Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I try to always tell the truth. I sometimes leave out all of the truth though. I don't think that that's lying but then again I know that it's not 100% honest to do that. I try as hard as I can to not lie. It really bugs me when people lie to me. I try to be honest to you so please be honest to me! I get telling a white lie every once in a while and everyone does that but I'd be more understanding if people would just tell the truth even if they think that I'd rather hear a lie.

Lying and the i feel

Lying and telling the truth... hmm...

I think that lying is not good at all but yet I still have done it. Telling the truth is genna get you farther in life then lying.

I think that if you tell the truth but not the whole truth then, its not lying but its not telling the truth, your just telling a story with lots of parts left out. Telling the truth is a good way to feel better I think.

I am the type of person who likes to tell some one what I really think. So lying to me isn't really an option. To others lying is the only way they can tell someone what they have heard or how they really feel. For others the truth is the best.

So I honestly think it depends on the person who is talking, what there personalities are, and the other thing I feel like it depends on is who you are telling it to. I would never suggest to tell a lie to your parents.

I think about this question too much.

To say honesty was the best thing I'd be lying. While at most times honesty is the best thing, It can get you in less trouble if you just tell the truth then telling a lie and the person or persons finding out that you lied. I believe that lieing sometimes is the best thing to do, sometimes you need to do so you wont hurt a friend you've know forever or along the lines of that. It's not usually the best thing to do but sometimes it's the easiest way out.
So, I guess what I'm saying is that do what you need to do to survive this thing that we call life. Even if it means telling a lie here and there to get through the day.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We've all done it, don't act like you haven't.

I think it's better to be honest. If you tell the truth in the beginning, and someone gets mad at you, they're more likely to forgive you. 

When i'm considering lying, or telling the truth, I think about what will hurt them more. If the truth is horrible then i might lie, or if after they found out i lied, it would hurt them more than the truth would have, i'd tell the truth. I think it all depends on who you are and who/what it's about.

If you leave parts out of the truth, I think it's being dishonest, but not outright lying.
I have lied, everybody has. I don't know anyone who has never told a lie to get out of something, or to make their freind feel better. I think it's in our nature and enviroment to lie.
No one is perfect. We're all human. We lie. And that's the truth.


I have never really thought about this before, but if i were to make an opinion on whether lying was morally right or not i would have to say it all depends on the situation. If something(or someone?) could be benefited by a small lie then why not? on the flip side though, if something is really not important you should just tell the truth always( like stealing a cookie from the cookie jar and getting caught....)

So for me it all depends on the situation. :)

Lying!!! What do I think about lieing!?! ...

What I think about lying... First Im not friends with people who lie, i dont like people who lie to me, and i dont lie. Lying is probably one of my biggest pet peeves..(idk how to spell that.)

I dont understand why people lie, whats the purpuse of lieing, why do we do it. Cause I know everyone does, I have and probably will again in my life.
But I think that lieing is a huge thing and I know it can hurt people and i know how it feels when someone lies to you. Its not fun!

I think lots of kids lie and dont think muuch about it, like oh that doesnt matter, or it was just a little lie, or the expression it was e white lie. I hate that, a LIE is a LIE! No matter how big it was, you stilled like to someone and you lied to yourself. I know I have lied before and im not proud of it, but when we lie its usually to our benefit, because we lie and we are going somewhere but we're really going somewhere else. or lie and say we did good on a test, but really we failed and just dont want to get introuble. I think the biggest thing about lieing is we need to admit that we lied and aplolgize. Or we need to step up and instead of lieing to get out of something, we admit we did something wrong and we have to deal with the consiquences...

topic #2

when i was a young boy and even a small child, i used to lie all the time. even if it wasn't necessary or i was trying to get away with something. i don't ever remember lying to other kids to become for popular or impress anyone but the things i would lie about were around the house. if there was a huge hole is the wall for example i would have "no clue" what happened and for the most part i got away with it. there never an instance where i got caught and learned my lesson, if i got caught i would lie my way out of getting caught, or just admit defeat and lie again the next day. that's all in the past and i don't lie anymore, maybe a white lie but that's it. i think that most people grow out of lying as they get older. and if they don't they get into trouble either at school or with the law.

Are Lies Morally Wrong?

I think there are certain instances where lying is alright.

For instance, if you're in danger of crushing someone's spirit, a little white lie is ok.

