The people that passed by that guy should have stopped to help, but it doesn't mean they are responsible for his death. However, they might have been able to stop it, so that does make them pretty stupid. The person that was at fault was definately the stabber though.
I think if you aren't aware of your actions then you shouldn't be held responsible, but it depends on the circumstance. If you are drunk and you do something to harm someone else, then you should be held responsible because if you are that stupid as a drunk it is your fault for drinking in the first place. However, if it is something else, like a mental problem, then it isn't there fault if they don't really know what they are doing.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Its funny... a few days ago i watched the first rugrats movie where Tommy gets a "sponstibility", its really a pocket watch. KNow matter how much trouble Dill (Tommy's little brother) causes for him. He still loves him and feels he is responsible for him, being his big brother and all. IF my brother was responsible for me... well he'd be in deep shit lol. i feel that you are responsible for you and if people want your help you should assist them to the beset of your abbilities.
Alternate Writing Topicssss
These are my three favorite. . .
1)What era would you rather live in and why?
2)What would you do if you won $1,000,000?
3)What do you want to do when you grow up?
and I'm gonna write about number 2. . .
If I had a million dollars I would be so happy. I wouldn't live like a millionaire, I'd only be just spending money when i need to. Money makes everything so much worse (especially when you have none) so if I had a million dollars I wouldn't have to worry about any of that.
1)What era would you rather live in and why?
2)What would you do if you won $1,000,000?
3)What do you want to do when you grow up?
and I'm gonna write about number 2. . .
If I had a million dollars I would be so happy. I wouldn't live like a millionaire, I'd only be just spending money when i need to. Money makes everything so much worse (especially when you have none) so if I had a million dollars I wouldn't have to worry about any of that.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Well I personally think that responsibility is an impossible subject to explain in a few sentences. Responsibility depends on the person, and what they believe. I myself think that the people who passed the dying man should have been obligated to help, however, they obviously thought differently, so who's to say who's right or wrong. It's just a never ending cycle of opinions.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Well i suppose i should actually do this blog on time being that this one is about responsibility. I think that a lot of minors take advantage of the fact that they wont be held responsible for thing and this i think is obsured (sp?). I think that the person who stabbed the guy is responsible, but also the people who didnt help.
Topic 12
I think that we should be held responsible for our actions. Though sometimes it leads to bad consequences, most of us know well enough what will happen when we do something. Perhaps it's not the exact thing, but it's something similar. Being ignorant depends. If a person is ignorant because they don't know any better (due to being a small child or something), then they should not be held responsible. In the case of the "legally insane", I have no idea. I guess it depends on the insanity level and type.
The lack of action depends, as well. If the reason is that you had no other choice, then no. If the reason was that you were just being lazy, then yes. How to determine the reason is beyond me. This stabbing, I believe that yes, they are indirectly responsible, due to the fact that they were either a) Too lazy, or b) Too busy. That's no excuse to let a man lie dying on the sidewalk. Obviously, the person who actually stabbed him was directly responsible. Society doesn't help, I can say that much. Perhaps I've been hearing false tales, but in Canada, almost all houses have at least one to two guns. But nobody ever hears about shootings! That's not to say they don't happen; it just means that they don't focus on the horrible things in the news. I don't blame the seller/previous owner of the knife (unless they were in cahoots with the stabber), because the likelihood is that they had no idea that the knife would be used for such nefarious purposes.
The lack of action depends, as well. If the reason is that you had no other choice, then no. If the reason was that you were just being lazy, then yes. How to determine the reason is beyond me. This stabbing, I believe that yes, they are indirectly responsible, due to the fact that they were either a) Too lazy, or b) Too busy. That's no excuse to let a man lie dying on the sidewalk. Obviously, the person who actually stabbed him was directly responsible. Society doesn't help, I can say that much. Perhaps I've been hearing false tales, but in Canada, almost all houses have at least one to two guns. But nobody ever hears about shootings! That's not to say they don't happen; it just means that they don't focus on the horrible things in the news. I don't blame the seller/previous owner of the knife (unless they were in cahoots with the stabber), because the likelihood is that they had no idea that the knife would be used for such nefarious purposes.
Topic 12
Hmm...responsibility, not really sure how to answer this topic. I think people are responsible for their own actions always. Just because what they chose to do however they ended up doing it was their fault. There could be contributing factors too it. I don't quite understand how being drunk is a legal excuse for a persons actions because they chose to drink in the first place. Same with drugs unless they were tricked somehow into eating or drinking either of those substances. Even then they chose to take it from whoever gave it to them. Their fault, but out of their control. As for the idiots who let the good Samaritan die on the sidewalk. I don't even know how to describe the idiocy they had. What were they thinking? I don't understand why they didn't get help for him, I saw the camera footage on the news. Its horrible.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Who do you think?!
People... I believe the people who pass you by are the once who are responsible. I cannot even begin to fathom why a person would NOT call 911 when an emergency has taken place. Isn't that what we've been raised with as a response? I have.
"If something bad happens, call 911."
The four conditions of when a person is not responsible as conditions I agree with, other than the "its depends" on the Minor one. I agree with that. If a minor commits something like a homocide or a sexual abuse act and are guilty, they're guilty.
And that's that for me.
"If something bad happens, call 911."
The four conditions of when a person is not responsible as conditions I agree with, other than the "its depends" on the Minor one. I agree with that. If a minor commits something like a homocide or a sexual abuse act and are guilty, they're guilty.
And that's that for me.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Catching Up///sorry..
This is me, actually doing the blogs..catching up....
Topic #8: For lack of a better word…
What is my life lacking? A hobby. I need a hobby, something to occupy myself with. Sure, I write, and sometimes I like to pretend that I work out…but this isn’t anything that I have to do, that my Dad would remind me to get ready for, or you know? Something that is a must. So that is something I am thinking about. Something to do…What to I myself lack? Patience. And sometimes the ability to believe in myself. Yes, definitely that one. Sometimes I don’t give myself enough credit. I know it, but it doesn’t really change anything. Why is it an obstacle? Well, because I hold myself back. From a lot of things..and I know it, but what can you do?
Topic #9: Let’s talk about sex ba-by.
Alright, this one is interesting enough. Well, I think that men could definitely go without women a lot easier than women could go without them. I mean, humans as a whole are dependant creatures, right? We crave company and things of the sort, but overall, I think that men could just handle it better. What girl likes to be alone? None. And if someone tells you different, they are big fat liars. No one likes to be lonely. Which is the better sex? I’m not sure, and I know that’s a cop out, but deal with it.
Topic #10: Hidden beauty
Hmm, I definitely think that there are still wonders in the world that we know nothing about, or just a select few have even imagined. And I believe that some of them are right in front of our unsuspecting faces. I do. I think you just have to be in the right mindset, the right time in your life to see these mysteries. And I hope to god that one day I will happen upon such a thing. Whether it is a place, a fact, or a true love. I hope I find them all. Because if they aren’t out there, then what is this life worth living for?
Topic # 11: Essay topics…
My favorite topics are:
The best summer of your life.
Write about something that truly changed your life.
Write about dreams.
Dreams… one of the weirdest dreams of my life, was also one of the scariest. It wasn’t in my point of view, but from another’s who I didn’t know at first. (This was definitely the most detailed dream I’ve ever had, it was like a movie or something.) The narrator of my dream was a girl, who’s voice was muffled from crying, so I didn’t recognize it, and she was reading letters. Letters that I had written to her. The first was me saying farewell because I was running away from home. I told her that my destination was Chicago. The second letter that I wrote to her, (and mind you, as she was reading them, I was watching myself write them and act out whatever they said in my mind, you see? Like a movie.) was me telling her that I was stopping on and off along the way to the windy city, that I got small jobs to make money and I had my cat with me. The letters following got sketchy. They sounded less like myself and more like a stranger, like someone…not yet crazy, but definitely a little off. It was scary. Another letter was me freaking out on her for not sending me a letter for my birthday. I was seriously mad that nobody cared about me, but I hadn’t given anybody an address or any other way to reach me…I was slowly going crazy, that much was clear. And after reading all of the letters that slowly got worse and worse until they were just scribbles and babbling from me, in my mind, the focus changed to one of my best friends, Shayla, who was standing at a podium, crying and reading my letters. I had written the letters to her, and she was reading them at my funeral. It morphed so I saw everyone in my life crying on each other, mourning my death. Shayla stood in front of all of them and explained that the police who found me, sickly skinny and dead in my car, had found a letter I was about to send to her, and that’s how she learned of my death. That image of me, skin and bones, hair dirty and matted, lying down in the back seat of my car, pale and grey, disturbed me more than I can explain. That was the scariest dream I’ve ever had.
Topic #12: Responsibility
Wow. Responsibility.. Just reading that summed up story about the man who was stabbed. That is terrible. That nobody would help, even after the stabber had fled, who could do something like that? Who would lift up a dying man, and lay him back down to die on the streets? I definitely think that the people watching, the guy taking a picture, the man who stabbed him, are all guilty of something here. If you don;’t help, when you are perfectly able to, well, shame on you! You know better, I know you do, so how can you live with yourself? I know that I couldn’t. ugh, some people.
Topic #8: For lack of a better word…
What is my life lacking? A hobby. I need a hobby, something to occupy myself with. Sure, I write, and sometimes I like to pretend that I work out…but this isn’t anything that I have to do, that my Dad would remind me to get ready for, or you know? Something that is a must. So that is something I am thinking about. Something to do…What to I myself lack? Patience. And sometimes the ability to believe in myself. Yes, definitely that one. Sometimes I don’t give myself enough credit. I know it, but it doesn’t really change anything. Why is it an obstacle? Well, because I hold myself back. From a lot of things..and I know it, but what can you do?
Topic #9: Let’s talk about sex ba-by.
Alright, this one is interesting enough. Well, I think that men could definitely go without women a lot easier than women could go without them. I mean, humans as a whole are dependant creatures, right? We crave company and things of the sort, but overall, I think that men could just handle it better. What girl likes to be alone? None. And if someone tells you different, they are big fat liars. No one likes to be lonely. Which is the better sex? I’m not sure, and I know that’s a cop out, but deal with it.
Topic #10: Hidden beauty
Hmm, I definitely think that there are still wonders in the world that we know nothing about, or just a select few have even imagined. And I believe that some of them are right in front of our unsuspecting faces. I do. I think you just have to be in the right mindset, the right time in your life to see these mysteries. And I hope to god that one day I will happen upon such a thing. Whether it is a place, a fact, or a true love. I hope I find them all. Because if they aren’t out there, then what is this life worth living for?
Topic # 11: Essay topics…
My favorite topics are:
The best summer of your life.
Write about something that truly changed your life.
Write about dreams.
Dreams… one of the weirdest dreams of my life, was also one of the scariest. It wasn’t in my point of view, but from another’s who I didn’t know at first. (This was definitely the most detailed dream I’ve ever had, it was like a movie or something.) The narrator of my dream was a girl, who’s voice was muffled from crying, so I didn’t recognize it, and she was reading letters. Letters that I had written to her. The first was me saying farewell because I was running away from home. I told her that my destination was Chicago. The second letter that I wrote to her, (and mind you, as she was reading them, I was watching myself write them and act out whatever they said in my mind, you see? Like a movie.) was me telling her that I was stopping on and off along the way to the windy city, that I got small jobs to make money and I had my cat with me. The letters following got sketchy. They sounded less like myself and more like a stranger, like someone…not yet crazy, but definitely a little off. It was scary. Another letter was me freaking out on her for not sending me a letter for my birthday. I was seriously mad that nobody cared about me, but I hadn’t given anybody an address or any other way to reach me…I was slowly going crazy, that much was clear. And after reading all of the letters that slowly got worse and worse until they were just scribbles and babbling from me, in my mind, the focus changed to one of my best friends, Shayla, who was standing at a podium, crying and reading my letters. I had written the letters to her, and she was reading them at my funeral. It morphed so I saw everyone in my life crying on each other, mourning my death. Shayla stood in front of all of them and explained that the police who found me, sickly skinny and dead in my car, had found a letter I was about to send to her, and that’s how she learned of my death. That image of me, skin and bones, hair dirty and matted, lying down in the back seat of my car, pale and grey, disturbed me more than I can explain. That was the scariest dream I’ve ever had.
