows it, back down and then attack him when he least expects it. Muahahaha! There are tactical places in wars where surrender is a good thing. Surrendering can save lives if the tides of the enemy are overwhelming.
In our own countries history, were were out numbered. Colonial America did not give up when faced against the most powerful nation at the time: Britain. As we all know, the colonies won. The truth of this all is; we shouldn't give up against things that are worth fighting for. Things that are for the greater good. Like freedom and protection. Fighting against evil desires is the eternal battle that we all fight. Do you just throw away our morals? NO! of course we don't. Or at least we shouldn't. Some do is the sad thing.
Deciding which out come is better should be the motivation for surrender.
i have issues with giving up. iv no doubt about it. thats part of the reason i am such a determined, motivated and fast distance runner. because distance running is such a difficult sport both physicaly and especial mentaly, only the strong of heart can truely be phenominal. but with such a strong mentality is a very critical weakness. distance runners dont know when to give up. there are few times that it would be smart to give up, but when those situations arise, it can be very dangerous. for example a few weeks ago it was the end of a meet and i was side by side with another guy trying to compete for all the points i could. we both were sprinting the last 200 meters of the 1500 and we were evenly matched. i managed to pull the strength from deep inside, and win. but there was a cost. iv severely injured my back and was not able to optimally preform at the district meet. in fact, i shouldnt have even run. but i did anyway and it was one of the most painful things iv ever experienced. now i have to get an MRI on Friday and hope that i dont need surgury. but thats a physical type of surrender. Mental surrender is a completely different story and trust me when i say i have very major issues with this. Giving up things or people that you know in your heart you never want to let go is the hardest thing iv ever had to do in my life. but there is a point when you realize its for the best. so you try to move on. you try to let go but you never really do. it is true that it is hard to do the right thing sometimes. unfortunately i know this all too well. but i try to move on. i try to be happy. dont work for crap though. especially when you are physically and mentaly breaking down. but the knowledge in my heart that giving things up is the best, would save me.because trust me, its one thing to know what to do with your mind. its a whole other thing to know what to do in your heart. and when those two contradict eachother, it leaves a path of destruction that takes a long time to rebuild.

Raise the white flag?

I don't think students should give up in school. Though I dislike some of my classes, I don't give up and fail the class. Its hard for me to keep trying in tougher situations, especially with people. I have trouble compromising if the person doesn't do their half, and I try to have patience, but I'm not always successful. I really wish I wouldn't give up on things such as eating healthier, or being less negative. I notice I don't give up when I have someone motivating me. I don't think people should surrender themselves to others. What I mean by this is I get irritated seeing people let other people abuse them physically or mentally. I think if a person is doing something that harms them and is ruining their life, then they should give up on the drug or whatever is affecting them. Overall, it depends on the situation in my opinion and who knows... there could be a small victory on letting something go.

Descretion is th Key

I personally have trouble with giving up. Its not that I give up too easily, its that I don't know when to give up. Sometimes it is all too early, other times I am "the captian of a sinking ship." I feel like giving up and cutting your losses can be a good stratagy. I am not really the best on this subject, sorry.

!42! Topic #15: No Retreat, No Surrender

When should you give up?
Is it really true that you should never surrender, never back down, always keep fighting?
Or does it make more sense to let something go, and try to conserve some effort/energy/resources of whatever kind, for the next fight?
What are the gradations, or the categories and criteria?  What sorts of things should you surrender on quickly, if anything, and what are the sorts of things you should never surrender?

Answers (If you haven't given up on this blog entirely, that is) by next Tuesday, June 1.

Monday, May 24, 2010

#14 Shakespeare Research

Is Shakespeare’s’ Macbeth Really Cursed?

Ask anyone in theater what the “Scottish play” is and they will immediately know what you are talking about. It’s the play Macbeth, by Shakespeare. Supposedly the play is cursed, so cursed that you can’t even say the name Macbeth in the theater without bad thing happening to you. Is this true?

To begin, one can look to the actual plot of the play, which is pretty dark. There is murder, deceit, evil and witchcraft all contained in this short play. It was originally performed for King James, who had written a book on how to detect witches. Knowing this, Shakespeare decided to put witchcraft into his play that he was performing for King James. He used actual black magic in one of the scenes of the play. There were witches (actors) dancing around a black cauldron, yelling and throwing things into the cauldron. However, the real witches weren’t very happy that Shakespeare exposed their witchcraft practices so they cast a spell on the play. Supposedly the spell has never been broken and still exists today.

What is the spell? According to Andrew Mann in his analysis The Curse of Macbeth, he states “Supposedly, saying the name "Macbeth" inside a theater will bring bad luck to the play and anyone acting in it. The only exception is when the word is spoken as a line in the play.” So assuming that this is true, what happens if you accidentally slip up and say the dreaded name? You need to act fast to ward off the curse! Again, according to Andrew Mann, he states in his analysis “In order to reverse the bad luck, the person who uttered the word must exit the theater, spin around three times saying a profanity, and then ask for permission to return inside. There are several other variations of this ritual that involve spitting over your shoulders or simply letting out a stream of cuss words. Some say that you must repeat the words "Thrice around the circle bound, Evil sink into the ground," or you can turn to Will himself for assistance and cleanse the air with a quotation from Hamlet.” So according to legend you better do something or you will be doomed to bad luck. Most actors in theater are aware of this and that is why the play Macbeth is referred to as the “Scottish play”.

So is this true? Have there been any instances where bad things have happened to actors that dared to speak the name Macbeth? Surely there would be many incidents documented if the legend were true. Well, as a matter of fact, there are many examples. Supposedly, Shakespeare himself had to perform the role of Lady Macbeth because the actor who was cast in that role suddenly got very ill and died. There are more cases that have been documented. According to Samantha Mann in her article Superstition and Macbeth: Curse of the Scottish Play, she has found the following real cases. “One of these most famous cases of real life tragedy striking a production of Macbeth occurred at New York's Astor Place, in 1849, when 31 people were killed when a full-scale riot broke out in the theatre”. She goes on with other examples from her article, “The curse of the play is said to have struck the legendary Laurence Olivier, when he was nearly hit by a stage weight, in 1937. The director and an actress, of the same production, were involved in a car accident on their way to the theatre. The production was hit with further bad luck when the theatre manager was killed by a heart attack during the dress rehearsal and, if that weren’t enough, Olivier’s sword broke during one of the fight scenes and ended up flying into the audience, hitting a man who later also had a heart attack”.

So what do you think? I think these little ‘incidents’ are pretty convincing! The fact that many actors refuse to say the name Macbeth implies that many in the theater company agree with me. If I were an actress I don’t think I would throw caution to the wind and take my chances. I would try not to repeat the name, and if I did on accident, I would quickly learn the art of spitting over my shoulder! I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry. So indeed, the curse lives on.


Works Cited

Markham, Samantha. “Superstition and Macbeth: The Curse of The Scottish Play”
Suite 101. 29 October 2009. Web. 24 May 2010. xzz0ouY5iJJ8

Mann, Andrew. “The Curse of Macbeth.” The Lone Conspirators. Web. 24 May 2010.