Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What am i missing?? Hell if i know, because i mean, COME ON!!, im only 16
The thing I'm lacking at the moment is the person who promised me that the would always care. Promised me that as long as i care, she would. Even through the hard times, even when i wasn't hers, and when she wasn't mine, we would care. It changed when i stopped waiting, and strayed across the line. I went to far from her, and she claimed me no more. I wish that it would go back to the way it used to be, and i know that's me being immature and selfish, but by God, i loved her. Sadly, it wont be that way anymore, so unfortunately, the thing im lacking is my best Friend.
Sorry, but were teenagers, and thats about the extent of what we feel we lack
Monday, March 29, 2010
"You are as evil as you let yourself be, asnd as good as you try to be"
"Spring time, for hitler"
Topic #8
What am I missing?
!42! Topic #8: I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing . . .
What is missing from your life?
What do you yourself lack?
What do you think is the biggest obstacle you deal with, or will have to deal with in the future? (This has to be something present, not something lacking -- you already said what you are lacking.) Explain why you think this is, or will be, an obstacle.
Any of these responses can be tangible, intangible, abstract, concrete, anything that comes to mind (As in, what is missing from my life is a PlayStation 3. What I lack is the patience and foresight to save money. My biggest obstacle is this foolhardy, superficial society we live in. Either that or freakin' teenagers.). They can NOT all be the same thing (As in, what is missing from my life is a car. What I myself lack is the ability to drive. The biggest obstacle is my lack of a car, which is an obstacle because it means I can't drive places.) Show some imagination and consideration, please.
Responses due by midnight Sunday. Or would that be Monday? How about by 11:59 pm, Sunday night.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Spring and Hormones
I love summer, because I love the heat. Need I say more?
I generally don't stereotype at all. I usually get to know each person as an individual. I do occasionally stereotype skater kids, because usually they fit the stereotype, but not always. Horribly, I stereotype Homosexual people. I really don't like them, because they bother my spirit. I'm not violent, although sometimes I imagine a homosexual holocaust and I was the leader. Other than that, my life isn.t really affected by stereotypes.
I could never tell you what my favorite song is. When I'm in a relationship, it's the "our song" of the relationship. I really cant decide on a favorite song, because there are just way too many.
My favorite Artist would have to be Blindeside, because their songs usually express how I am feeling. My favorite Genre though, would have to be A-Capella, because I love hearing voices entwine and complement each other.
LENT (Old English for Spring)
(Sigh. Spring break is over in ... two and a half hours and really don't feel like writing now.)
Topic 7
Topic 6
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Topics 2 - 7 because I'm really bad at remembering these.
Topic 2: Elements of...you.
When I'm reading a book, particularly one that I like and find interesting, I can get totally obsorbed in it, in all aspects of it. But I find that I get into it more when I can connect with the narrator or the main character. Especially when the story is written in their point of view.
Topic 3: Movies
I love movies. I don't go out to the movies that much, and I don't even really rent them that much, which makes me wonder how I see them all, but I do love them. My favorite kinds of movies are the ones that make me cry, or some other big response, because in my mind, if it's so good that it makes me cry, then it must be a really good movie. A really powerful one, right? Right. So that's probably why my all time favorite is Titanic. I can recite that movie word for word like it's nobody's business. After Titanic, in no particular order, there are:
Moulin Rouge
Pride & Prejudice (the 2005 version)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (don't judge me)
All Harry Potter movies (...enough said.)
Becoming Jane
Four Brothers (I don't know why I love wthis one so much, but I do.)
Sleeping Beauty (she's my favorite Disney princess)
and many more...
Also, another movie that I just saw in theatres is Remember Me. And I don't care if you hate Robert Pattinson and Twilight and blahblahblah, yeah I don't care. It was a really good movie. I read the script online before it was even casted, and I knew it was going to be good. The end made me bawl my eyes out and I loved it. And personally, I think Robert did a good job, so suck it.
Topic 4: Sports
Sports. All in all, I'm not really a sports girl myself. I played t-ball and softball until I was 12, I think, since I was 5, and I liked it, but I guess I just kind of grew out of it. Other things became more important to me. I tried Volleyball in Middle school, strictly B team, and yeah, I'm actually really glad I sucked at it. Look at how competitive and petty those girls get now? I know I'm friends with most of them, and they're fine most of the year, but come Volleyball season and watch out, because they get so crazy, I don't know how to describe it. Maybe that's stereotyping right there? I don't know. Sports in general are good, I think.. they keep us active and let people have fun while doing it. People come closer together during thir sports seasons and learn to work together. It teaches lessons, etc. So I think they are important.
Topic 5: Music
This was actually my first ever post. The questions we had to ask eachother? I asked what is your favorite song.. but I'll answer it again now.