Topic #12: Responsibility
Wow. Responsibility.. Just reading that summed up story about the man who was stabbed. That is terrible. That nobody would help, even after the stabber had fled, who could do something like that? Who would lift up a dying man, and lay him back down to die on the streets? I definitely think that the people watching, the guy taking a picture, the man who stabbed him, are all guilty of something here. If you don;’t help, when you are perfectly able to, well, shame on you! You know better, I know you do, so how can you live with yourself? I know that I couldn’t. ugh, some people.
Well, in the case of the man being stabbed in Portland, I believe it was partly everybody's fault. If it is true that the victim started the fight, then yes, it is partly his fault, because that seems that he wanted the stabber to fight back. It is also at fault of the people who didn't call 911, because, come on, there's a person dying on the sidewalk! That sure makes it seem like they don't care whether or not a life is gone right in front of them. If some one had called, it could have saved him. So yes, it is their fault as well.
I don't think it'd be "God" or "The Devil's" fault. Well, because I don't believe in that. But if I did...actually, I don't think I'll get into that.
A person should be responsible for their own actions if they're a minor, but older than about 9 or 10. But if it's dealing with insanity, or under the influence, they shouldn't, depending on the situation and circumstances.
I don't think it'd be "God" or "The Devil's" fault. Well, because I don't believe in that. But if I did...actually, I don't think I'll get into that.
A person should be responsible for their own actions if they're a minor, but older than about 9 or 10. But if it's dealing with insanity, or under the influence, they shouldn't, depending on the situation and circumstances.
My Favorites are
Write whatever you want without the letter “e.”
Write a story with the title “Mountain Man”
Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game.
The Mountain Man, simply, Ben Herdrich
The Sport, Track, you run, and you don't let the person next to you get in front of you, you race them from the starting line until the finish line(after you cross)
Write whatever you want without the letter "e."
Today, at track, I ran. I ran a long way. It was a good run. Sprinting is fun to. Spanish was on my mind, running on Barr, and Pittsburgh road..... Ugh this is hard.
Write whatever you want without the letter “e.”
Write a story with the title “Mountain Man”
Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game.
The Mountain Man, simply, Ben Herdrich
The Sport, Track, you run, and you don't let the person next to you get in front of you, you race them from the starting line until the finish line(after you cross)
Write whatever you want without the letter "e."
Today, at track, I ran. I ran a long way. It was a good run. Sprinting is fun to. Spanish was on my mind, running on Barr, and Pittsburgh road..... Ugh this is hard.
oh people..
this subject annoys me a lot! because people are stupid idiots and never take resposibility for themselves. people usually have to blame something else besides themselves for something bad thats happening in thier lives. there are two things specifically that annoy me to no end. the first is people who get into debt. bad into debt. they're always freaking out and saying"why me? who could let this happen" well it was yourself u retard. and then you here about these "nonprofit companies" that help people with debt. they say" debt is not you fault, let us help you" well if it isnt thier fault than whose is it? who was spending the money, and using all the credit cards and taking out the loans? Oh it wasnt you, no, it was the little devil on your shoulder wispering in you ear. NO SHUT UP! i just would just love to smack some sense into a whole lota people believe me :) the second thing that annoys me is people who whine and complain because they are too fat or need to lose weight but cant. lotsa people say"oh its genetics, i cant lose weight." BULL CRAP! if you were seriously intent on losing weight, you would be eating the healthiest foods possible and very little of them and/or you would be excercising "heavily". have you ever seen a "fat" cross country runner? no because they use every bit of energy to go as fast as they can whenever they can. i here people every day whine"but runnings too hard." well life sucks. either get over it and stay they way you are, or stop your complaining! i swear people are so STUPID. and other people wonder why i live way out in Goble. its to avoid people like that. take responsibility for yourself and stop being lazy, or quit your complaining and live with it. thats life. GET OVER IT!
I don't believe I see the mystery in the world. I would have to say that we never really get to actually see mystery.... I've never been to a place where there isn't a road leading to it. I've never been out, farther than 7-10 miles away from some sort of sign of human civilization.
The video that was posted was quite interesting.... but the entire story more so.
I don't believe I see the mystery in the world. I would have to say that we never really get to actually see mystery.... I've never been to a place where there isn't a road leading to it. I've never been out, farther than 7-10 miles away from some sort of sign of human civilization.
The video that was posted was quite interesting.... but the entire story more so.
Extremely Late. Let myself go..
Well I guess I'm catching up. I'm gonna try to do this weekly because I'm not a great fan of doing these all at once.
The first one I have missing is:
Topic 3: Movies
MOVIES ARE AWESOME. I love all different types of genres, and find it fun to go to the theater and check out all different types of movies. The only thing that I've noticed lately is that the writers have kind of been lacking in good scripts and story lines lately. I feel like there hasn't been an AMAZING mind blowing movie out in awhile that everyone loves and wants to own. I remember when I was little there were all KINDS of movies that people wanted to own and loved for example 'Finding Nemo'. Everyone wanted that movie and thought it was the greatest movie in the world, but maybe since I was a little kid, I could just be imagining things. But still, you get the point. Besides the fact, I have enjoyed some movies that have been coming out lately like 'Alice in Wonderland' and (Sorry if you hate it) 'Shutter Island'. I seem to love the movies that everyone hates. I loved Shutter Island. It had a good story line and a good twist at the end, which I wasn't expecting and that to me is a good movie. Maybe suspense is just my genre, but I loved it.
Topic 7: Spring Break
To tell you the truth I don't understand the point of spring break, but hey, I don't mind the week off from school. I think that spring break is a good relief from the February to June stretch of school where we get barely any days off. Or so I think that is the reason of spring break. But besides the reason, I usually don't do anything on it. This years spring break was extra lame because I literally did nothing. I have gone on some vacations on spring break in the past but I honestly find it easier to go on vacations in the summer because your schedule is more flexible.
Topic 8: What's Missing?
What is missing from my life? Hmmm that is a tough question. I think as of right now, I feel like I am somewhat losing my best friend. I feel like I'm a backup, which is causing me to feel a huge chunk of myself is missing since she's practically my other half. But I've had times much worse than now and I guess I'm just lucky for right now, but I definitely hate the feeling I've felt like I am missing affection from family members, or missing that comforting feeling in me. Also sometimes I am confident, and sometimes I get so down on myself which causes me to think that there is something missing that might push my confidence over the edge and make me happy, but again, they come in phases. I feel like sometimes people go through life looking for that one 'missing' piece that will make their puzzle complete and will therefor complete their life and make them happy, but in my opinion, you just have to let that piece find you. When I feel like many things are missing in my life, I usually tell myself that life is hard and that things can only get better, unless you stay in that state of mind where everything is depressing and complain about how horrible your life is. I used to do that. And although it may sound cliche, being positive really makes things better. I've found that out over time, and although it took me awhile, I think it's one of the big lessons of life.
Topic 9: Sexism
Sexism is everywhere. And if you're against it, look around you it's everywhere. T.v., Radio, Books, Magazines, etc. The media is FULL of sexism. For example: On commercials for household objects such as dish soap, vacuums, laundry detergent and cleaning products, do you see MALES doing the job of the product? No. It's always the "Stay at home mom", which makes me mad because if they're gonna do that then they might as well just make products like 'Mr.Clean' Mrs. Clean because it makes more sense. The Same goes for yard work appliances and car products, There isn't a woman even hired for those commercials, unless it's some model with barely any clothes on trying to attract the men. It is everywhere. Even kids today are sexist and have it locked in their brains that guys can do everything better than girls because they're more fit for it. Here's the typical stereotype for men and women: Man wakes up for work and makes the money for the household while Woman stays at home and cleans for the Man while taking care of the children. Man comes home to nice tasty meal and gets catered by the wife and so on and so forth. BULL. Here's how it was in my family. Both my parents went to work until my dad retired, but since my dad worked 24 on 48 off, HE did all the house and yard work and catered to my mom. It's NEVER changed in my family. My mom probably hasn't cleaned since I was a toddler. And I'm not the only kid who has a family like that. Although I could go on about this forever, I think that I've made my point that women and men both share a lot of the same roles, and people don't even realize it, they're just still stuck in the 1950's.
Topic 10: Hidden Beauty
There is a lot of hidden beauty in the world. I really liked the video that Mr. Humphrey posted for this topic, because as you can see, that violinist was amazing, and out of the hundreds of people that walked through the building, only 1 really stopped to listen, and only a few gave him change. If you think about it, only ONE person out of HUNDREDS of people saw the beauty of that situation. Even thinking of this topic, I've looked back on my day and thought of all the beautiful things around me that I didn't even notice. And now that I think about it, it's kind of sad... Why don't we realize these things more often? It's horrible because one day, those things could be gone, and like they say, you don't really appreciate things until they're gone. I try my best to love and cherish the things around me that people overlook like clean water, food, and a roof over my head but I guess people may just realize it at a later time in life. I sometimes overlook things, everybody does it's just human nature, but some people don't realize it at all, which I think really hurts our world, but that's life, and hopefully one day we can change it.
Topic 11: Topics
Topics for this blog are, not gonna lie, sometimes really difficult... But sometimes they make me really think about my answer and kind of make me question other things and what I do and don't want to share. I guess that's kind of the point but sometimes I don't enjoy the blog topics at all. I read on someones blog, I don't remember who, but same topic that they thought you should pick a quote, and write what it means and what it means to you. I think that is a really great idea, and I really like that idea. In Mrs. Horn's class she has a 'Quote of the Day' thing and you have to write a response to the quote posted and although it had nothing to really do with my class, it's still and awesome exercise that gets you thinking and I would really enjoy it if that same kind of idea was a blog topic. You could even do multiple quotes if one wasn't enough for you, like pick your top 3 favorite quotes and write a response on them, but the topic is really flexible and you could get a lot of interesting answers from it.
Topic 12: Responsibility
This is probably the hardest blog I've came to yet, because if you think about it, responsibility is really unclear. What kind of responsibilities do you gain when you get a year older every year? do you get more? less? what is it? Parents always say "It's your responsibility to do this" but who says that? Are you going to become less of a person if you don't do it? I mean minus the chores and tasks they give you but for example: "Once you turn 16 you it's your responsibility to get a job" Why? is it because 16 is the minimum hiring age and people just expect that? Why is that a responsibility? Personally, I think getting a job at 16 is good, but again i don't think it's a responsibility. Of course certain actions come with consequences and responsibilities I understand that, but what I don't understand is the rock solid ones of our society. Who made them up and why are they still around today? Do we have responsibilities that are MUSTS?
DONE. And I apologize to Mr. Humphrey for being so late on the blog. As you can see, I've had so many topics that I had a topic for every color in the rainbow. Which is NOT good. That's seven blogs. Well I blame myself, but maybe the colors will make it a little nicer...
The first one I have missing is:
Topic 3: Movies
MOVIES ARE AWESOME. I love all different types of genres, and find it fun to go to the theater and check out all different types of movies. The only thing that I've noticed lately is that the writers have kind of been lacking in good scripts and story lines lately. I feel like there hasn't been an AMAZING mind blowing movie out in awhile that everyone loves and wants to own. I remember when I was little there were all KINDS of movies that people wanted to own and loved for example 'Finding Nemo'. Everyone wanted that movie and thought it was the greatest movie in the world, but maybe since I was a little kid, I could just be imagining things. But still, you get the point. Besides the fact, I have enjoyed some movies that have been coming out lately like 'Alice in Wonderland' and (Sorry if you hate it) 'Shutter Island'. I seem to love the movies that everyone hates. I loved Shutter Island. It had a good story line and a good twist at the end, which I wasn't expecting and that to me is a good movie. Maybe suspense is just my genre, but I loved it.
Topic 7: Spring Break
To tell you the truth I don't understand the point of spring break, but hey, I don't mind the week off from school. I think that spring break is a good relief from the February to June stretch of school where we get barely any days off. Or so I think that is the reason of spring break. But besides the reason, I usually don't do anything on it. This years spring break was extra lame because I literally did nothing. I have gone on some vacations on spring break in the past but I honestly find it easier to go on vacations in the summer because your schedule is more flexible.
Topic 8: What's Missing?
