Sunday, April 25, 2010

Topics upon topics

In no particular order, here they are. After I list them and write about one, I'll ridicule some.

write about a strange or other worldly experience that has happened to you.

Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.

What era would you rather live in and why?

Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.

How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?

Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?

What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?

Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”

What journeys have your shoes been through?

Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.

What you wished you learned in school.

Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)

One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.

Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”

The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.

Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.

I'm going to write about a time that I "saved" someone: After play practice for alice and wonderland, My friend Chelsy couldn't find her script. She fretted over it, looked everywhere, and didn't know what to do. I knew what to do, because I had a photocoppying machien at my house. After I got home and scanned the script for her. I save her bacon, because she needed to practice her lines for the play.

Now I'm going to ridicule some of the topics and also be slightly humorous, or at least try. I apologize for using the word "moron".
*One if the topics asked "is silence really golden?". My answer: Silence is golden but duct tape is silver :D
*Another topic asked about the first time you had chocolate. I concur that a female suggested it. Who else could remember the first time they had chocolate? (unless you are uber sheltered.)
*Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.(what moron puts "use names"? Sounds like an axe killer or an assassin.)
*The first time you shot up crack.(I've never shot up crack before, moron. Ever think of that?)

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