The Scientist by Coldplay is my favorite song. I'm not a strict person when it comes to music preferences, not at all. My iTunes is chalkfull of pop, country, rap, indie, emo (although I really don't like this one, too much screaming for me), alternative, rock, etc. I think it's probably because when we got our computer fixed, every song ever on my computer, I mean EVER, showed up in my iTunes when we got it back. I didn't put half of the music on there. So I'm not picky, I'll listen to anything someone suggests. :)
Topic 6: Groups and Stereotypes
This is a tricky one...
If you're talking like, blonde hair blue eyes sort of thing, then yes, I suppose I'm in that group. But if I'm stupid because I have blonde hair and blue eyes? No, I don't think that I'm a stupid person. I think that at times, I can have my blonde moments, and I call them that, "blonde moments", so is that me stereotyping right there again? Probably. I'm not a jock, or a stoner, or a valleygirl, so I don't know... I don't hang out, or am friends with just one group of people. I am friends with the jocks, and the preps, and some stoners too. Doesn't mean I am just like any of them. I know that some of my friends are exactly like the stereotypes, and I know that some of them even try to be what they are expected to be. Or they see something on someone else, or that someone else is doing and try to be exacty like them. I'm aware that some people are exactly how they seem and some are the complete opposite, but none of this really tells me where I stand.
I guess I am in the "likes-to-wear-dresses/party-with-friends/spend-some-weekends-reading-the-whole-time/loves-babies-and-can't-wait-to-be-an-auntie" group. Anybody can join if they want!
Topic 7: Spring
I think that my favorite part of Spring is definitely Spring Break, and waking up to feed your cat Harry some food on the front porch and glancing over at the garden to see gorgeous tulips and daisies everywhere! I swear they weren't there yesterday and I love that. I grabbed my camera and took a bunch of pictures. Maybe it was last night's rain that brought them out? I also love the rain, and I'm not going to lie, I LOVE SPRING CLEANING! I love to clean, I love it. I am so excited for my dad to rent the carpet cleaner so I get to take EVERYTHING out of my room and go to town on that bitch. Oops, that really escaladed there... really got out of hand fast... My least favorite part is the fact that it means Winter is over... because Winter is my favorite season hands down. But anyways...
There. I'm all caught up. Now my grade had seriously go up or I am going to be severly mad... hahaha
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Seasons :)
Friday, March 19, 2010
spring break
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
topic 6 little late.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Horray spring means track!
Topic #7
My favorite season is Autumn, though we don't have much of one here. I love the color of the leaves and the not-too-warm, not-too-cold feel (except here, it's pretty cold).
Hmm not spring SUMMER
Well this is an easy one
When it comes to steriotyping other people i guess i mostly just don't care, and i try not to. I hate when people try to put me into groups so i try not to do it to other people.
Topic #6
Monday, March 15, 2010
Oh, the spring time
I was born in the spring, first of all. Plus, it's the time of year when the weather hasn't begun to need the air conditioners, and it's not too cold to the point where you need a thousand coats.
Spring always has the gentle breezes that makes me smile.
It's also a very optimistic month for me.
The moment that I can tell that Spring has arrived is when all the flowers are in bloom and every day makes you happy.
Oh, and I haven't been doing these posts lately, so I'm gonna answer #6.
I think most people think of me as all quiet and weird.
I wonder what people think about me.....
"I bet she has no life."
"She probably just talks to a fish all day with her loser friends..."
People always tend to stare at me, so I assume they think those sort of things.
I used to consider myself a nerd, but then I started to fail 3 classes....
I consider myself a loser, with not a whole lot of friends...
Come to think of it, I have...let's see.
Nina, Katie, Alana, Vetney, Allison, Jazmine.....
Yeah, not that many.
Anywho.....I don't care what people consider me, I just like to know just so I can laugh at them...
Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. Laugh at me. Most people do.
Spring! :)
topic 6
Commment on my Blog and tell me if you think I belong to a certain clique?

I love spring! One of my favorite things to do is go on runs right before all the trees have bloomed and then run every day after that until they have completely filled out. It's almost magical to see how much the trees change in just a few days. One of my favorite trees is the pink one on the corner of matzen where it turns onto columbia boulevard. My other favorites this year are on wildwood drive on the way home that are white with just a hint of pink to the petals. I also love all the flowers that come out today while my sister was driving me home from my grandparents hose, I saw a house with tulips and the daffodils that are white with bright orange centers. It was the most beautiful thing I had seen today.

Winter Kicks Spring's Butt
i dislike spring it brings many sneezes with it and they bother me greatly. and i can tell that spring is coming because my allergies act up and that is the main reason for despising spring.
that being said i really like winter because it is cold and dismal just the way i like it. it is a great excuse for staying inside and i love every minute of it.
It's the time of the season for....