What is missing from my life? Hmmm that is a tough question. I think as of right now, I feel like I am somewhat losing my best friend. I feel like I'm a backup, which is causing me to feel a huge chunk of myself is missing since she's practically my other half. But I've had times much worse than now and I guess I'm just lucky for right now, but I definitely hate the feeling I've felt like I am missing affection from family members, or missing that comforting feeling in me. Also sometimes I am confident, and sometimes I get so down on myself which causes me to think that there is something missing that might push my confidence over the edge and make me happy, but again, they come in phases. I feel like sometimes people go through life looking for that one 'missing' piece that will make their puzzle complete and will therefor complete their life and make them happy, but in my opinion, you just have to let that piece find you. When I feel like many things are missing in my life, I usually tell myself that life is hard and that things can only get better, unless you stay in that state of mind where everything is depressing and complain about how horrible your life is. I used to do that. And although it may sound cliche, being positive really makes things better. I've found that out over time, and although it took me awhile, I think it's one of the big lessons of life.
Topic 9: Sexism
Sexism is everywhere. And if you're against it, look around you it's everywhere. T.v., Radio, Books, Magazines, etc. The media is FULL of sexism. For example: On commercials for household objects such as dish soap, vacuums, laundry detergent and cleaning products, do you see MALES doing the job of the product? No. It's always the "Stay at home mom", which makes me mad because if they're gonna do that then they might as well just make products like 'Mr.Clean' Mrs. Clean because it makes more sense. The Same goes for yard work appliances and car products, There isn't a woman even hired for those commercials, unless it's some model with barely any clothes on trying to attract the men. It is everywhere. Even kids today are sexist and have it locked in their brains that guys can do everything better than girls because they're more fit for it. Here's the typical stereotype for men and women: Man wakes up for work and makes the money for the household while Woman stays at home and cleans for the Man while taking care of the children. Man comes home to nice tasty meal and gets catered by the wife and so on and so forth. BULL. Here's how it was in my family. Both my parents went to work until my dad retired, but since my dad worked 24 on 48 off, HE did all the house and yard work and catered to my mom. It's NEVER changed in my family. My mom probably hasn't cleaned since I was a toddler. And I'm not the only kid who has a family like that. Although I could go on about this forever, I think that I've made my point that women and men both share a lot of the same roles, and people don't even realize it, they're just still stuck in the 1950's.
Topic 10: Hidden Beauty
There is a lot of hidden beauty in the world. I really liked the video that Mr. Humphrey posted for this topic, because as you can see, that violinist was amazing, and out of the hundreds of people that walked through the building, only 1 really stopped to listen, and only a few gave him change. If you think about it, only ONE person out of HUNDREDS of people saw the beauty of that situation. Even thinking of this topic, I've looked back on my day and thought of all the beautiful things around me that I didn't even notice. And now that I think about it, it's kind of sad... Why don't we realize these things more often? It's horrible because one day, those things could be gone, and like they say, you don't really appreciate things until they're gone. I try my best to love and cherish the things around me that people overlook like clean water, food, and a roof over my head but I guess people may just realize it at a later time in life. I sometimes overlook things, everybody does it's just human nature, but some people don't realize it at all, which I think really hurts our world, but that's life, and hopefully one day we can change it.
Topic 11: Topics
Topics for this blog are, not gonna lie, sometimes really difficult... But sometimes they make me really think about my answer and kind of make me question other things and what I do and don't want to share. I guess that's kind of the point but sometimes I don't enjoy the blog topics at all. I read on someones blog, I don't remember who, but same topic that they thought you should pick a quote, and write what it means and what it means to you. I think that is a really great idea, and I really like that idea. In Mrs. Horn's class she has a 'Quote of the Day' thing and you have to write a response to the quote posted and although it had nothing to really do with my class, it's still and awesome exercise that gets you thinking and I would really enjoy it if that same kind of idea was a blog topic. You could even do multiple quotes if one wasn't enough for you, like pick your top 3 favorite quotes and write a response on them, but the topic is really flexible and you could get a lot of interesting answers from it.
Topic 12: Responsibility
This is probably the hardest blog I've came to yet, because if you think about it, responsibility is really unclear. What kind of responsibilities do you gain when you get a year older every year? do you get more? less? what is it? Parents always say "It's your responsibility to do this" but who says that? Are you going to become less of a person if you don't do it? I mean minus the chores and tasks they give you but for example: "Once you turn 16 you it's your responsibility to get a job" Why? is it because 16 is the minimum hiring age and people just expect that? Why is that a responsibility? Personally, I think getting a job at 16 is good, but again i don't think it's a responsibility. Of course certain actions come with consequences and responsibilities I understand that, but what I don't understand is the rock solid ones of our society. Who made them up and why are they still around today? Do we have responsibilities that are MUSTS?
DONE. And I apologize to Mr. Humphrey for being so late on the blog. As you can see, I've had so many topics that I had a topic for every color in the rainbow. Which is NOT good. That's seven blogs. Well I blame myself, but maybe the colors will make it a little nicer...
Ok, I think that EVERYONE no matter what age you are have some responsibility. To have responsibility doesnt have to be anything big like taking care of a baby. It could be as small as to turn off the tv or pick up your belongings.
I think for as the man who got stabbed was a communtiy reason why he died, even maybe his own fault. Its the stabbers fault for stabbing him. Maybe not so much the person who sold the knife to him because unless he was there with him watching that man get stabbed then he probably didnt know he was going to stab some one. I know that most people dont ask why they are buying a knife and if they do the person buying it most likely wouldnt say "Oh I am just going to stab someone."
I think that its also the peoples fault who walked by and didnt do anything because they knew someone was hurt on the ground and didnt do anything about it. So they practically let the guy bleed to death.
For the man who lifted his head and then set it down and then walked away or for the person who took a picture and did nothing about it that it was ther fault too that he bled to death. Beacuse niether of them did anything about it, once they stopped and actually looked at him and still did nothing about it.
For the police men, well, it couldnt really be there fault unless they walked by and saw the man nad then still did nothing about it, but otherwise if they knew nothing about it then how could it be there fault.
Thats just my opinion.
I think for as the man who got stabbed was a communtiy reason why he died, even maybe his own fault. Its the stabbers fault for stabbing him. Maybe not so much the person who sold the knife to him because unless he was there with him watching that man get stabbed then he probably didnt know he was going to stab some one. I know that most people dont ask why they are buying a knife and if they do the person buying it most likely wouldnt say "Oh I am just going to stab someone."
I think that its also the peoples fault who walked by and didnt do anything because they knew someone was hurt on the ground and didnt do anything about it. So they practically let the guy bleed to death.
For the man who lifted his head and then set it down and then walked away or for the person who took a picture and did nothing about it that it was ther fault too that he bled to death. Beacuse niether of them did anything about it, once they stopped and actually looked at him and still did nothing about it.
For the police men, well, it couldnt really be there fault unless they walked by and saw the man nad then still did nothing about it, but otherwise if they knew nothing about it then how could it be there fault.
Thats just my opinion.
!42! Topic #12: Responsibility
Let's talk about responsibility.
A person is responsible for his or her own actions. Unless:
*The person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
*The person is temporarily or permanently insane according to the legal definition.
*The person was coerced by another person.
*The person is under 18 years of age (In some situations; in others, minors are still held responsible.).
There may be a few other exceptions, but these are the main legal ones. Do you agree with all of these? What about if a person is ignorant of the consequences of his or her actions? Should the person still be held responsible?
What about a LACK of action? If you could have prevented something from happening, but you didn't, are you responsible for it? For example: this weekend, on the news there was a story about a man who was stabbed in Portland, and collapsed, bleeding, on the sidewalk. Several people walked by and did nothing to help -- one person took a photo on his phone; another lifted up the body and then put it back down and left -- and the man died, at least partly because nobody called 911. Were those people responsible for his death? Or was it the person who stabbed him? Or was it the society that created a culture of violence, and also allows people to stay out of other people's problems? Was it the person who sold the knife to the stabber? Was it the victim for starting the fight? The police for not stopping it? The parents of the stabber for not teaching him or her right from wrong? God's fault? The devil's?
Answers of some kind by next Monday, please.
A person is responsible for his or her own actions. Unless:
*The person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
*The person is temporarily or permanently insane according to the legal definition.
*The person was coerced by another person.
*The person is under 18 years of age (In some situations; in others, minors are still held responsible.).
There may be a few other exceptions, but these are the main legal ones. Do you agree with all of these? What about if a person is ignorant of the consequences of his or her actions? Should the person still be held responsible?
What about a LACK of action? If you could have prevented something from happening, but you didn't, are you responsible for it? For example: this weekend, on the news there was a story about a man who was stabbed in Portland, and collapsed, bleeding, on the sidewalk. Several people walked by and did nothing to help -- one person took a photo on his phone; another lifted up the body and then put it back down and left -- and the man died, at least partly because nobody called 911. Were those people responsible for his death? Or was it the person who stabbed him? Or was it the society that created a culture of violence, and also allows people to stay out of other people's problems? Was it the person who sold the knife to the stabber? Was it the victim for starting the fight? The police for not stopping it? The parents of the stabber for not teaching him or her right from wrong? God's fault? The devil's?
Answers of some kind by next Monday, please.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Topics upon topics
In no particular order, here they are. After I list them and write about one, I'll ridicule some.
write about a strange or other worldly experience that has happened to you.
Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.
What era would you rather live in and why?
Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.
How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?
Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?
What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?
Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”
What journeys have your shoes been through?
Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.
What you wished you learned in school.
Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)
One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.
Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”
The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.
Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.
I'm going to write about a time that I "saved" someone: After play practice for alice and wonderland, My friend Chelsy couldn't find her script. She fretted over it, looked everywhere, and didn't know what to do. I knew what to do, because I had a photocoppying machien at my house. After I got home and scanned the script for her. I save her bacon, because she needed to practice her lines for the play.
Now I'm going to ridicule some of the topics and also be slightly humorous, or at least try. I apologize for using the word "moron".
*One if the topics asked "is silence really golden?". My answer: Silence is golden but duct tape is silver :D
*Another topic asked about the first time you had chocolate. I concur that a female suggested it. Who else could remember the first time they had chocolate? (unless you are uber sheltered.)
*Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.(what moron puts "use names"? Sounds like an axe killer or an assassin.)
*The first time you shot up crack.(I've never shot up crack before, moron. Ever think of that?)
write about a strange or other worldly experience that has happened to you.
Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.
What era would you rather live in and why?
Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.
How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?
Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?
What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?
Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”
What journeys have your shoes been through?
Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.
What you wished you learned in school.
Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)
One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.
Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”
The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.
Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.
I'm going to write about a time that I "saved" someone: After play practice for alice and wonderland, My friend Chelsy couldn't find her script. She fretted over it, looked everywhere, and didn't know what to do. I knew what to do, because I had a photocoppying machien at my house. After I got home and scanned the script for her. I save her bacon, because she needed to practice her lines for the play.
Now I'm going to ridicule some of the topics and also be slightly humorous, or at least try. I apologize for using the word "moron".
*One if the topics asked "is silence really golden?". My answer: Silence is golden but duct tape is silver :D
*Another topic asked about the first time you had chocolate. I concur that a female suggested it. Who else could remember the first time they had chocolate? (unless you are uber sheltered.)
*Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.(what moron puts "use names"? Sounds like an axe killer or an assassin.)
*The first time you shot up crack.(I've never shot up crack before, moron. Ever think of that?)
topic #11: topics
My favorite topics would be:
1. Write an essay based on a quote. Here are a few . . .
2. Talk about a favorite trip.
3. What you wished you learned in school.
4. What era would you rather live in and why?
Out of these four my favorite would be "What you wished you learned in school." Personally I think that the technical education part of our school leaves much to be desired. Mr. Tainter is the only real technical teacher. Mr. Sumsion has computer design 1 and 2 and I think a programing class, but he is primarily an art teacher and computer design really isn't a technical class. Tech team looked like it might have been a good class until it got canceled. When I was in Future Focus class I realized that many teens don't even know how to save a text document, one of the simplest tasks to do on a computer. They will need to spend so much to hire people to do simple tasks on their computer that they should be able to do so easily such as setting up a LAN. Proof of the school's lack of technical education classes can be found on its list of career concentrations. The school now only has one eligible technical one!