I believe that you can ruin someone's trust in you, though, so it's much better to tell the truth.

My question for the class:

Have you ever told a lie that jeopardized your relationship with someone? If so (and if you wish to answer), what was their relation to you and do you regret whatever lie you told?

Lier, lier, pants of fire!

Lying has been seen through many eyes; sometimes good, sometimes bad. When can we say the truth is always the right destination? I could lie right now, and say the truth solves all my problems; it doesn't. I feel there are some things, a person can just never know. I think lying comes in handy(in some situations), but when lying takes over your life. You become a lier, and who will trust you? "The truth will set you free." Will it really? I think lying, and honesty depends on trust sometimes. Lying isn't a sin, its just another choice for me... that could lead to good, or bad. Just like honesty.

Monday, September 28, 2009

You are a lying, kniving witch.

Lying and it's opposite.
To the extent of making someone feel ok about themselves, it's good.
When someone is rude and asks if they are or not, it is not okay to lie, as an example. (In my opinion.)
I suppose the way I see it is, if lying to someone makes them a better person, then it's okay.
If lying to a person with holds any positive growth from them, then shame towards you.

I am a blunt person though, I have lied. I know this is so and admit it but it is usually my last resort as an option.

morality of lying

Lying can be all sorts of thing. mostly it is what the person who is telling the lie is trying to hide. it would be wrong to say that lying is a bad thing. it is just a form of deception. of course, there is always a time where lying is appropriate or not. if somebody is asking you how they look, you arent going to say they look like a piece of crap(unless you really hate them). your going to tell them they look fine. this way they feel better and it makes thing better. now if you asked sombody for some money and said you'd pay them back and never did, that would be a bad way to lie. that is manipulation of sombody's kindness and you should be beat up.


i believe that if you do lie its only okay if its about like "oh your hair does look cute" .. even though its not close .. but its the matter of crushing someones confidence .. but try and be as truthful as possible .. like me .. i know i lie sometinmmes and then i feel like oh how can i cover up that loose end ... so its bvetter to just tell the truth

Lie Lie Lie!

I think it is complete rubbish that it should be morally wrong to lie. There is a time to lie, and a time to tell the truth. Of course we should make it a habit to be truthful to people, after all, relationships are rarely better off when built on lies, but it's complete craziness to suggest lying makes you a bad person. There are many instances when when I find it would be perfectly acceptable to lie. May it be for your own sake, or another's. I think as human beings, we have a responsibility to be able to discern when the time for truth is, and when the time for deception is at hand. It's not a question of if lying in itself is a "bad" thing, it's a question of if we can handle the responsibilities of it.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

love to be laughed at

Why do some people let their self esteem, and immage ride on if they can make others laugh? This seems to be that these people are setting themselves up for failure, because you can't please everybody all the time....

Topic #2: What a Tangled Web We Weave

. . . when first we practice to deceive.

This week's topic: truth and lies, honesty and deception.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether it is better to tell the truth, or to lie. If it depends, on what does it depend? When you have to decide whether to be honest or deceptive, what factors do you consider? When is it better to tell the truth, and when is it better to lie? Why do you recommend that action at those times?

Is it best to tell the entire truth, or to leave some parts out? If you leave parts out, is that dishonest? Outright lying?

Is honesty really a better thing than deception? If it is not, why does our culture teach that it is? For that matter, does our culture truly teach that it is?

Do you consider yourself to be completely honest? If you don't, can you share something you have lied or would lie about -- a generic or invented example, if not an actual one?

One post from everyone by Saturday, October 3, please.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What are the three best things that you have done in your life and why?


What religion do you follow? Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? Buddhism? Or are you even a religious person?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Jimminy Christmas!!

What is the true meaning of Christmas? I know what the bible says and I know the gist of the half billion plays and movies made about Christmas. Everyone has their favorite Christmas movie and or quote. "You'll shoot your eye out!". Every one has a memories whether they are good or bad. For some people it's that kinda of year where family gets together and continuously argues. Either that or Christmas is spent wishing for family. Christmas mean something different for everyone, how can one answer cover them all? Your local kick-in- the-pants kindergartner probably might only want cookies!

world peace

world peace is the worst idea i have ever heard. there is no way in hell that it would ever happen. one reason is religion, no one can agree on who's god or gods are right. the world is screwed because of over population, we would be done for within months. since the murder rate would drop to zero babies would be squirting out everywhere. there is a thing called yin and yang, where one relies on the other. without hate there hate there wouldn't be love. i love to hate and i just won't get rid of that. everything would go to hell.