As for my favorite season, I really love fall. The end of fall to be precise. I love the feeling in the air, everything seems closer. I don't really know how to describe it. Everything is silent and calm. It's time for everything to die. It's like the world is exhaling and then all the breath stops. There is a peace about it I love. Other than that, it opens up the ability for fireplaces and tea, which are two of my favorite things in the world. Event though fall is so cold, it feels warm. Maybe it's because the coldness of the air emphasizes the warm of everything else making it all the more special.
Now that I have been sappy enough to make you sick, I will quit talking.
'Tis the Season
my favorite season isn't really defined, because i like the weather in between summer and Fall because the weather is perfect, it means soccer, and that means FUN!!!
Topic #7:
A Prayer in Spring
by Robert Frost
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid-air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.
The thing i love about spring, is that it starts to look and feel like summer. i like seeing the flowers start to bloom and i especially like when it's warm out, but it's ouring down rain. That is my favorite.
My favorite season... that's hard. i like certain things about every season. In the winter, i love the snow. When there's no snow, i feel like there's no oint for winter. The spring brings all the flowers and rain. (i love rain) Summer is when you get to hang out with your friends and you don't have to worry about homework. You also get a tan. In the fall is my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving.
So i've come to the conclusion that i don't have a favorite season.
Topic #6: Cliques
Getting this out of the way. Right NOW
!42! Topic #7: Spring Is Sprung!
So let's talk about it.
What is your favorite part of spring? What moment shows YOU that spring has arrived?
Which is your favorite season? Why?
You may take extra time on this one, since we don't have school next week; feel free to procrastinate until the FOLLOWING Sunday, March 28. We will have Topic #8 on the day we come back from Spring Break.
As always, feel free to post any other conversation you'd like to have, particularly anything about the book.
My Turn.
First, my opinion on sports. I think this country would be better off with more cooperation and less competition, and I think sports teach almost nothing but competition. They teach you to desire victory over the enemy; they teach you contempt for those who are not as capable -- especially if it someone on your team who is holding you back -- and they teach you to push yourself to be The Best. Not one of a team, not part of a group -- The Best You Can Be. So that, in the rarest and most extreme cases, YOU can be the one with the millions of dollars, the endorsement deals, and the apparent immunity from the law that so many professional athletes enjoy. Oh -- and the top college athletes, too. The Oregon quarterback pleads guilty to burglary, and he gets suspended for a year? Excuse me? Where's the jail time? Where's the probation? And at the very least, why does he ever get to play again at all? Oh, that's right: because Michael Vick is back in the NFL. Athletes should be glad that Shoeless Joe Jackson is dead -- and they should fear Pete Rose. But they certanly don't need to fear the American people, because we'll just keep on lying down and showing them our bellies; professional athletes are the alpha dogs, and we are their b#$%hes.
What else about sports? Oh right: they take up far too much money and time -- do you know how much this country spends on maintaining freaking golf courses? How much water gets sprayed on them so that people can whack a ball with a stick? -- away from pursuits that are much, much better for you, pursuits that develop your skills,your body, AND your mind, which no sport on Earth does. Sports teach you to practice the same movement over and over and over again until it becomes automatic -- the entire goal of sports is to eliminate the need to think about what you're doing. Now, there is a sort of Zen beauty to that, which is the real positive side of sports; but that can be accomplished in so many other ways that sports aren't worth the downside. And as for exercise? Oh, please. Sports are bad for your body. Long-term athletes end up little better than crippled from all of the injuries -- other than the ones who have career-ending injuries, or simply end up dead (rare, but not unheard of -- and when was the last time someone was killed by reading a book?). Staying in shape is a good thing, but sports don't do that. They may offer a motivation for getting in shape, but it's the running, the training, and the weight-lifting that really get you in shape, and you could do those without sports.
Not to mention the fact that jocks are jerks. And no, not everybody who plays sports is a jock, by any means -- but those who are, are jerks. I have known almost no exceptions to this, and I've been around high school athletes as long as you people have been alive. Professional athletes are probably different; college athletes often are. But then again, maybe they're just bigger jerks.
Right: now on to my favorite music.
My favorite song is either "Opiate," by Tool, or "Little Wing," by Jimi Hendrix and remade by Stevie Ray Vaughan. There are hundreds of other songs which I like almost as much, of course, but those two are the greatest. Some of my other favorites are "Lachrymosa," from Mozart's Requiem, and "What a Wonderful World," by Louis Armstrong -- especially the Over The Rainbow remix by Izzy (Hawaiian last name I can't remember.), and others.
My favorite band is Tool, though I also have to give props to The Mighty Mighty Boss-Tones, the plaidest band in the world. My favorite single musical artist is Chris Cornell, because I love Soundgarden, and Audioslave, AND his solo work -- great singer, fantastic song writer, brilliant man.