1. Write an essay based on a quote. Here are a few . . .
2. Talk about a favorite trip.
3. What you wished you learned in school.
4. What era would you rather live in and why?
Out of these four my favorite would be "What you wished you learned in school." Personally I think that the technical education part of our school leaves much to be desired. Mr. Tainter is the only real technical teacher. Mr. Sumsion has computer design 1 and 2 and I think a programing class, but he is primarily an art teacher and computer design really isn't a technical class. Tech team looked like it might have been a good class until it got canceled. When I was in Future Focus class I realized that many teens don't even know how to save a text document, one of the simplest tasks to do on a computer. They will need to spend so much to hire people to do simple tasks on their computer that they should be able to do so easily such as setting up a LAN. Proof of the school's lack of technical education classes can be found on its list of career concentrations. The school now only has one eligible technical one!
Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring. What would you do if you won $1,000,000?
One day, April 24 to be exact, Santa was looking over his list, and he was checking it twice. He noticed how many good little kids there were in the world. After a few minutes of debating, Santa decided to have a day in spring where he would give out presents. He would name this day springmas. Springmas would occur on April 25. This isn’t a yearly thing, this is a once in a world time. So all the good little boys and girls would get presents! This will be known as the day Santa came to town in spring.
How school "failed" me.
What I didn't learn in school?
The day that I turned eleven and did not recieve my letter from Hogwarts, I cried my eyes out. I knew it was only a fictional place but I had honestly had a little hope that... well you know.
Anyway. The school has failed to teach me useful things like Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, and even Potions.
Most of all, I prayed for Quidditch. Or at least, Lacrosse.
The day that I turned eleven and did not recieve my letter from Hogwarts, I cried my eyes out. I knew it was only a fictional place but I had honestly had a little hope that... well you know.
Anyway. The school has failed to teach me useful things like Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, and even Potions.
Most of all, I prayed for Quidditch. Or at least, Lacrosse.
I'm late.
Topic Ten. Mystery in life.
I've been contemplating this one for two freakin' weeks and I still don't even know. Do you know how extremely frustrating that is?
Most everything is a mystery to me. What does the universe look like? Does it ever end? How can there be color? Will I live to marry and start I family? What's beneath all of the freakin' cement in the world?
See. I have much too many questions about way too many things.
This topic frustrated me because it just kept creating questions that I knew if I wanted, I could find the answers but...
Well I really like mystery. I'm attracted to the mystery, the things I cannot have in life. So trying to figure out what those mysteries were was a huge turnoff.
I've been contemplating this one for two freakin' weeks and I still don't even know. Do you know how extremely frustrating that is?
Most everything is a mystery to me. What does the universe look like? Does it ever end? How can there be color? Will I live to marry and start I family? What's beneath all of the freakin' cement in the world?
See. I have much too many questions about way too many things.
This topic frustrated me because it just kept creating questions that I knew if I wanted, I could find the answers but...
Well I really like mystery. I'm attracted to the mystery, the things I cannot have in life. So trying to figure out what those mysteries were was a huge turnoff.
topic #10 little late, Then topic #11
topic 10
i do believe that there are mysteries in life and not everyone sees them, but there are just a few that slow down enough to actually see the mysteries and wonders. for example, my grandma who has since passed. she was one of thee most amazing person anyone could have ever met, so saw that beauty in every little thing, it was just awesome to watch her in the garden when she used to work (too hard to describe). so i do believe there are wonders and mysteries, but not everyone sees them, only just a few can.
Topic #11
the three topics i would choose are:
-best summer
-story about someone close to you who is now dead
i would write about the dreams, but i would tell a dream i had instead of talking about them. there is one dream that i will never forget: it was about an old man who was walking down the street, when two identical white cars crashed into the man at full speed going different directions and when the smoke cleared, the old man walked away very slowly. I was about 5 when i had this dream.
i do believe that there are mysteries in life and not everyone sees them, but there are just a few that slow down enough to actually see the mysteries and wonders. for example, my grandma who has since passed. she was one of thee most amazing person anyone could have ever met, so saw that beauty in every little thing, it was just awesome to watch her in the garden when she used to work (too hard to describe). so i do believe there are wonders and mysteries, but not everyone sees them, only just a few can.
Topic #11
the three topics i would choose are:
-best summer
-story about someone close to you who is now dead
i would write about the dreams, but i would tell a dream i had instead of talking about them. there is one dream that i will never forget: it was about an old man who was walking down the street, when two identical white cars crashed into the man at full speed going different directions and when the smoke cleared, the old man walked away very slowly. I was about 5 when i had this dream.
Topic 11 :)
The best summer of my life. Last summer for sure with no hesitation was the best summer of my life. The people I spent the summer with, the things I experienced, and the time I got to find myself. I learned to love. I learned to let go. I lost someone I loved dearly, but I also met someone I love now. God works in mysterous ways and you never know whats going to happen. But thats kind of whats so great about life, its one big adventure with so many different expirences you go through. I dont really want to go into detail but to sum it all up... Last summer I went through a time when I so sad, I didn't know why I was alive. But then there was a time when I was so happy I felt like I was really living and never wanted it to go away.
The best summer of my life. Last summer for sure with no hesitation was the best summer of my life. The people I spent the summer with, the things I experienced, and the time I got to find myself. I learned to love. I learned to let go. I lost someone I loved dearly, but I also met someone I love now. God works in mysterous ways and you never know whats going to happen. But thats kind of whats so great about life, its one big adventure with so many different expirences you go through. I dont really want to go into detail but to sum it all up... Last summer I went through a time when I so sad, I didn't know why I was alive. But then there was a time when I was so happy I felt like I was really living and never wanted it to go away.
Kinda Late...topics 9 & 10
This is going to be short and sweet because theresnot much I have to say on this topic. Im sure other people have said this same thing. But I Dont think man or women could live with out the other. God made man and women different for a reason and he put them on earth because he needed both of them. Thats the only this that makes sense to me. If he didnt need both man and women then he wouldn't have put us on the earth.
Life is a mystery and we are always going to wonder about it. There's never going to be a time when we dont. It impossible to know everything, life is a mystery and thats what makes it fun and exciting. If you knew everything about the world and everything on the earth, what kind of life would that be..? A freaking boring one thats what! Life is the mystery and I think we will always wonder about something.
This is going to be short and sweet because theresnot much I have to say on this topic. Im sure other people have said this same thing. But I Dont think man or women could live with out the other. God made man and women different for a reason and he put them on earth because he needed both of them. Thats the only this that makes sense to me. If he didnt need both man and women then he wouldn't have put us on the earth.
Life is a mystery and we are always going to wonder about it. There's never going to be a time when we dont. It impossible to know everything, life is a mystery and thats what makes it fun and exciting. If you knew everything about the world and everything on the earth, what kind of life would that be..? A freaking boring one thats what! Life is the mystery and I think we will always wonder about something.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Topic 11
Favorite type of cookie and why.
Well, that one's easy. Good ole' chocolate chip. When made properly. I hate crunchy cookies, but i also hate soggy ones. It's that grey area we all know so well from everything else in life that makes the cookie amazing. Little crunchy on the sides, and soft and gooey in the middle. The problem is a lot of people have problems mastering the art of the gray area, sadly :(
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My favorie : write about a death that was close to you
As a few of you know, my dad died when i was in third grade. I had always felt more close to my daddy then anyone else in the world.. It was such a long time ago but it still effects my everyday lofe. I still feel like i'm going to wake up from this terrible dream ive been in.
I think there is a mystery in life and i think that it is all around us, if it makes any sensse i think the mystery IS the world..
- What you wish you learned in school
- Something that you could never live without.
- Write from your enemy’s point of view.
Humphrey's Ramblings
Right: first off, my opinions on sexism and the differences between the genders.
The way I look at it is this: there are some basic differences between the two sexes, in terms of the way our bodies are made and how they work, chemical/hormonal makeup, physical attributes, and such, but those are basically irrelevant in modern society. Sure, men are often physically stronger because they have an easier time building muscle mass and their muscles are more efficient -- but so what? Machines are far stronger than both males and females of the human species, as are most animals of a comparable size. Chimps can lift hundreds of pounds; over a thousand if they are excited or angry. I'm not going to start worshipping chimps because of that, so why should I care that some guys can bench press more than me? Or that some women can't?
Unfortunately, the same holds for women's bodily functions. Sure, sure, monthly menstruation is a hassle like men can't conceive of, but there is an upside: you get to bear children. There is a magic there, a power that men do not have and can never know. Labor hurts, sure, but you get to make a person. You are the Creator of life. And forever afterwards, your kids will wave to YOU whenever they are on camera; nobody ever waves and says, "Hi Dad!" So that is, in my opinion, a wash.
The real juice here is in GENDER differences, not sexual differences. Gender is the socially created and defined aspects of being a "man" or a "woman;" it connects to physical differences, but it isn't the same thing. Gender is where the discussion has a point and a purpose, because it is something we make not something we are -- I do agree with Elisa and all the rest who pointed out that being proud of the qualities over which you have no control is silly, but gender, unlike sex, is something we control. Just ask a drag queen. Just ask someone who is transgendered. So whether it is conscious or not, you really do choose whether you are a man or a woman, regardless of plumbing, and that makes the conversation worthwhile.
That being said, I think women have it harder in our society because men are in control and women let them be in control. I think men have some difficult responsibilities and expectations, but the freedom we get more than makes up for it. Women are mistreated, and it's absurd, and it should be changed. In terms of dependence, which again is gender related, not sex-related, I think women are more dependent on men because women are more social and men are more physical, and the physical needs are more easily met independently than are the social needs. Though on the same subject, there is very little that is sadder than a man who meets all of his own physical needs and considers that enough, without meeting his social needs. That would be my brother.
Anyway. As for the mysteries of life, hell no we don't see them, and yes they are everywhere. Guy Montag makes the point when he talks about the books, and the lives that are spent creating them, and the thought that goes into them -- and how he never had that thought before. And Dr. Manhattan makes the point as well, when he tells Laurie that she is the impossible miracle he's been looking for, simply by the fact of her existence as her, rather than any other person she could be. Think about that: think about everything that had to happen just so, so that you could be -- you. Now think about everything that had to happen so that all the people around you could be themselves. And everyone in history could be who they were, so they could build the world we live in. It isn't just butterflies and thunderstorms that are miraculous -- it's the computer I'm typing on, and the shoes on my feet, and the bracelet on my wrist, and the plastic coffee straw sitting on the desk in front of my keyboard. Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is miraculous and wondrous and worth really considering and examining and honoring.
I try to stop and look as often as I can, but I am as easily distracted as the rest of you. I wish I could spend months just watching life unfold around me, but alas, I have responsibilities and expectations. Someday I will not have those things, and I will sit and watch -- everything.
And if you didn't catch it, the interesting thing about that video is that the violinist is one of the greatest musicians playing today, and everybody just walked on by and never noticed, or cared. It's very, very sad.
The way I look at it is this: there are some basic differences between the two sexes, in terms of the way our bodies are made and how they work, chemical/hormonal makeup, physical attributes, and such, but those are basically irrelevant in modern society. Sure, men are often physically stronger because they have an easier time building muscle mass and their muscles are more efficient -- but so what? Machines are far stronger than both males and females of the human species, as are most animals of a comparable size. Chimps can lift hundreds of pounds; over a thousand if they are excited or angry. I'm not going to start worshipping chimps because of that, so why should I care that some guys can bench press more than me? Or that some women can't?
Unfortunately, the same holds for women's bodily functions. Sure, sure, monthly menstruation is a hassle like men can't conceive of, but there is an upside: you get to bear children. There is a magic there, a power that men do not have and can never know. Labor hurts, sure, but you get to make a person. You are the Creator of life. And forever afterwards, your kids will wave to YOU whenever they are on camera; nobody ever waves and says, "Hi Dad!" So that is, in my opinion, a wash.
The real juice here is in GENDER differences, not sexual differences. Gender is the socially created and defined aspects of being a "man" or a "woman;" it connects to physical differences, but it isn't the same thing. Gender is where the discussion has a point and a purpose, because it is something we make not something we are -- I do agree with Elisa and all the rest who pointed out that being proud of the qualities over which you have no control is silly, but gender, unlike sex, is something we control. Just ask a drag queen. Just ask someone who is transgendered. So whether it is conscious or not, you really do choose whether you are a man or a woman, regardless of plumbing, and that makes the conversation worthwhile.
That being said, I think women have it harder in our society because men are in control and women let them be in control. I think men have some difficult responsibilities and expectations, but the freedom we get more than makes up for it. Women are mistreated, and it's absurd, and it should be changed. In terms of dependence, which again is gender related, not sex-related, I think women are more dependent on men because women are more social and men are more physical, and the physical needs are more easily met independently than are the social needs. Though on the same subject, there is very little that is sadder than a man who meets all of his own physical needs and considers that enough, without meeting his social needs. That would be my brother.
