Saturday, October 10, 2009

Truth is good, but not always blunt

Truth is a very important quality for trust. I believe it is always good to tell the truth. lying hasn.t ever been an issue for me, but being blunt has... It often occurs with women. And if there is any guy that doesnt know this, DON'T tell your girlfriend something bluntly if it's bad. It can be very stressful trying to convince her that it was the hair Style that reminded you of a wookie, not the hair its self. That is onle of the few times i have ever regreted telling the truth...


  1. yes, you never compare a girl to a wookie. EVER. in any way. unless she really likes you, she will never speak to you again.

  2. See, my wife agreed with you, but I don't get it. What's wrong with being compared to a wookie? How can you not like wookies? They're wookies! Come on! WOOKIES!

    Maybe this is a gender thing. Are wookies particularly male aliens? Is there a female alien that girls wouldn't mind being compared to?

    Actually, now that I think about it -- seems like a lot of the sci-fi alien races are somewhat male-centric in their appeal. Klingons -- ugly, strong, warlike; the Borg -- half machine; the Martians in Mars Attacks -- warlike again. Hmmm. Maybe ET? He was a gardener who liked kids wanted to use the phone. Or the gray beings in Close Encounters of the Third Kind? They're tall and slender and graceful, and enjoy music and bright lights . . .

    Please forgive the stereotypes. They ran away with me.


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