My favorite genre of music is grunge/heavy metal -- meaning Metallica, Megadeth, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Staind, Godsmack, Shinedown, and occasionally some older metal like Iron Maiden. I hate both death-metal screaming and high-pitched wailing, though, so I don't particularly like Dio or Children of Bodom or their ilk. I love all good music, though, particularly music with good singing, since I'm a singer. I do like rap, though it has to be really, really good rap; I like some country music but not much -- I don't like the Southern twang in the vocals, so it has to be country with less of an accent for me to enjoy it. I like Johnny Cash, for instance -- though Nine Inch Nails did a much better version of "Hurt," in my opinion. That's a great song, too.
Lastly: my clique? I'm halfway between a rocker and a nerd. I look like a rocker -- or maybe an angry loner with a gun under his overcoat, but y'know, to-may-to, to-mah-to -- but I think like a nerd. I love video games, reading, playing D&D; I am obsessive about homework and schoolwork and my writing; I prefer to be by myself and hate parties and partying and attention; I love Monty Python and Weird Al Yankovic and Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Then most frequent mistake others make about me is the drug thing; it comes from the rocker appearance, and the fact that I know the slang terms -- like Mary Jane, which is another word for Marijuana. In actuality, I have little more than contempt for drugs, since they make you stupid and then they make you dead, and I'd rather not be either one of those things. I don't really mind the misconception any more; I think it more funny than upsetting.
I do stereotype people, but never by race or gender. I stereotype based on appearance, mostly based on the things people want to be judged by - when you dress like a gangster, I will tend to think of you as a gangster. Or, if you're a teenager in St. Helens, as kind of an idiot. But I've known far too many people who break stereotypes, and been one myself for far too long, to judge people in any way other than the behavior they show me.
There. That's better.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I can honestly say that I have been avoiding this topic all week.
4, 5, and 6 A little late :/
Sports! I personally love sports. I think they are a fun way to exercise and socialize with other people. Sure sports aren't for some people, which is okay, but when you play sports you're with people who have that in common with you. That goes for any school activity that you like to do. I also like watching sports, like football games, basketball games, and well, anything! I also like the Olympics, but only some events. I personally like the summer Olympics better than the winter, but both are good. It's fun to watch people who are amazing at what they do. Personally I love volleyball, but I like playing many other sports such as soccer, football, and basketball, even though I'm the worst basketball player ever. Either way, sports are fun competitively and non competitively.
Topic 6:
Groups and cliques. I don't really think our high school is that bad with this. Of course we have some groups, but I think everyone talks to who they want to talk to. Or at least I do. I'm not really a fan of all the clique drama and stuff and I don't get involved with any of that, but to me it's a part of high school and something that will make you appreciate college a lot more. Honestly I don't think that because you don't necessarily hangout with someone outside of your school that you can't be friends with them. That's how I look at it. I think that if people have certain cliques and groups and have that whole "I'm better than everyone but my friends" attitude, then they are judging people for no reason. Of course that's going to happen at this age, but not with me, I know that for sure. The way I look at it is that everyone is on good terms with me until you do something to really hurt my feelings or i guess hurt me in general. haha.
Topic 5:
Music. I love music, and I think that music is probably one of the best things on this planet! I find it amazing that music can alter your mood, and connect with people. Sometimes I try to think what the world would be like without it. EVERYTHING would be altered. Commercials, no radio, No ipods or stereos, any of that. I can't imagine anything without music. Music is so important. I heard someone say one time that music is like their meth which is ironic because meth releases the chemical in your brain that you get when you listen to a song you really like and feel like you have to repeat it... But that's kind of off topic, so I'll just continue. I think that I appreciate different things in different styles of music and I love that music is so diverse and can be anything you want it to be. I find if funny looking back at music and seeing how much it's changed and I wonder how it will be generations from now. I wonder what crazy music I'll tell my kids to turn off because I can't stand. It's kind of exciting to look forward to.
groups and cliques and lame labels
Cliques, stereotypes, groups, who really cares?
Other than these I don't know of any stereotypes that I fit in. People don't often tell me what they think of me except Tyler calls me a genius, and Eldon calls me a hacker (jokingly. I like to mess around with the source of computer games) and Sadie Masterson calls me poindexter. (semi-jokingly. I proved her wrong in math class)
Ι don't think that I generally steriotype people, nor do I think it good to. If you tell people what group you think that they fit in you either get called rasist, a jerk, or both. I also noticed that the more I get to know someone (generally) the less prone I am to stereotype them.
Topic #5 Late.
Topic #4 is really late.
Topic #6: Groups
On the topic of labeling others, I tend (or try) not to do this. You can never, ever, predetermine what someone's personality will be. When I do add others to a social group without hearing it from them firsthand, it's normally convenient (I hope), though I will not deny that I have put people into potentially harmful stereotypes.