Anyway. As for the mysteries of life, hell no we don't see them, and yes they are everywhere. Guy Montag makes the point when he talks about the books, and the lives that are spent creating them, and the thought that goes into them -- and how he never had that thought before. And Dr. Manhattan makes the point as well, when he tells Laurie that she is the impossible miracle he's been looking for, simply by the fact of her existence as her, rather than any other person she could be. Think about that: think about everything that had to happen just so, so that you could be -- you. Now think about everything that had to happen so that all the people around you could be themselves. And everyone in history could be who they were, so they could build the world we live in. It isn't just butterflies and thunderstorms that are miraculous -- it's the computer I'm typing on, and the shoes on my feet, and the bracelet on my wrist, and the plastic coffee straw sitting on the desk in front of my keyboard. Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is miraculous and wondrous and worth really considering and examining and honoring.
I try to stop and look as often as I can, but I am as easily distracted as the rest of you. I wish I could spend months just watching life unfold around me, but alas, I have responsibilities and expectations. Someday I will not have those things, and I will sit and watch -- everything.
And if you didn't catch it, the interesting thing about that video is that the violinist is one of the greatest musicians playing today, and everybody just walked on by and never noticed, or cared. It's very, very sad.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Topic #10: hmm
I'm not sure I really understand this weeks topic. I watched the video and I thought it was interesting, but I don't understand the questions.
I did notice that two women were standing and watching him for a long time. Then the woman at the end complimented him. That was nice.
Topic #11: three alternatives
The three topics I likes the best were:
*What would you do if you won $1,000,000
*Something that you could never live without
*The best summer of your life.
What would you do if you won $1,000,000
If I were to win $1,000,000 I would donate some to a charity (not sure what one though), I'd give my parents some money, just to help them out, I'd give some to other family members, friends in need of some extra money and I would bank most of it. I mean, of course I would spend some, but I would definitaly bank it.
I like to save money.
Ooo, I would buy myself a forest green Jeep Wrangler and name it Eli too.
My 3 topics are what do you want to do when you grow up, Most memorable moment of your life and most memorable summer of your life.
When I grow up I want to be a Police officer. The reason why I want to do this is becasue when my older sister was in school she was into hanging out with the police officers and going on ride alongs and she would always talk about how much fun they would be. This encouraged me to want to have fun like she did and become a police officer. Another reason is I like the fact of having a gun on you during your job and getting to go really fast in high speed chases. Also the fact of knowing that the job is dangerous and that while your working you are also saving peoples lives and I always wanted to do that but I never wanted to go into the army or be a paramedic or doctor.
When I grow up I want to be a Police officer. The reason why I want to do this is becasue when my older sister was in school she was into hanging out with the police officers and going on ride alongs and she would always talk about how much fun they would be. This encouraged me to want to have fun like she did and become a police officer. Another reason is I like the fact of having a gun on you during your job and getting to go really fast in high speed chases. Also the fact of knowing that the job is dangerous and that while your working you are also saving peoples lives and I always wanted to do that but I never wanted to go into the army or be a paramedic or doctor.
write about whatever you want
my favorite topics were:
I personally would write about whatever i want. i would probably write some poetry or something.
Now last but not least the history of "ring around the rosie" would be very interesting for me, or even "the old lady who lived in a shoe" .
I beleive our class is way too creative when thinking of topics (for the most part).
- Write a persuasive essay about what is wrong with US health care.
- write about what ever you want
- Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)
I personally would write about whatever i want. i would probably write some poetry or something.
Now last but not least the history of "ring around the rosie" would be very interesting for me, or even "the old lady who lived in a shoe" .
I beleive our class is way too creative when thinking of topics (for the most part).
Topic # 10 LIFE
Life is just a whole mystery to everyone. Once you find one out another harder one comes along . So really i think its sometimes easy and sometimes really hard to see things that aren't always there or things you really don't want to see. Like in nature it's one of the biggest mysteries of all it's never going to make up it's mind. I also think me to myself is a hugh mystery. I feel that i can see peoples hidden beauty more than the bigger part of life mysteries. But i will always been looking for the beauty or the mystery and i think as you get older that life will just put itself together and there will be no more mysteries and beauty left to find.
Sports topic #11

So as I understood this blog was to pick three and writ about one so here it goes.
1. The best summer of your life.
2.Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game
3.What era would you rather live in and why?
I going to write about topic # 2 Pick a sport and explain how it's played and the rules of the game.
My sport would be Baseball it's my favorite sport even though i can't play it.
So how it's played A game is played between two teams, each composed of nine players, that take turns playing offense (batting or hitting) and defense (fielding or pitching). A pair of turns, one at bat and one in the field, by each team constitutes an inning; there are nine innings in a game. One team—customarily the visiting team—bats in the top, or first half, of every inning; the other team—customarily the home team—bats in the bottom, or second half, of every inning. The goal of a game is to score more points (runs) than the other team. The players on the team at bat attempt to score runs by circling, or completing a tour of, the four bases set at the corners of the square-shaped baseball diamond. A player bats at home plate and must proceed counterclockwise to first base, second base, third base, and back home in order to score a run. The team in the field attempts both to prevent runs from scoring and to record outs, which remove opposing players from offensive action until their turn in their team's batting order comes up again. When three outs are recorded, the teams switch roles for the next half-inning. If the score of the game is tied after nine innings, extra innings are played to resolve the contest. Children's games are often scheduled for fewer than nine innings. and theres more to the game but this is the general idea (my mom helped with this lol). heres a picture of the field.
1. The best summer of your life.
2.Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game
3.What era would you rather live in and why?
I going to write about topic # 2 Pick a sport and explain how it's played and the rules of the game.
My sport would be Baseball it's my favorite sport even though i can't play it.
So how it's played A game is played between two teams, each composed of nine players, that take turns playing offense (batting or hitting) and defense (fielding or pitching). A pair of turns, one at bat and one in the field, by each team constitutes an inning; there are nine innings in a game. One team—customarily the visiting team—bats in the top, or first half, of every inning; the other team—customarily the home team—bats in the bottom, or second half, of every inning. The goal of a game is to score more points (runs) than the other team. The players on the team at bat attempt to score runs by circling, or completing a tour of, the four bases set at the corners of the square-shaped baseball diamond. A player bats at home plate and must proceed counterclockwise to first base, second base, third base, and back home in order to score a run. The team in the field attempts both to prevent runs from scoring and to record outs, which remove opposing players from offensive action until their turn in their team's batting order comes up again. When three outs are recorded, the teams switch roles for the next half-inning. If the score of the game is tied after nine innings, extra innings are played to resolve the contest. Children's games are often scheduled for fewer than nine innings. and theres more to the game but this is the general idea (my mom helped with this lol). heres a picture of the field.
"What would you do if you won $1,000,000?"
"What are you views on stereotyping?"
"What Journey have your shoes been through?"
I have a pair of shoes that I've had since middle school, they are worn out, but I love still love them. The journey my shoes have been through have involve: Stepping in dog piles, slipping in mud, walking through puddles, and basically all the times I've had a nervous breakdown. They are not the most attractive pair of shoes anymore, but I can't seem to get myself to throw them away.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wilson & BB
the were walking down the street near havens house when that met behind a bush. then they started to have sex and brother bear stated to yell "Tomato Paste!" (Note: Humphrey this is roughly from the original script so don't think I'm a freak) they then met a guy named john and went in his garage. the end.
Hidden story
for a lot of us i think that it is very difficult to even notice the mysteries of life and others just look bewildered and walk by not trying to figure them out. i like to figure them out when i can and i love it when i get an answer that's it.
Topics #10 and #11
So the question remains: do we see mystery and wonder, and just walk on by? Or is it hard for us to see? If it is hard for us to see, if it really is hidden -- why? Or, of course: is it just not there?
I see the mystery. I see the beauty. It's hard for most of us to see the beauty in things. It's not hidden -- it's right in front of our noses. Even in large cities, you can find beauty. Even buildings can be beautiful, and human-made art is beautiful in many cases. Beauty is always there.
Something that you could never live without.
Should animals be treated like humans, like those mega-pampered pooches?
The best summer of your life.
I'm going to change "Something that you could never live without" to "Someone you could never live without". Because I can. Live with it. Anyway, the person I could definitely never live without is my best friend, Griselda! We're the perfect pair. :P And she's there for me whenever I need it. Unfortunately, she doesn't pay attention enough. -.- I'll be walking right by her and she won't notice me. Ugh. Annoying. But anyway, it's hard to imagine what life would be like without her. I've slept over at her house more than I have anybody else's. :P And she'll listen to what I say and won't judge me (unless we're joking around or it's really really disturbing). She's also one of those people who maybe won't say a certain thing herself, but doesn't mind when you say it. For example, "Oh my God". She says that, but (no offense to anyone in this class who may have this view), I don't get it when people think it's taking God's name in vain. It's not; trust me. Anyway, off-topic mini-rant. But yeah, she's my absolute best friend, and I can't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't met her in 7th grade. She's a year older than I am, so if I had waited just a year's time, she would've been out and in high school, and I would've been left with no best friend (due to the fact that my other best friend moved away).
I see the mystery. I see the beauty. It's hard for most of us to see the beauty in things. It's not hidden -- it's right in front of our noses. Even in large cities, you can find beauty. Even buildings can be beautiful, and human-made art is beautiful in many cases. Beauty is always there.
Something that you could never live without.
Should animals be treated like humans, like those mega-pampered pooches?
The best summer of your life.
I'm going to change "Something that you could never live without" to "Someone you could never live without". Because I can. Live with it. Anyway, the person I could definitely never live without is my best friend, Griselda! We're the perfect pair. :P And she's there for me whenever I need it. Unfortunately, she doesn't pay attention enough. -.- I'll be walking right by her and she won't notice me. Ugh. Annoying. But anyway, it's hard to imagine what life would be like without her. I've slept over at her house more than I have anybody else's. :P And she'll listen to what I say and won't judge me (unless we're joking around or it's really really disturbing). She's also one of those people who maybe won't say a certain thing herself, but doesn't mind when you say it. For example, "Oh my God". She says that, but (no offense to anyone in this class who may have this view), I don't get it when people think it's taking God's name in vain. It's not; trust me. Anyway, off-topic mini-rant. But yeah, she's my absolute best friend, and I can't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't met her in 7th grade. She's a year older than I am, so if I had waited just a year's time, she would've been out and in high school, and I would've been left with no best friend (due to the fact that my other best friend moved away).
Mkay, so there were several that I liked. I like the topic about the journeys that your shoes have been through (interesting enough if you tell where they've been while you've been wearing them but what if your shoes sleep walk....without you?)and I like the favorite cookie topic because....well, I love cookies. I think it's theraputic to make them. But the topic I like best is what would you do if you had a million dollars. If I had a million dollars, first I'd buy a house and then furniture for that house (maybe an ottoman??) and probably a reliable car. and of course you can't have a house without having a treefort in the yard and i'd put a fridge in there and eat sausage. and just in case I got cold I'd have to get a faux fur coat ('cuz a real one would be cruel don'tcha think?)and I might indulge myself and buy a llama--why not? and possibly some elephant bones? and I'd ride a limosine to the store so I can buy mac and cheese with dijon ketchup! I'd also buy a green dress (but I'd make sure it was a fake green dress because if it wasn't that'd be cruel) and I'd purchase some simon and garfunkle music to listen to and a pet monkey to keep my llama company (haven't you always wanted a monkey?)
#10 'lil late
I think that people do see "mystery and wonder" when the are in nature but they walk on by because they take it for granted. When I'm in the car and I drive past fall trees that have changed colors, of course I see them and admire them but I don't take the time to notice the veins in the leaves or the shape of each individual leaf. The same in the spring with flowering trees. I see the "mystery and wonder" of the beautiful flowers popping out of nowhere I take them for granted unless I have the time to look at them and see the veins of light pink in a white blossom and the smooth shape of the flowers on the dogwood (?) tree. Then I wonder at them and see the mystery of flowers blooming out of seemingly dead sticks....
Tell of a favorite memory
Is silence truly golden?
Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring
I really just want to explain why the last one, because it sounds like a bad childrens play. Or christmas special... Anyhow, good job Language arts on the topics. Some were a bit childish though, but who am i to judge, I couldn't do better myself.
Is silence truly golden?
Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring
I really just want to explain why the last one, because it sounds like a bad childrens play. Or christmas special... Anyhow, good job Language arts on the topics. Some were a bit childish though, but who am i to judge, I couldn't do better myself.
WAAAAYYY too many choices
Ok, so I'm not going to pick some of my favorite topics but one of them I did like was pick your favorite quotes. I like "The doctor called it cancer. I call it a challenge.", "War... War never changes.", and "Better to die on your feet then live on your knees."
Monday, April 19, 2010
I do think there are mysteries in the world. If there weren't then everything would be way more simple. The world is one HUGE mystery, imo. But i geuss if it wasn't a huge mystery then life would be boring. Heh well that's what i think
A lot of the topics, well sucked really bad. but there were two that stood out. "is silence truely golden" and "write a story with the title 'mountain man' " i like the mountain man one because if anybody did not know, mountain man is Ben Herdrich. And trust me there are many reasons why and many are funny. but the story id write would be about him killing the world or something like that. Because he is possesed. the split at a track meet for one of his races was 66.6 and he said this morning the digital thermometer at his house said 66.6 degrees. id be careful to not anger him.....or else he might get you.
Hidden topic 10
My thoughts on their being hidden mystery and wonder that people don't see is; Hell yeah people don't see a lot of wonder, they ignore it, and they don't hardly think about it either. You bring up something interesting like " Do you ever imagine conversations between the trees when the wind rushes through them and half the time you get looked at like your crazy. Or when your with a group of friends and you see an interesting piece of art or hear someone playing music they wont want to stop they're too caught up in their text messaging or what store they want to go to next. I'm not saying this is true for everyone but more and more people seem to be becoming more self centered and caring less about whats going on around you. It drives me nuts because no one seems to really see whats going on around them or the quirky little wonders. Or if they do they're not open to talk about them, other people do want the comfort of knowing someone else looks up at the clouds and see's a giraffe.
Topics 10 and 11
Well, I seem to have forgotten to write about topic 10 so I'll do it now. I think that there is mystery and wonder in this world but it's hard to find and we're also too busy to see it. I, in my short lifetime has found some of the mysteries but I know that there are many more I haven't.
For topic 11, my favorite are "favorite cookie and why", "Write a story with the title "lethal enema"" and, "your most embarrassing moment...With zombies" The one I would write about is the favorite cookie and why. I'd write that my favorite cookie is oatmeal chocolate chip because that's the first cookie I remember eating and it's also the first cookie I ever made. I'd also go on about who I made it with and things like that.
For topic 11, my favorite are "favorite cookie and why", "Write a story with the title "lethal enema"" and, "your most embarrassing moment...With zombies" The one I would write about is the favorite cookie and why. I'd write that my favorite cookie is oatmeal chocolate chip because that's the first cookie I remember eating and it's also the first cookie I ever made. I'd also go on about who I made it with and things like that.
!42! Topic #11: Hey, how about this one?
I have here a list of all of the alternate topics you and your fellow Honors students suggested for the Schoolwide Writing Assessment. I would like you all to go through these, and then respond to the list. Pick out the ones you like best -- one or three or five or ten or fifty -- and list them; then use one of your favorites as a blog post. So in other words: if your three favorites are "A title," "A persuasive topic," and "Free write," list those as your favorites, and then write about one of them. Answer the prompt, don't just explain why you like the topic -- though explanations are always welcome. This does NOT need to be a full formal essay; you're doing one of those already in class this week. Just put down your thoughts, as if the prompt were the blog topic for this week. You are also welcome to criticize the topics that you think fall short, but please don't just make fun; state clearly why the topic wouldn't work for you on an essay test. You don't have to do this last part: just the favorites list, and one blog-style response.
I changed these as little as I could; hopefully they are clear enough. If they aren't, blame yourselves, not me.
I'd also welcome more ideas for topics, if you have any. Comment on this post and add some new ones -- only serious ideas, though; I think we've pretty well covered the goofy stuff.
Alternate topics:
Write about a strange or otherworldly experience that has happened to you.
Tell of a favorite memory.
Is silence truly golden?
Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring.
Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.
Write a story about the first time you had chocolate.
What era would you rather live in and why?
What would you do if you won $1,000,000?
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.
Write about someone who completely changed your life.
Something that you could never live without.
Write from your enemy’s point of view.
What are your views on stereotyping?
Should animals be treated like humans, like those mega-pampered pooches?
How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?
Do you think iPods and cellphones should be allowed in school? Write a letter to the principal convincing him of your opinion.
Write a letter to an acquaintance telling him/her of your hobby and try to convince him/her to try it too.
Write a brief history of something of your choice.
Write a story with the title “Mountain Man”
Favorite type of cookie and why.
Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?
Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game.
The most memorable moment of your life.
When were you lazy? (Go on -- guess whose topic this was. Here's a hint: it's from this class.)
Write a story with the title, “Santa, The Man”
Write a persuasive essay about what is wrong with US health care.
Write a story about a time when you had to do something you didn’t want to do. Preferably something your parents made you do.
What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?
Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”
What journeys have your shoes been through?
Write a story about a death close to you.
College. What do you think?
The best summer of your life.
A story about someone close to you who has passed away, with your memories and experiences with that person.
What are your plans for the future?
(1)Required P.E., (2)Required reading, (3)Methods of election. Right or wrong? (Humphrey's note: these are three individual topics: Is any one of these three things right, or wrong?)
Favorite cookie and why.
Write a story with a specific title.
Essay form. (Humphrey's note: I have no idea what this one means.)
Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.
Write a short story of your choosing.
Write an essay about a story you’ve read, explaining why you liked it/what you liked about it.
An imaginative story in 3rd person.
A title (Humphrey's note: no clue on this one, either. Make up a title and nothing else? Write a story for the title "A Title?" Got me.)
What you wished you learned in school.
Free write!
Explain what makes you who you are.
Persuade us why a band you love is better than a band you hate.
Write about the time in your life you were most angry.
How would you make a PB&J?
Explain how aliens will eventually take over our planet.
Do you think aliens will attack us? Why?
Talk about a topic that you’re passionate about.
Talk about a favorite trip.
Talk about whether you should be in school or not.
Write about something that truly changed your life.
Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)
Heroin dealers in NYC.
You pass a huge accident. What do you do?
You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?
The adventures of Will and Brother Bear.
Your most embarrassing moment . . . with zombies.
One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.
Write an imaginative story starring Chuck Liddell, Gloria Estefan, and a panther.
Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.
Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”
Make up a story
A persuasive topic
How did you like the previous topics?
Write an open story.
Write whatever you want without the letter “e.”
Where is your favorite vacation place?
What’s your preferred weather?
Do you have a role model? If so, who?
Write about a relationship you’ve been in.
Fantasy story
Bad experiences
Write a movie documentary about something
What’s the happiest moment of your childhood?
What do you want to do? Why?
The first time you shot up crack.
The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.
Write anything of your choice.
Describe the most important time in your life, and explain why. (Narrative)
Write a story about how one student can change a school.
Write a persuasive essay explaining whether you think people as a whole do or do not have a bright future. Explain why or why not.
Write an excerpt from a made-up story where there is at least one character, and a conflict/plot.
Write an essay based on a quote. Here are a few . . .
Write an essay on what the future will be like.
Write about dreams.
Write about the craziest day you ever had.
Write a horror story.
Write about anything you want.
Make a fiction story about something positive that happened to you.
Persuade your parents to give you a later curfew on school nights.
Inform students about a topic you love.
How do you like high school? How is it different from middle school?
Make a story about your best memory.
Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.
I changed these as little as I could; hopefully they are clear enough. If they aren't, blame yourselves, not me.
I'd also welcome more ideas for topics, if you have any. Comment on this post and add some new ones -- only serious ideas, though; I think we've pretty well covered the goofy stuff.
Alternate topics:
Write about a strange or otherworldly experience that has happened to you.
Tell of a favorite memory.
Is silence truly golden?
Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring.
Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.
Write a story about the first time you had chocolate.
What era would you rather live in and why?
What would you do if you won $1,000,000?
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.
Write about someone who completely changed your life.
Something that you could never live without.
Write from your enemy’s point of view.
What are your views on stereotyping?
Should animals be treated like humans, like those mega-pampered pooches?
How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?
Do you think iPods and cellphones should be allowed in school? Write a letter to the principal convincing him of your opinion.
Write a letter to an acquaintance telling him/her of your hobby and try to convince him/her to try it too.
Write a brief history of something of your choice.
Write a story with the title “Mountain Man”
Favorite type of cookie and why.
Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?
Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game.
The most memorable moment of your life.
When were you lazy? (Go on -- guess whose topic this was. Here's a hint: it's from this class.)
Write a story with the title, “Santa, The Man”
Write a persuasive essay about what is wrong with US health care.
Write a story about a time when you had to do something you didn’t want to do. Preferably something your parents made you do.
What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?
Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”
What journeys have your shoes been through?
Write a story about a death close to you.
College. What do you think?
The best summer of your life.
A story about someone close to you who has passed away, with your memories and experiences with that person.
What are your plans for the future?
(1)Required P.E., (2)Required reading, (3)Methods of election. Right or wrong? (Humphrey's note: these are three individual topics: Is any one of these three things right, or wrong?)
Favorite cookie and why.
Write a story with a specific title.
Essay form. (Humphrey's note: I have no idea what this one means.)
Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.
Write a short story of your choosing.
Write an essay about a story you’ve read, explaining why you liked it/what you liked about it.
An imaginative story in 3rd person.
A title (Humphrey's note: no clue on this one, either. Make up a title and nothing else? Write a story for the title "A Title?" Got me.)
What you wished you learned in school.
Free write!
Explain what makes you who you are.
Persuade us why a band you love is better than a band you hate.
Write about the time in your life you were most angry.
How would you make a PB&J?
Explain how aliens will eventually take over our planet.
Do you think aliens will attack us? Why?
Talk about a topic that you’re passionate about.
Talk about a favorite trip.
Talk about whether you should be in school or not.
Write about something that truly changed your life.
Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)
Heroin dealers in NYC.
You pass a huge accident. What do you do?
You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?
The adventures of Will and Brother Bear.
Your most embarrassing moment . . . with zombies.
One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.
Write an imaginative story starring Chuck Liddell, Gloria Estefan, and a panther.
Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.
Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”
Make up a story
A persuasive topic
How did you like the previous topics?
Write an open story.
Write whatever you want without the letter “e.”
Where is your favorite vacation place?
What’s your preferred weather?
Do you have a role model? If so, who?
Write about a relationship you’ve been in.
Fantasy story
Bad experiences
Write a movie documentary about something
What’s the happiest moment of your childhood?
What do you want to do? Why?
The first time you shot up crack.
The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.
Write anything of your choice.
Describe the most important time in your life, and explain why. (Narrative)
Write a story about how one student can change a school.
Write a persuasive essay explaining whether you think people as a whole do or do not have a bright future. Explain why or why not.
Write an excerpt from a made-up story where there is at least one character, and a conflict/plot.
Write an essay based on a quote. Here are a few . . .
Write an essay on what the future will be like.
Write about dreams.
Write about the craziest day you ever had.
Write a horror story.
Write about anything you want.
Make a fiction story about something positive that happened to you.
Persuade your parents to give you a later curfew on school nights.
Inform students about a topic you love.
How do you like high school? How is it different from middle school?
Make a story about your best memory.
Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Oh the mysteries of life
I like to listen. I like to look for deep meanings and views of life and the worlds ancient and infinite wisdoms. I do feel that not a lot of people are really in touch with their thoughts and feelings and completely ignore them. I am the opposite. I like to ask why but I also find it even more intriguing to never receive an answer. It's the beautiful mystery of life and it should be left that way. One day when we're old and grey, reminiscing on our youthful days we might find some sort of an answer. Maybe we'll find out in our next life. Who knows? For now all we can do is try to use our minds more deeply and personally to ourselves and hope for a brighter future.
mystery... as soon as you figure it out it is (not) gone
Many of the posts here are saying how many people pay too much attention to electronic devises to be able to notice the mystery in life. Whereas I feel that to be generally true I do find that I can see mystery in practically anything. A computer seemingly shouldn't be mysterious. Man is the one who made them after all and knows how they work, but as humans we are unable to comprehend everything about them. It is so difficult to understand or comprehend that polarized light being filtered through electrically manipulated crystals is what is forming the shapes of the words which I am now typing, or that thousands upon thousands of little switches, so small that there size is counted in atoms, inside little chips, which are smaller that an ant, within this computer, which is smaller than a fairly sized book, are responding to the minuscule actions of my fingers to trigger the change of the crystals inside the screen to change the amount and type of photons that reach my eyes.
