The man said, "All politicians lie. I am a politician."(It really has a possible solution, by the way. The man saying this isn't a politician, but someone lying and saying he is.)
Well, this is a subject that I know next to nothing on because I don't watch television, get a news paper, or look at internet news sites. As far as I know it is said that heath care, when reformed, will be a taxpayer supplied pool of money used for paying for basic health care. What "basic health care",however, is still something being argued.
One of the things included in the category of basic health care which is debatable is abortion. I firmly believe that this should not be so. Pregnancy is not a disease, and abortion is morally wrong. I most definitely do not want to be forced to fund abortions when I become a tax payer.
This new health care, which has been dubbed "ObamaCare", has multiple revisions and versions. The largest one, written primarily by Harry Reid, went to vote today at 8:00 Eastern Time. This massive document was 2074 pages, multiple times larger than the Old Testament". The time given to read through, understand, and think through this document, written in heavy "legalese", was about one week. Imagine needing to read through this document in a little over a week!
A couple weeks ago another such document was voted upon. This one, written by Nancy Pelosi, was a daunting 1990 pages and like the more recent one was given a little over a week for review.
These documents have many hidden costs and consequences which are well disguised and are practically impossible to detect in the time given for review. And these bills completely ignore the fact that the majority of Americans do not want to fund abortions. My mother does most all she can calling our senators, but unfortunately the government can chose to ignore the popular opinion. Americans got Obama in office, and they will need to live with him for his term.
If only the government would just but out