Cliquetastical Funness
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Topic 6
steriotipical stereotyper
i dont really like to judge other people but i do. when i walk down the street and i see someone i judge them. you may think "oh.. bad amanda" but we all do it.
stereotypical stereotyper
you see everyone around you
you know the basics
you don't care to know more
so you leave as is
and stereotype
you stereotype yourself
not for who you are
but someone better
you think your perfect
but your not
no one is
we all do it
it can't be helped
but it can
we can start
looking at people differently
we can change
the monsters we've created
within ourselves
we can listen
Friday, March 12, 2010
topic 6
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I can remember 7th grade. I can remember that everday during lunch, I would sit at the very end of a table, usually one closest to the middle of the Cafeteria, and eat my lunch that my mother so diligently packed for me... Alone. I didn't have friends. My last name was Hooker. This happened until half-way through the year, where, through the insistence of one of my teachers, I met some people, my friends still, today. Cole Charbonneau, his twin Will, and Nate Swearingen.
At this time (7th grade) I was most probably classified(by others) as a "Quiet Kid" a "Nerd(or geek, whichever you prefer* and *HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA HIS LAST NAMES HOOKER, LAUGH AT HIM!!!!!!*(sorry, that hurt back then, I couldn't care less now).
Anyways, through the influence of my new found friends, I became interested in things such as Band(in which I now play the Alto Sax for Concert Band).
While my friends have gotten me interested in new things(which is good). I have always been running. I love to run. I've been running in Cross Country/ Track since 4th grade. Its fun.
So, if I were to choose stereotypes that I fit in it would probably be
"Crazy"(I like running, so sometimes Im told that, but oh well)
"Loner"(I still am sometimes)
I sometimes stereotype people often(or did). I have found that my views on people have changed, because, everyone is changing all the time. I have for, I don't know, two and a half years been out of the presence of many people that formerly, I did not like for one reason or another, and often find that I can talk to them easily, and I believe, even come to like and befriend them, If I took the effort to.
One thing Im having a little trouble grasping is this however;
Who decides what actions or looks go to which specific stereotype? Who would want to?
Who decides who fits what stereotype? One person might say person "A" fits in one stereotype, but another might say that they fit into another.
Can somebody fit into one stereotype? Or can they fit into two, or three?
As I wrote these questions, I came to one conclusion. Everyone is different. Everyone. Therefore, could we not have, if someone can only fit into one stereotype, almost seven billion (7,000,000,000) different stereotypes?
Topic #5; Music
My favorite artist is Brad Paisley
The genres are country and rock
Topic #4: sports
I don't think everyone should like sports, because sports aren't for everybody. A lot of people enjoy the physical activity, like i do, but others would rather read and hang out with friends which is okay in my book.
Just because you don't play a sport doesn't mean you are lazy. I hate when people say that.
Topic #3: late
Some of my favorite movies are Grease, Alladin, Lucky Number Slevin, and Troy.
I grew up watching Grease, so i've loved that movie since i was about four. i know all the words to every song and i can say most of the lines.
Alladin is my favorite disney movie, i'm not sure why, i think it's because i used to watch it all the time with my brothers.
Lucky Number Slevin came out a few years ago and it confused the heck out of me the first time i watched it, but after that i loved it. And Troy because it has a lot of action and it's set in the roman times.
Cliquety Clique
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Me, A stereotype? Bah, im a somber, sad, passionate kid
So, Ive tried to come up with a list of things that describe me, and this is pretty much what i got.
-Im a heavy thinker
-Im extraordinarily passionate
-Im empathetic
-Im usually sad
-I have a sad aura (make others kinda down)
-I believe in myself.
-I love school
-sports make me miserable, and happy at the same time.
-I love Books
-I love to write.
-I bring as much as i can to all classes
-I love hard, and fell hard
-I am not religious, at all
-I dont like people.
-I dont like stereotypes
-I dont compromise, EVER
-I want to be a Teacher
-I love Europe, especially Ireland.
-I want to be successful in my own eyes.
-I want to know who i am, and be that wonderful person everyone says that they see. I want to love myself, as much as i love the people who mean something to me.
So, i dont think that you could successfully place me in a "stereotype", because i refuse to be put in one. I think that in my honest opinion, no one EVER fits a stereotype, we fit ourselves to them.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sooo Stereotypical.
So basically you're assumption of what or who a person is without ever really knowing them. Something sound wrong with that at all? Example: When someone walks up to you that you don't even know and asks you, Why are you emo? One-why would you assume that? Is it because of what I'm wearing? Why do you automatically assume that because I'm wearing what I'm wearing that I'm "emo", why I quite possibly could have been wearing clothes from the latest line of American Eagle yesterday. Does that make me a prep? Two- Does it matter? Will it change your life any more to shove me into any of your specific 'categories', that you insist on having, why? Three: What you wear doesn't apply directly to who you are. The true meaning of 'emo' is short for emotional. Which has been stereotyped into dressing in scene,punk, or gothic style clothing, and or cutting oneself.
I have been asked that before, which is why I brought that particular example up. I may have fit it's stereotypical description briefly, but that's psychotic, not emo. I know thats only one form of stereotyping but that's really what irks me in a horrible infuriating way is when someone takes the stereotype and applies it to someone who fits it, just based off how they look.