Split an atom and you get parts from that atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Split these and split what you get from them and continue on and you get quarks, scrutons, and many other little particles which men have no idea of what their is function or have not yet even discovered and named.
The mystery in this world is infinite. Man cannot hope to find an end to all of ts. Every discovery generates more questions than answers. It may answer a specific question, but the knowledge gained causes more questions. When someone discovers something new they then must find out what it is; what its function is; whether is it beneficial, harmful, or neither; how it works; how can it be used; and so on, each question answered brings forth more questions. If one finds something to be harmful they must find why it is harmful, how harmful it is, how the harm can be repaired, if the harmful object can be neutralized, and so on with each answer bringing forth more questions.
I think that scientific mysteries are of lesser importance than many of the other types of mystery discussed in other responses on this blog, but since they have been, for the most part, exhaustively discussed, I shall not talk about them here.
I will finish, therefore, by saying that when you figure out something, the mystery (or better yet the wonder) in it is not unnecessarily gone. Why is the sky blue? (I mean really. Forget about the smurf idea!) Why does an aurora borealis happen? What causes lightning? If you look up the answers to these questions, will there still be wonder, amazement and mystery? I think so!
Split an atom and you get parts from that atom: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Split these and split what you get from them and continue on and you get quarks, scrutons, and many other little particles which men have no idea of what their is function or have not yet even discovered and named.
The mystery in this world is infinite. Man cannot hope to find an end to all of ts. Every discovery generates more questions than answers. It may answer a specific question, but the knowledge gained causes more questions. When someone discovers something new they then must find out what it is; what its function is; whether is it beneficial, harmful, or neither; how it works; how can it be used; and so on, each question answered brings forth more questions. If one finds something to be harmful they must find why it is harmful, how harmful it is, how the harm can be repaired, if the harmful object can be neutralized, and so on with each answer bringing forth more questions.
I think that scientific mysteries are of lesser importance than many of the other types of mystery discussed in other responses on this blog, but since they have been, for the most part, exhaustively discussed, I shall not talk about them here.
I will finish, therefore, by saying that when you figure out something, the mystery (or better yet the wonder) in it is not unnecessarily gone. Why is the sky blue? (I mean really. Forget about the smurf idea!) Why does an aurora borealis happen? What causes lightning? If you look up the answers to these questions, will there still be wonder, amazement and mystery? I think so!
Mystery in life
Most people in life walk right by the mystery and dont even care. There's a reason why everyone says to slow down in life. Most of the time, the mystery is right in plain sight, but we just dont know how to see it. The only one's that do are the people who have grown up in the video or have already been exposed to it. Like in the video. One of the few people that recognized the violin player said they had seen him before. Unless you are looking for it, you wont see it.
There is mystery in the world. If there wasn't, everything would be known and life would be boring. Mystery is what keeps life interesting.
little late on #9
i personally believe that both sexes have it equally tough, but in different ways which i won't get into. i think that either way guys need girls and the other way around because i don't think one could survive without the other. i only think this because God made BOTH man and woman not just one or the other.
i think to find the mystery you have to use your senses. you have to really see things, and know what you are hearing. a lollt of stuff is a mystery to us. in everyday life the basic questions are: who is that person? and what do they mean by that?
then in a more un-litteral sense there is so many things that are so beautiful in this world that we miss because we are so busy with our electronic devices. we need to put our ipods and cell phones away when were at the beach and just take in the view, the sounds of the waves crashing or the tweet of a bird. the sunsetting in the west and the sun rising east.
then in a more un-litteral sense there is so many things that are so beautiful in this world that we miss because we are so busy with our electronic devices. we need to put our ipods and cell phones away when were at the beach and just take in the view, the sounds of the waves crashing or the tweet of a bird. the sunsetting in the west and the sun rising east.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
My last Blog post in this class
The Video is interesting, because im sure that every person acknowledged the fact that the guy was playing the violin, and they kept on going with there own lives, not deeming the music as important.
I think that this entire world is full, and creating mysterious, whether it be one that a child thinks up, or when a teenager tries to understand other people. I know that i miss so much, and part of that is because im 16, and wrapped up in my own life. But as i continue to look forward, and tack on experience to my inexperienced persona, i see more and more. Ive also learned to leave some marvels to themselves, let them be unknown.
Also, i will not be attending 5th period English honors. I have switched my chemistry class with this class in hopes that keeping up in chemistry will be a tad easier due to my absences for baseball related events. Goodbye. You all rocked, and made this year pretty amazing
I think that this entire world is full, and creating mysterious, whether it be one that a child thinks up, or when a teenager tries to understand other people. I know that i miss so much, and part of that is because im 16, and wrapped up in my own life. But as i continue to look forward, and tack on experience to my inexperienced persona, i see more and more. Ive also learned to leave some marvels to themselves, let them be unknown.
Also, i will not be attending 5th period English honors. I have switched my chemistry class with this class in hopes that keeping up in chemistry will be a tad easier due to my absences for baseball related events. Goodbye. You all rocked, and made this year pretty amazing
Friday, April 16, 2010
i think that there is mystery in the world. even if we cant see or hear it its still there.
what is interesting about that video is whenever he plays fast on the violin every one is in a hurry and whenever he plays slow everyone is slow and not in a hurry.
what is interesting about that video is whenever he plays fast on the violin every one is in a hurry and whenever he plays slow everyone is slow and not in a hurry.
I believe that mysteries in the world are part of life. Some we may find easily and other mysteries will never be solved. I think some people pretend to not see the ones in plain sight, but in reality they are being ignorant. I find mystery while watching the sun sink below the river making colors, and tranquility. Yet when I watch it, I can hear people talking, cars honking/running, and loud music. I also agree with Amanda, people today are so pulled into the electronics/chaos of their lives that they forget the good simplicity in things like the sunset. Honestly, if we all caught our breaths once in awhile, the world would maybe be a little more balanced.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mysteries in our world and lives
I believe there are mysteries in the world, for sure! But I don't think that everything is a mystery to everyone. Like Amamda was saying the rising generations are living in electronics and flashy thrilling excitment. It's not worth anyones time unless it F-U-N!!! Like computers, I seriously think that today people live two lives, a weblife and real life. One of the biggest mysteries I think people don't know is real nature, like how often do you stop and look around you at this beautiful, slowly being destroyed, earth? The trees and plants around the school.... anyone stopped to look at those recently? How about just sitting and listening around you? I also agree with Nick, people are tooooooo busy and have "no time." Okay one thing I have learned is you HAVE time WHEN you MAKE time. We should make time to observe and learn about the mysteries of our world we live in. The movie-clip was so true, would have known about that voilonist unless they took the time to stop and listen? We have five senses for a reason, not just eyes to stare at the computer screen or TV or phone. I feel slighlty hypocritical saying all this, especailly for staring at the computer right But if i say it i recognize it myself. =)
I think most of the mystery that can be found hiding in today's society is found in simplicity. No one seems to know what it is anymore, no one cares about anything that's not electronic or processed. Everything has to be rushed and flashy. I mean, people are always rushing! Rushing to work, into relationships, to fulfill any urge they may has to be immediate satisfaction in this day and age. If you threw an average, run of the mill teenager in the middle of a boat on a serene lake, with no distractions or cellphones, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves, no one knows how to simply enjoy a moment anymore, with no additives. I think we all need to start looking at time as more than just an enemy. There are many mysteries in life of course, this only being one of them, but I do think that it's a big problem. I feel like people are so stressed and strained with current society they have forgotten the simple pleasures, and that is what really makes happiness. I don't know, this is only my conclusion after seeing life for the short time I have been able to observe it, but I think it seems to be the case. One of the great mysteries of life, is remembering what life is about.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
yes i see the mystery in the world, its everywhere! I think it makes the world interesting. I think i have the "ears" cause i can usually hear stuff like with the bees singing christmas songs. Umm i guess its kinda in plain sight i dont really know though...
i agree with nick really. there is so much mystery and wonder that people ignore. the way i see it though is people use the excuse of not having enough time to do important things that help you find yourself and a meaning in life. and for some, that may be true. but most people are too lazy and just dont want to do it which has started to become to popular idea in our society and i find it depressing and sad. i wish everybody would stop being lazy and take care of themselves and find the time to enjoy your life on earth. not spend it blending into the crowd.
Monday, April 12, 2010
the uh mystery thing
well the thing i noticed when i watched that videos, was that out of the hundreds of people who passed that man, only one person actually made contact with him. i do think there is mystery in the world but a lot of people don't realize that. i do occasionally, but most people don't notice that there are other things going on in the world outside of there little bubble. i would really like to travel the world when i grow older. todays modern society has made it hard for people to see mystery and beauty. everyone is so busy to get to there destination, no one takes time anymore. inventions are constantly made to save time and slowly make things easier, so that soon enough, people aren't going to have to do jack shit, machines will do everything for us. to me this is kind of sad and depressing, i'm the kind of person who kind of want to go back to the way things used to be.
!42! Topic #10: Hidden Beauty
In Chapter 3, Lily says, "I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don't even know it."
In Chapter 8, August tells Lily, "Some things happen in a literal way, Lily. And then other things, like this one, happen in a not-literal way, but they still happen . . . What I mean is that the bees weren't really singing the words from Luke, but still, if you have the right kind of ears, you can listen to a hive and hear the Christmas story somewhere inside yourself. You can hear silent things on the other side of the everyday world that nobody else can."
Do you see the mystery hiding in the world? If not, do you believe it isn't there? Can you hear the silent things on the other side of the everyday world? Are these things really hidden from us, or are they in plain sight and we just never notice?
Try this one. What about this video is interesting?
Here's the actual story.
So the question remains: do we see mystery and wonder, and just walk on by? Or is it hard for us to see? If it is hard for us to see, if it really is hidden -- why? Or, of course: is it just not there?
Please answer these questions as well as you can, by next Monday.
In Chapter 8, August tells Lily, "Some things happen in a literal way, Lily. And then other things, like this one, happen in a not-literal way, but they still happen . . . What I mean is that the bees weren't really singing the words from Luke, but still, if you have the right kind of ears, you can listen to a hive and hear the Christmas story somewhere inside yourself. You can hear silent things on the other side of the everyday world that nobody else can."
Do you see the mystery hiding in the world? If not, do you believe it isn't there? Can you hear the silent things on the other side of the everyday world? Are these things really hidden from us, or are they in plain sight and we just never notice?
Try this one. What about this video is interesting?
Here's the actual story.
So the question remains: do we see mystery and wonder, and just walk on by? Or is it hard for us to see? If it is hard for us to see, if it really is hidden -- why? Or, of course: is it just not there?
Please answer these questions as well as you can, by next Monday.
Topic 9.
They both have it harder in some ways. At times females will have it harder, and at times males will. It just depends on what the situation is, and how they choose to handle it.
#9: Sexism
I think women have it tougher. They always have. In early days women couldn't do anything (own property, vote, etc.) Even now, women are faced with problems in the work place. My mom know a girl, i think she's about 23, she just got fired from Les Schwab because she's a girl, they said she couldnt do anything there as well as the men, but she actually did it better and worked there longer than a lot of men that got to keep their jobs.
I agree that most men are stronger than most women, but that doesn't make them better or smarter. In science, we were talking about how many more girls attend college now days than men, so i'm guessing that says something.
I'm not sure who would suffer more, Men or Women. I know we would both be worse off (for the most part).
Boys vs Girls
Well in my opinion both genders have it harder, but at different times. For example, Females obviously have it harder when they decide to have children and such. They have to go through the pregnancy and all of that jazz, but what after that? The male has to work to support the family, before and after the fact. IMO women go through a period of very hard things but a male has to endure a more drawn out hardship. Anyway, that's all i got.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
All I am getting from this is that Mr. HAT either thinks that
There is no way to argue this logically. People of either gender are so completely different that it is impossible to generalize them and come out with any reasonable evidence. Everyone views things differently, have different values and opinions on what is good and bad, and have met different people, so we will, naturally, generalize differently. The common ground here is so small that it is almost impossible to have any intelligent argument what so ever.
