Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I think about this question too much.

To say honesty was the best thing I'd be lying. While at most times honesty is the best thing, It can get you in less trouble if you just tell the truth then telling a lie and the person or persons finding out that you lied. I believe that lieing sometimes is the best thing to do, sometimes you need to do so you wont hurt a friend you've know forever or along the lines of that. It's not usually the best thing to do but sometimes it's the easiest way out.
So, I guess what I'm saying is that do what you need to do to survive this thing that we call life. Even if it means telling a lie here and there to get through the day.


  1. I agree with your post, but not your title -- it is very nearly impossible to think about something too much. I think it is possible to think about something too -- close, I suppose, as in focusing on it to the exclusion of other things for a period of time, but otherwise? Keep on thinkin', says I!

  2. i do like how you put it into context. i completely agree

  3. I agree with Humphrey about the title thing and I also agree with your view of truth and lies. To get through the day I have to tell one lie at least. I usually only lie to my sister Misty though. I try to tell the truth as much as possible.


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