I will not put myself into any specific category, I wear all styles of clothing, though I favour hot topic's selection. I wear things that I like and I dont have a particular style. I don't hang out in any particular group of people. Before I had a boyfriend I would bounce around between groups of people or walk around school alone. Alone most of the time though.
There are some types of stereotyping that are necessary, like walking around town and the man or group of men that seems to act strange and you think he/they look(s) dangerous is the good kind. It keeps you out of danger.
All I'm trying to say is that the over the top stereotypical assumptions are wrong, and that I think group stereotypes like preps jocks and all that jazz is crap. Simple conceptions of a person, like 'her smile is nice I think she must be a very friendly person' or he seems like he's a really quiet person' are ok...we do these naturally to pick out the people we want to be friends with.
cinco--un poco tarde
My favourite band is Evanescence, and I can't wait for their long awaited new album to come out October 2010.
According to my ipod..the genre I download most from is alternative, so I suppose that that is my favourite genre.
Topic 4 late
sports-competitive activities in which you require skills that you will not need for life besides learning to work with or yell at fellow human beings.
Take it on the Run
I can listen to REO Speedwagon over and over and over and over and ... again without getting tired of it. I know this for a fact because my dad had one of their albums and played in the garage 24/7 along with a couple other albums by another artist, and I was in the garage often for long periods of time and constantly had their songs stuck in my head. However, I still like them more than ever...
My top three:
"Layla" by Derek and the Dominos
"Take it on the Run" by REO Speedwagon
"Keep on Loving You" by REO Speedwagon
Eldon R.
I know i stereotype a lot, but it's to people i don't really know at all. I also label people i do know, but I don't think that's stereotyping, it's just callin' 'em how I see 'em.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Eye em te redneek.
!42! Topic #6: Groups
At any rate, I realize that this is a difficult topic, and one that requires some real self- analysis, but I do want you to give it a genuine attempt.
What clique do you belong to? What stereotypes do you match? It may be enough if you simply appear to match the stereotypes, since much of this comes from how others perceive us, but it can be very interesting to see who actually does fit the categories.
If others perceive you/refer to you as matching a stereotype, if others put you into a clique, do you think it is at all accurate, or is it simply stuff and nonsense? Do stereotypes affect you at all? Do they harm or inconvenience you? (Try to think about all stereotypes: those of race, gender, and age, as well as those of social group and so forth.)
Lastly, in what ways do you tend to stereotype other people? Are your stereotypes, in your opinion, harmful or simply convenient?
Every night I see you standing on the corner Shaking that thing like you're playing Pop Warner
Just in case their wondering
They've got us pinned terribly
They don't believe our love is real
Cause they don't know how real love feels
You should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my heart's about burst
Into a thousand pieces
Oh it must be true
And They'll believe us to soon
Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, our love is true
They may say some awful things
But there's no point in listening
Your words are the only words
That I believe in afterwards.
You should know it's true
Just now, the part about my love for you
And how my heart's about burst
Into a thousand pieces
Oh it must be true
And They'll believe us to soon
Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, our love is true
It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true
Oh oh oh
It's true
Whoa oh oh
Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, it's fact
That our love is true
The way black is black
And blue is just blue
My love is true
It's a matter of fact
Oh, and you love me too
It's as simple as that
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact
Our love is true
Baby, it's fact
Baby, it's fact
Our love
Our love is true
its amazingness!
i don't actually have a specific genre of music that i like, basically it's whatever sounds awesome to me
soccer, soccer, soccer
i luv my movies
2. alice in wonderland, i actually ducked while watching it in 3-D
3. what's a "boy- flick"
4. I like all chick flicks so i cant really pick one
5. "lifes like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get" -Forest Gump
6. 101 dalmations, remember one day during winter break i watched it about 7 times in one day ... it was soo fun. i almost know all the lines... and i noticed some little details like when they turn off the t.v. the guy on the television maks a :O face
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Mr. Humphrey
Music :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Sports.... 'lil late
Friday, March 5, 2010
Marching band IS a sport
People seem to think that marching band is not a sport and we just walk around a field playing, but in actuallity with the hours and intence physical demand it is a LOT harder then other "sports". One of the things i bring up is " WE have daily doubles and have to run a lot!" That of course is an INCREDIBLY easy thing to counter, durring band camp we have 12 hour days with only 2 hours of breaks! This lasts for 2 weeks in the burning sun. Last year we marched for 3 hours in 107 degree wheather. Another thing people seem to think is that marching is easy...trust me IT"S NOT!! Any one who is not in band i would like to see them try to march and end up failing terribly.
UGH well thats all the time i have to talk about this but be sure you know that i have a LOT more oppinions on this subject and would love to sit down and talk to anyone who thinks it's easy!
Topic 3 also late blah!
"Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone..." It really feels exactly how i feel about my dad dying.