"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phil. 4:8"
Well I don't think this topic meets any of these criteria which I quite agree with.
"I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can."
These "discussions" are so biased and opinionated that the very little truth in them is hard to decern.
- Sexism is good.
- One gender is better than another.
- We should discuss something we cannot prove just because it is fun.
- We should tell lies just because it is fun.
There is no way to argue this logically. People of either gender are so completely different that it is impossible to generalize them and come out with any reasonable evidence. Everyone views things differently, have different values and opinions on what is good and bad, and have met different people, so we will, naturally, generalize differently. The common ground here is so small that it is almost impossible to have any intelligent argument what so ever.
"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phil. 4:8"
Well I don't think this topic meets any of these criteria which I quite agree with.
"I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can."
These "discussions" are so biased and opinionated that the very little truth in them is hard to decern.
Females Win Hands Down
women are the better sex in my opinion. it has been proven and that's that. they have it tougher because they have to go though child birth and that whole special time of the month crap. it gets Reilly irritating being the only son in this household. but yeah they have it tougher and you never see on the news that some guy just got raped. exactly if anyone has a very good reason that combat this side of the argument than please tell me.
i desire the freeness of being ungrounded.
i lack the ability to just get up and do stuff.
school and my job, school because i procrastinate and my job because i really have issues with my boss.
i lack the ability to just get up and do stuff.
school and my job, school because i procrastinate and my job because i really have issues with my boss.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sexist Waffle
If you are wondering about why I have the waffle part tagged onto the end of my title, I am hungry. Which reminds me that men are better at cooking steak. Sure there is the one odd ball, but that's no surprise. I'm not sexist generally speaking. In my family everyone has their place, but only because they are the ones better to suit the job. Men are better at being merciless, toughing it out when forced to install insulation(a job that sucks because you itch like crazy from the fiberglass), we men are better at waltzing through life because we can turn into nonfeeling husks of the human we previously were. This is a very handy trick that many females are jealous of.
I am so bad at being sexist. I've been trying not to be for so long that I'm not anymore. sweet. well mostly.
I am so bad at being sexist. I've been trying not to be for so long that I'm not anymore. sweet. well mostly.
I'm commenting this as I am ridiculously upset.
I'm very upset about a situation like this right now and women are more superior.
Women tend to be more emotional and think more. Men on the other hand tend to be more physical and stupid.
I'm in a shite mood right now. I don't want to do this right now but... I need to.
Women tend to be more emotional and think more. Men on the other hand tend to be more physical and stupid.
I'm in a shite mood right now. I don't want to do this right now but... I need to.
Not likeing the sexist topic.
Well, I really don't have much to say about this weeks topic. I think I'll just say that I think guys and girls both have hard times with different things that make they're lives difficult. Whether or not that makes us equal in the strange ways they add up or not I don't know, and don't wish to argue about. Its different for different people. I'll take it a little off-topic to say that I highly dislike; run-on, hate it-when guys think that girls are to fragile on some subjects and think that they shouldn't do certain things because they have a higher potential to 'get hurt'. We're not made of glass. Stuff you do we can do too.
Friday, April 9, 2010
I think that we are all equally the same for most things. But it is usually men that are more strong and bigger body built. You see a woman walking down the street all big and buff. yes woman do have muscles but not always as big as men. Woman are better at cleaning houses. Yes some men can be good but you usually dont see them walking around the house with a apron on and a duster in there hands.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Hm, well, okay. Most of the time it appears through my eyes that woman have it tougher than men, because woman are usually sacrificing a lot more than men when it comes to having a child, the woman is usually having to ask the man to do simple tasks around the house and the man doesn't listen... not always like this, but I see it a lot. Men usually get to hang with there friends more than woman, because woman are having to clean the house, work, or take care of a kid, once again, I see this a lot. I think men are more brave at fixing things with cars/house equipment, I very seldom see a woman outside fixing her car or spraying moss killer on the roof. Okay, I dislike this topic, and I don't know what else to say. I think both sexes need both. And they would both crumble and fall if they didn't have each other. Its good to be independent, but people usually want a significant other someday.
guys vs girls
Honestly for the last question i would have to say that guys would be able to survive on their own better. I feel that todays society has made girls alot weaker just because they get everything they need and only have to worry about how they are looking etc... Being a guy i definently go with guys as the stronger sex. I also think we have it harder simply because we have to deal with the girls which can be very difficult. ;) Guys are simpler and therefore easier to deal with i think so its easier for girls, because besides interacting with the opposite sex i think that girls and guys both have a fair share of things to deal with.
Im tired, and im at School.
Quite honestly, im extraordinarily sleepy at the moment. In fact, as i sit here at Humphrey's computer watching all the teachers grade essays, im become quite jealous. As most of you know, i aspire to be an English teacher. I love English, and i cant think of anything else that would put me in the fray of English everyday (other than an author of course, but i dont think that ill ever be a good enough writer for that ever.) I wish that i could join them, instead of sitting here at this computer, yawing and falling asleep.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
chicks and dudes
whether we like it or not, girls do need boys, and boys do need girls. don't get me wrong i love chicks, but there are just some things they can't do that guys can, and there are things that girls can do that guys can't. all throughout history it has been women stay at home and men to go work and earn the money. only recently has this started to change. women are now getting jobs and paying the bills. i hate to say it but, history has proven it, men are better. ahhahahahaha
Who has it Harder? I completely agree with Ryan on this one. Its the individual. Not the gender. Theres always exceptions, some guys will be better at some things that, generally, girls are better at, and vice versa.
One thing that I disagree with is Girls saying that they have it harder because they have Periods. Sure, they've got to go through pain, and such. But this can also change their mood for a while.... meaning that we(guys) have to deal with a friend or family member who may or may not be short tempered, and we(not being a girl, and well totally uninterested when someone has their period) may not understand.
One thing that I disagree with is Girls saying that they have it harder because they have Periods. Sure, they've got to go through pain, and such. But this can also change their mood for a while.... meaning that we(guys) have to deal with a friend or family member who may or may not be short tempered, and we(not being a girl, and well totally uninterested when someone has their period) may not understand.
boys vs girls
I of couse being a girl think that girls have it harder, we have periods, have the ability to get pregnet which can be a blessing or a terrible horror, over the years we have also had a lot more crap thrown our way in my oppinion.
This isnt saying i dont care for boys at all or i think they are worthless, just that i think women have it hardewr.
This isnt saying i dont care for boys at all or i think they are worthless, just that i think women have it hardewr.
hmm what am i missing
I think in my life i am missing is stability and hope at the moment, I really don't see a point in a lot of things that i used to really care about. THis is probably just caused by winter depression and relationship troubles, but sitll no fun.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Topic #9: Don't Get Me Started
I dread this topic. It's sort of a problem, because I get really heated and pissed off when I talk about the subject.
So I'm probably gonna get on the bandwagon and start shouting. I can already feel that pressure of anger.
So I agree with Ryan. Most stuff isn't dependent on gender. Some guys depend on women, and vice versa. This includes other topics. Who gives a crap?
But I guess I'll say a bit (it will most likely be more than a bit).
Women are mistreated, run aground, and basically accepted as the slaves. Women used to be property. The world is run by men. It is my very, very, very biased opinion that women are better, considering our history. Think of this: I know I haven't ever heard of a female rapist. I've heard of only a few female murderers. Women provide, nurture, are the child-bearers, and we are all treated like crap. Maybe men can lift more than we can. Does that matter? Men are over-sexed and mature at a much slower rate, and yet they think they're all that. As you can see, I am incredibly feminist. I have heard too many times that men are the better gender. I'll mention the previous topic: it is most always men that are serial killers, rapists, child- and wife-beaters, but they have the good life! "Oh I'm so stressed out, I had to do SOME HEAVY LIFTING TODAY!" Well, you know what most women do while their husbands are sitting on their asses in the living room? Cooking, cleaning, taking care of children, the works! Women only just recently got rights. What are we, specks of dust on the windshield of the common man? Are we dogs who will back down when we get scolded and kicked? Are we NOTHING? Women have always been what made the world go round! If the world was comprised entirely of men, it would be a barren wasteland, destroyed by war. If the world was comprised entirely of women, it would probably be very pink and flowery. That's not to say I enjoy the prospect of a pink, flowery, girly existence. Men have created some of the best inventions (such as the PC!), and neither gender would be able to live without the other. Though, honestly, if women found a way to procreate without the help of men, I'd say go for it. That's not to say artificial insemination, by the way. That's creepy.
Okay, so I cussed (and wanted to say the F word), and I'm trying to refrain from doing that for the most part, especially on this blog. So I'll stop there, and I've pretty much made my point anyway.
So I'm probably gonna get on the bandwagon and start shouting. I can already feel that pressure of anger.
So I agree with Ryan. Most stuff isn't dependent on gender. Some guys depend on women, and vice versa. This includes other topics. Who gives a crap?
But I guess I'll say a bit (it will most likely be more than a bit).
Women are mistreated, run aground, and basically accepted as the slaves. Women used to be property. The world is run by men. It is my very, very, very biased opinion that women are better, considering our history. Think of this: I know I haven't ever heard of a female rapist. I've heard of only a few female murderers. Women provide, nurture, are the child-bearers, and we are all treated like crap. Maybe men can lift more than we can. Does that matter? Men are over-sexed and mature at a much slower rate, and yet they think they're all that. As you can see, I am incredibly feminist. I have heard too many times that men are the better gender. I'll mention the previous topic: it is most always men that are serial killers, rapists, child- and wife-beaters, but they have the good life! "Oh I'm so stressed out, I had to do SOME HEAVY LIFTING TODAY!" Well, you know what most women do while their husbands are sitting on their asses in the living room? Cooking, cleaning, taking care of children, the works! Women only just recently got rights. What are we, specks of dust on the windshield of the common man? Are we dogs who will back down when we get scolded and kicked? Are we NOTHING? Women have always been what made the world go round! If the world was comprised entirely of men, it would be a barren wasteland, destroyed by war. If the world was comprised entirely of women, it would probably be very pink and flowery. That's not to say I enjoy the prospect of a pink, flowery, girly existence. Men have created some of the best inventions (such as the PC!), and neither gender would be able to live without the other. Though, honestly, if women found a way to procreate without the help of men, I'd say go for it. That's not to say artificial insemination, by the way. That's creepy.
Okay, so I cussed (and wanted to say the F word), and I'm trying to refrain from doing that for the most part, especially on this blog. So I'll stop there, and I've pretty much made my point anyway.
whats it matter?
This topic sucks because no matter what happens, everybody is going to have a completely biased opinion( unless ur some sort of freak i dont even want to think about) and in the end, nobody would win. in this, i feel that guys and girls both have it worse off in thier own way. it doesnt matter, nothing will change that. some things will suck for guys and some things will suck for girls. its life. get over it. and i guess you could say that guys are better at some things than girls and vice versa but there are always exceptions to that so i think it matters not on the gender but the individual. one thing i do feel is that guys rely on girls and are alot more dependant on them. its just the way we are. now that is a biased opinion but just from my obsevations thats what seems to be true to me.
Topic #9 It Shouldn't Matter, It's Human Nature.
Let me just start off by saying that I friggen hate talking about this topic and every time it gets brought up I want to cut my ears(or I guess in this case eyes because I'm staring at a screen) off. It's not that I don't care, it's that it doesn't matter. So I'm just gonna get this over with. Men are macho, men do work, men chop wood, men provide. Women cook, women have babies, women love, women nurture. But these roles could be completely reversed, well except for the having babies part. Men and Women need each other. Men can survive without women. Women can survive with out men. It really just depends on the individual. So stop asking me about it.
Topic #8 My life and it's missing pieces.
At times I feel I am missing too much in my life. At times I feel I am content with all I have. I don't really want to go into great detail on this because I would be typing for hours. Recently Cassidy had me read the book Tuesdays With Morrie and that book seems to really fit that topic. It is about a man who is dying, slowly, and teaches many great lessons about life. It seriously changed my life and I would be missing a hell of a lot more if I hadn't read it. A few things I feel I am really missing is true friends that really care about me as much as I do them, a job so I can get some money, the drive to want to wake up for school every morning. But thats just naming a few.
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