What do you plan on doing after high school?

Do you plan on going to college? What's your dream job? Where do you plan on living? etc.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Question Is...

what is your favorite color? Is it blue? Red? Green? Red? Black? White? Yellow? Purple? Pink? Brown? Or is is something complex like turquoise? Cyan? Indigo? Teal? Aqua? Lime Green? Baby Blue?

As for me I don't have a favorite color.

My Question Is...

Um... Idk how to delete this. I didn't put it here it just showed up.

Answer me this...

Why get married?

Two people could live in the same house, not being married. They could have kids and still wouldn't need to get married. They could even share the bills, still no marriage needed. So why is it such a big deal when two people get married? 

Why do we need marriage? Are we afraid we'll lose that person if we don't have legal papers binding us together? Or a ring to show we're committed?

My question is this: Why get married?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Makes You Truly Happy?

What makes you truly happy?

Personally, I think it's sitting in the sun with friends, or having a sleepover and staying up way past my bedtime.
The sound of thunder early in the morning, when the dawn is just breaking, and sitting on the couch watching a movie when it's pouring so hard outside that it overflows the gutters.

Where or what makes you truly happy?

Who are we?

I find myself always wondering who i am.

What i like, what i dont. how i act. how i feel and how i display myself in the world.
These things seem to be constantly changing over time and i sometimes find myself lost
I dont remember who i am or how i want to act.
I want to have opinions on my beliefs but i cant figure out what those beliefs are.

So heres my question.

Does anybody else seem to lose the sense of who they really are?
I made a mistake a few months ago. I told my sister something i shouldn't have. She was in class with one of my best friends sisters, and they got into a yelling match about Their older siblings and their friendship.
My sister told the other sister the things i shouldn't have said, and then LIED about somethings, because she was "lost in the moment".
In doing so I hurt one of my best friends so bad that she practically hates me, and wants me to stay out of her life
I made a mistake and i am sorry
This is a learning experience and sadly the cost was a friendship that meant a lot

My question as of right now is what is the biggest mistake that you have made recently, and do you feel sorry about it, or do feel that it wasn't your fault

Pet Peeves

Here's my question.

What is your pet peeve, and why does it bug you so much?

I've been making a mental list of stuff that really bugs me, and i've actually came up with
quite a bit. To answer my own question, I think my top two most annoying pet peeves are:

1) Repetitive songs that have only 2-5 words to them and make absolutely no sense
2) When you want penut butter, and you try to get it out of the jar, but you can't because there isn't much left and what you can get always falls off the knife.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Maybe not. But those are probably my top two.

Where do you find solace?

I don't know about any of you, but whenever I'm in a stressful situation, which is a lot of the time because I tend to stress out about things, I always like to immerse myself in something to get my mind off of it. Generally it's in a book, or music. What I'm asking you is, what does everyone else do when they need to escape from life, if you feel the need to at all?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Simple Question

Quite often I find myself asking this, what makes us who we are?
Is there something that defines us, separates us from the rest of the population, or are we all just little specks of meaningless nothing sent to this earth for no reason at all?

I would truly like to know what makes you you, and your take on what we are meant for.

I myself have thought and thought about this question. I see so many things that define me, but when i look at others I can find those same traits. Is it even possible for anyone to be unique? I like to think I'm different, I tell myself this everyday.

Honestly, I have no answer to my own questions. I guess that could be the reason I chose to ask all of you guys. I wish I could just find some sort of answer.
Where does the sidewalk end?


Why make regrets?

I feel that regrets aren't a necessity for life. Yes, mistakes happen, but you learn from them and move on. When you make regrets you are holding a negative part of the past and letting it follow you through your future. I prefer to be optomistic and focus on the life ahead of me rather than a poor memory of a mistake I had previously made; wheather that be from one day ago or three years. So what's the point?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Favorite words?

What is your favorite word? Where did you hear it? I think this might be good seeing as we are doing all this vocab stuff, heh.

Mine: Defenestration-The act of throwing something or someone out of a window.
I heard that from my Grandma a few years ago...was very interesting.