Topic.. wow didnt realize how behind i was... :(
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Topic 5, Music.
Favorite groups/artists:
Pink Floyd
Simon & Garfunkel
Lou Reed
Iggy Pop
The Velvet Underground
Bob Dylan
Rolling Stones
David Bowie
I could go on and on. Music is such a huge part of who I am. ( *shudders* So....cliche)
And of course, everyone knows I love love love The Beatles. That's no surprise.
As for a favorite song...no way could I pick one, that would kill me.
Voice of Truth
-I don't really have any other FAVORITE songs but i do have favorite bands (not in any particular order):
1)Casting Crowns
2)Group One Crew
3)Steller Kart
7)Van Halen
8)Bon Jovi
those are only a few of them
-Favorite Genre:
Christian Rock
70's & 80's Rock
Topic #5: Music
If I do listen to pop, however, I listen to the 2000-2007-type stuff, rather than music today.
I listen to Matchbox 20, Imogen Heap (who is not that old, but I like them), Before Their Eyes (no idea who they were until Christmas), Breaking Benjamin, and others.
My favorite song right now (sad to say that Mr. Zmolek introduced the class to it) is the CD version of Hallelujah by the Canadian Tenors. Some people might recognize the song as being in Shrek, but sung by Rufus Wainwright.
Tyler's Music
List of my favorite artists and albums i listen to;
Avenged Sevenfold (REST IN PEACE JIMMY)
-Sounding the Seventh Trumpet
-Waking the Fallen (Second Heartbeat**, Unholy Confessions, and Chapter Four)
-City of Evil
- Self Titled (Least Favorite)
For Blood and Empire
The Bright Lights of America (was during my "into the wild" obsession, Thanks Nick)
Bad Religion
-The empire strikes back
Cky (Favorite Band)
-Camp Kill Yourself Vol.1 (96 Quite Bitter Beings**)
-Infiltrate - Destroy - Rebuild (Escape from Hellveiw***, Sink into the Underground***)
-Carver City (Hellions on Parade)
-Self Titled Album (Cassie, Sorrow, All around me***, I'm So Sick)
Flogging Molly
-Drunken Lullabies (The Son never Shines on Closed Doors***, Rare Ould Times)
-Swagger (Salty dog, Selfish Man, The Likes Of You Again, Black Friday Rule!***)
The Fray
-How To Save a Life (Vienna**, Hundred, How to Save a Life*, Heaven Forbid)
Hollywood Undead! fairly new 2008
-Swan Songs (The whole effing album! Paradise Lost**, N.5, Young**, The Diary**)
Jack Johnson
-In Between Dreams (Breakdown, Banana Pancakes, Do you Remember?*)
-Sleep through the Static (Sleep through the Static*, Angel, Same Girl, If I Had Eyes)
Kid Cudi (very new)
-Man on The Moon (Soundtrack 2 My Life, Day 'n' Night)
Linkin Park
-Meteora (Numb, Figure 8, Breaking a Habit)
-Minutes To Midnight (The Little Things Give You Away**, What Ive done*)
-Hybrid Theory (In the End*, Papercut***)
My Chemical Romance
-Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge (Helena, I'm Not Okay (I Promise), The Ghost Of You***)
-The Black Parade (Welcome to the Black Parade, Dead!, Famous Last Words, Mama)
-Riot (Hallelujah, When it Rains)
Rise Against- This Band is extraordinarily special to me. Their music has continued to heal, entertain, and move me over the years, and my love for them is as strong as it was back when it was just me and Pat.
-The Unraveling (Everchanging, Six Ways 'Til Sunday, Reception Fades)
-Revolutions Per Minute (Like the Angel, Black Masks and Gasoline, To The Core, Torches)
Siren Song of The Counter Culture (Swing Life Away*****, State of the Union, Blood to Bleed, To Them These Streets Belong, Dancing For Rain)
The Sufferer & The Witness - My Favorite Album by any band. Ive listened to every song hundreds of times, and for three years and it still isn't Old.
Songs for The Sufferer & The Witness
Chamber the Cartridge
Injection (Best Song when your lost)
Ready to Fall (best song when your ready to give up)
Bricks (when you wanna break shit)
Under the Knife
Prayer Of The Refugee (When you need a reason to Hate)
Drones (describes my feelings for this school)
The Approaching Curve (beautifully written, and I have a personal connection)
Worth Dying For (Motavational, makes you want to stop evil-Its a challenge to God)
Behind Closed Doors (my Favorite song of any album. Very personal connection)
Roadside (makes me cry. So true)
The Good Left Undone (reminds me that im still human, and that i dream that im drowning in an ocean, and angels arnt the kind with Halos, but the kind that bring you home, when home becomes a strange place, so i shout it out)
Survive (We all are creatures of Survival)
Appeal to Reason - A let down after an amazing Album, but still good none the less
(Savior, Re-Education (Through Labor) From Heads Unworthy)
Tech N9ne - Very new
Everready (Caribou Lou , Riot Maker)
Sickology 101 (Sickology 101, Dysfunctional, Red Nose- Favorite Tech song)
Three Days Grace
One X
It's All Over
Animal I Have Become
Never To Late
On My Own
Get Out Alive
Let It Die
Over And Over- Personal Connection
Time Of Dying
Gone Forever
One X
Thats about it. I love my music, and it moves me. Always. Else, i wouldnt care for it.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
favorite band: the clash
favorite genre: punk/alternative
I love music so much, i practically can't survive the school day without listening to music. it just helps me drown out all the annoying obnoxious noise. i'm not a musical talented, i have never played a instrument, can't, and don't want to, i just listen to it. i listen to punk a lot because i like what they sing about and stand for. political punk bands are always fun to listen to. it can get me pumped up, or some of it can relax me. i'm going to put a list of all the bands i listen to.
agent orange
bad religion
blink 182
choking victim
citizen fish
the clash
cock sparrer
dead kennedys
del the funky homosapian
dropkick murpheys
eddie vedder
the exploited
flogging molly
joy division
the libertines
leftover crack
mindless self indulgence
the misfits
nine inch nails
operation ivy
rise against
the velvet underground
the adicts
social distortion
against me
bad brains
the ramones
sham 69
stiff little fingers
street dogs
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I guess my favorite genre is rock, but I like most kinds of music, except for country.
I don't really have a favorite song, mostly because whenever I find a song I really like, I overplay it until I'm completely sick of it. But if I had to pick, I think I would say California by Hawk Nelson.
# 5
Well, My favorite song is "More than a Feeling" by Boston. This song, well it makes me think. I have been able to listen to it many times in a row, and not get tired of it(this is why its my favorite song, among other reasons).
Im not sure who my favorite Band is at the moment, though if it were purely by a point basis(and only ranks 1-10 get points) then it would be Boston, because every one of my 'top ten' favorite songs are from different Bands.
I couldn't say what my favorite Genre of music is, though I have what I call it, others would call it something else.
By the way Elvis Presley was not the "King of Rock 'n Roll"
My favorite musical male artist is Jason Aldean and for musical female artist is Miranda Lambert. I like these artists because I like the beat that goes to there songs and there voices. They have nice up beat songs that are easy to get a foot tapping going or a head nodding and they also have slower songs that can be calming and relaxing.
If you cant already tell my favorite genre of music is Country. I grew up to country. I also think that country is better then rap and hip hop or hard metal because most of the messages that come from the country songs are about life. And usually the messages that come from hip hop or r&b is all about how the girls has nice butts or sex and drugs. I am not really into that, I still listen to it sometimes but its not my favorite.
but i don't really pay attention to music so i would have to say the only "music" i listen to is electronic IE techno and dance club mix type stuff
the reason behind this is because it sounds weird and gets me pumped for some reason and i can fall asleep to it other than that music is just something in the background to me
Just realized that I ate all of my mum's Ben and Jerry's. Shoot.
My favorite song... That's difficult. Okay... For lyrics, I love "Werewolf" by CocoRosie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51K4cUTuvc0
For music, I love "On The Bus Mall" by The Decemberists.
For both? Well... Probably "Those You've Known" from the musical Spring Awakening. I love all of the music from that show though...
If you want to watch this vid, watch the entire thing, so you can understand the song which starts about have way through. Wendla is played by the female (who has died), the male from the begining is Melchoir (who is still alive) and the boy who enters second is Moritz(who has died.) It's crazy. I want to perform it next year at Acting competition. I just need decent boy singers. haha
My favorite genre is plainly put, indie. I also enjoy acoustic and alternative.
Music is not people lives! Just a part of it
My favorite band is definitely The Beatles. I like them so much because they were so influential and (most of) their songs have meaning and feeling.
And lastly, my favorite genre of music is either rock, alternative, or metal because, to me, those kinds of music make me feel kinda empowered lol
My favorite song is Amazed by Lonestar because it makes me feel like everything is at peace, i can sit in my room with no ease or intrruptions when i listen to that song... My favorite musical artist i cant really say who my favorite artist is, i thought hard about this one and i just cant name anyone, but i think for me some artist have amazing voices and lyrics that i really like but i dont have a favorite artist. My favorite genre would be the 80's and 90's cause its just better....
Monday, March 1, 2010
!42! Topic #5: Music
Humphrey's New Topic for the week
I know i posted it, but im his TA for seventh peroid, and im being productive.
Because I realized a student already asked for this topic, I'm going to give him preference. We will get to the other fun topics in the weeks ahead.
So for this week:
What is your favorite song?
Who is your favorite musical artist?
What is your favorite genre of music?
Defend all of your choices with something more than "Cuz I likes it" please.
Got tired of waiting for it to appear on our blog, so i copy and pasted it to ours.--Link