Okay, so here is my question. It's kind of random, but what one isn't? :P
What is your full name? Do you go by something else? Why? Do you know why you were named what you are? If so, why? Where you named after someone? Who? Do you like your name? And if you could change it, what would you change it to? What's you Favorite nickname?

My answer to this is: My full name is Rachel Jean Edwards. I dont go by anything else. I'm not sure why I was named this other than my parents named me it. (yeah, no special story lol) I was named after my grandma though. That is were Jean comes from. I like my name I suppose, I'm not sure what I would change it to. I guess Rachel is just who I am. My nicknames are Rach, ratchel, rachey and roo. haha My fav would probably be..... Ratchel. Odd story behind that one, funy it stuck.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


The most Important truth I know and have learned recently is to recognize your mistakes, you may not be able to fix the damage they caused but you can try to make it better and know for the next time.

Now after you have recognized your mistake, what would you do to make it better?

Edit: If any of you saw the scenario I removed it, because I fixed it, in part.

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions...

Music is a big thing for almost everyone. For some it's their muse, their escape from reality, or a simple pasttime. Music can change lives if you let it. So, my question is:

What is your favorite song of all time?

You've got to have one. No matter what genre, even if you listen to all kinds of music. There has to be one song that has somehow affected your life, even in a tiny way.

Zis eez mine.


I would like to know what each student's inspiration is?  What inspires you guys to keep going at goals, sports, or when it comes to writing, etc.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I am personally a very sensitive person. I like to talk about my problems a lot, I find it very helpful. I am curious about how many other people like to talk about their problems too. My opinion is that keeping it in or just living in denial is not very healthy. I'm not sure if people just feel selfish if they talk about their problems, or just don't feel like they have anyone to talk about it with. Of course that is just my oppinion, and I am noone to judge you for what you are comfortable with!

So my question is: Do you find it helpful to Vent or just to keep it all inside and kind of ignore it?
All people view different people differently, as well as the world..
How do you see things at the moment
People. Thats the bloody problem with everyone. Everybody else makes life so damn miserable. Everyone. Your family, your friends, people you hate, and people you love. No difference. They all make you so F****** mad. My day was so good until i got home and looked at my facebook and bam!!! immediate day ruining. Congrats to you if you know who you are... YOU made my weekend a shitty one.


do you think that overpopulation is the biggest worldwide problem right now. in ecology i'm learning about the un's goals for 2015. for example, they have goals like combat HIV, poverty, woman equality, and education for all. none of these other goals won't even exist if we don't fix the environment. if we control how many people are on the earth we won't be sucking up resources as fast and saving the planet.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Okay, I have a question.
What is Victoria's Secret?

John Creamers question

Why belive in god? Whats the point? It can't be proven? Its all just in a book?

Try to convince me to believe in this so called


My question is:

If we do die and go to heaven, where is heaven? I have always believed its beyond the clouds, but if you have been in an airplane, you fly above the clouds.
Are you flying through Heaven, with angels and god there too?
Or is heaven even farther up in the sky? Do you think its out of this universe?

What's in a name, and perfect discussions are ... private?

I am sure that everyone has some rhyme or reason to what name they chose to be called. For example I am CoCo_Nut. I was just wondering what your reason for your name on the blog was.

In case you are wondering what my reason was, here it is. I am a fan of the
Color Computer from the 80's and so I call it by it's nickname: "the CoCo" (short for COlor COmputer). People who like the CoCo call themselves Coco-nuts so I adopted the name.

My second question here is of a different
topic. What do you think about these discussions being viewable to anyone who happens to stumble upon them? Do you think that this is a positive thing in the discussion or not? In the classroom the discussions are unrecorded and unpublished. Are your answers and questions in class different from your ones here on the blog?

Well, there is my contribution to this blog for now, and I look forward to seeing your responses.

hmm ...

Let me think, so, I have to ask some question.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

What did all of you think of our first pep. assembly?

Personally me i thought it was rather lame sauce because there wasn't really enough time and they didn't even announce who came in 2nd, 3rd or 4th place.

Plus us sophomores need to get some more spirit.

Oh by the way Mr. Humphrey you oh me 15 cents.

A Quizical Question?

I suppose that I am to post a question to ask. Hmm...
Awkward silence...
What are your favorite kinds of cookies?
I cannot think of anything else I really please to know at this point in time and I have just made some cookies. I'm sitting here just thinking about them as they lay 3 feet away from me, smoldering hot.... So I have to wait a few moments as they cool down.

My personal favorite is Snickerdoodle.

My question

The question i would like answered is, what happens when you die? Do you go to heaven? reincarnation? Does our sole just evaporate? What do you believe?

What is the single most important truth that you know? - Alana

The most important truth I know?

It's darkest before the dawn. - J. Blagojevic

Now a question for all of you!

This pertains to my answer to Mr. Humphrey's question, so:

Why do YOU think it's darkest before the dawn, or do you even think that saying is true?
the single most important question to everything is why. why we are here, why we need an answer to everything, why it needs to be answered, why we can't just let it go. i think that, as a human that is our gut reaction, to ask why, and then wonder about the answer, instead of taking it at its face value. i suppose that you could argue that why is not the most important question, as it is too broad, and too far fetched, but it is the question that we need to answer, before we can find the truth.

  • a question for the class. why does things end up harder than they need to be? they end up so twisted and in the end, who can really remember why they were upset in the first place?
A Question for the Class Questionnaire: Is the glass half empty or half full. Yes I know that that is slightly cliche; but to me it's important to know whether I'm talking I'm talking to someone who looks for the best or someone who looks for things to be negative about. So my question is what is your general outlook on life? Is the glass half empty or half full?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Topic #1: No Soup for You!

In keeping with our running theme so far this year, I thought this introductory blogging experience should relate to questions. You all had a chance to ask me questions -- the vast majority of which were non-soup questions, or questions that failed to gain you information important to you personally -- and you have answered, in writing, my question about who you are.

So let's keep it going.

One of the most common internet experiences is the internet quiz, or questionnaire. Entire sites are devoted to the creation and administration of quizzes that claim to answer for you the burning question of Which Muppet Are You Most Like? or What Is Your O.C. I.Q.?, (Wow, how often do you see those three punctuation marks right in a row?) or How Many Kindergartners Could You Take In A Fight?

Twenty-five, if you're wondering. According to the quiz, that is -- I have never verified it.

But as silly as those quizzes are, they're still fun. And the questionnaires -- those lists of questions, usually fifty in number, that you have to copy and paste, answer, and then spread like a chain letter -- are repetitive, but still give interesting information about the people who show you their answers.

I am suggesting that we make a class questionnaire: a better one than what we've all seen in e-mails and on social networking sites. Each of us will contribute one question. It should be a non-soup question, but it should be a question you would like answered; and there should be a rationale or at least a reason why you chose to contribute that particular question. Your post should present your question and explain your choice -- you don't need to give your answer to your own question. Not yet, at least.

Mr. H's Post:
Conceiving this blog got me thinking: what are my favorite questions? My favorite question to ask, when I expect an answer, is: "Why?" I feel it is the most important piece of information in any exchange, because it gives one insight into another's mindset, and intentions; I think the way people think is fascinating, and so it is what I always want to know. But it only works when there is a conversation prior to it; if I walked up to random people on the street and asked, "Why?" I would not get a good answer. My favorite question to ask when I don't expect or care for an answer is either "Who put the bop in the bop-shu-bop-shu-bop?" or "Who put the ram in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong?" I enjoy the response I get, which is usually little more than a blank look. My favorite question to answer is "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" This is my favorite because I know the answer: about 700 pounds.

I think the best question to ask of people, without any prior context to give it relevance, is this:
What is the single most important truth that you know?
I like this question because it forces the respondent to consider and eliminate different possibilities before answering, which means there is less chance that I will get an answer that is too easy or oversimplified. People don't generally want to give a joke answer because people do know important truths, and they are generally things we want to share with others -- they're important, after all! -- but are uncomfortable sharing unasked. The answer, when honest, gives quite a good insight into the respondent -- it often reveals religious convictions, or lack thereof; or philosophical conclusions, or goals and ideals. It shows the person's main lens through which he or she views the world, which I consider the most important piece of information one can get about another. What I mean is: I am a literature guy, a word guy, so I think of things in terms of words; I want to hear what people said when they did this or that, and I want to read their explanation of why. If I was more of an action person, I might want to just get out there and do things myself -- and so on. That's my lens, and it tells a lot about me. But the best thing about my question is this: it asks for these very difficult and important and personal opinions in a way that most people can understand, and respond to.

That's my contribution: what is the single most important truth you know?

Your turn.